It has to do with the bell curve. It’s not as high as people think it is, sitting at slightly above average, and many of the issues of gold are still present in platinum.
It could also imply that they were boosted, which is something else that is against the TOS
Exactly. Either they should be banned, or they should be banned
Though, it should be mentioned that a lot of new players are placed gold, only to fall to bronze. There should be more in place than just that, and initial placements should be done in a different manner
although i invite more discussion about it, i would like to remind people its not just about punishing people for hanging out in low elo. I THINK if we only talk about punishment, no one will want to get punished and no one will want to stop the madness. I THINK we should we should also talk about ways to make the system more rewarding for people that only play one account
I’m sorry, even if we’re talking about unrealistic, pie in the sky solutions I can’t think of any. I’m not very creative.
The dev team are pretty damn smart, though. So I suspect they’ve dreamed up solutions but when they thought about the implementation decided they wouldn’t work or would change the game in a way they don’t want to.
Seriously, one of the biggest issues in low tiers is people not playing to win getting carried by performance stats even though they spend most of their games soft-throwing.
Every design decision the Competitive Overwatch devs have made has been a stream of iterative mistakes made by several other companies since multiplayer competitive games have existed. The SR design flip-flopping, mistakes in Overtime mechanics, comp points having no value still yet, personal performance being factored into your rank, a lack of leaderboard or personal stats, releasing vastly overpowered characters in the middle of a season, etc. are all things that have been questioned/occurred in popular titles such as League of Legends and World of Warcraft PvP.
For whatever reason, the Overwatch Competitive team thinks they can reinvent the wheel, but all they have done is stumble over the same mistakes others have made without improving anything. Overwatch is basically being designed in a bubble by devs who largely ignore social media (sans SJW topics) and its own ESports athletes until sales get so poor they are forced to act. How Brig and Doomfist were released in their original states is so far above and beyond anything remotely imaginable that it makes me actively question if this game will survive past 2020.
I stopped playing Overwatch for literally 2 full years, came back and immediately queued into Comp mode and made Plat 1 in a couple hours with a 65% winrate. Unless you’re playing hit-scan characters, the skill-cap in this game is on the far low-end. Beyond OP Brig and DF (at that time), the game basically hadn’t changed whatsoever. Picks and meta were the same, maps were largely irrelevant, modes were the same. The Overwatch “community” also hadn’t changed, complaining about the same trivial nonsense of “trolls, smurfs, grievers, toxic people are in EVERY game” and “voice chat is ALWAYS toxic”. I experienced 0 trolls/leavers/smurfs in my Gold/Plat games, and I had no problems using voice chat to coordinate my plays.
It’s alarming to me how people aren’t actively up in-arms, demanding the OW devs actually improve the game instead of phoning it in for OWL, and still waste hundreds upon hundreds of man-hours posting in the forums and Reddit about the fantasy that is ELO-hell and making excuses about there’s no way to improve yourself despite having dozens of tools available to you. In the year 2019, you can literally watch Youtube for 2 hours on OW tutorials, practice for an hour in-game, then jump into Comp and easily start winning games; I guess it’s a lot easier to jump in the forums and complain than do the work.
You’ll still climb despite those stupid teammates if you’re good.
I’ve done bronze to plat as mercy, arguably the hardest support to carry as.
Your friend needs to accept that they’re not good enough to climb solo
I had a scrim with masters and did good, doesn’t mean I’m a masters player, my team just carried my trash plays.
That is a pretty good call.
Which wouldn’t have gotten you banned. You would have needed to drop to silver…
And how they are go na improve if you will keep telling them how good they are. People need to her honest truth so they can improve. But you can surely tell others what to improve, not just tell them how bad they are.
Normally people at my rank don’t complain about throwers and smurfs making them not climb:
It makes the game very un-fun to play, even if they’re happy with what rank they are.
personally i dont want them to fix the problems so that i can climb, i want them to fix the problems cause the community is toxic. when i first started playing i could play 10 games in a row with duos on each team taking turns throwing and headshotting everyone with Widow/Hanzo or Genji/Mercy 2v6ing the entire team. a string of games with and against the same duo’s that start a game with ‘ninjagear is throwing’ while they are afk in spawn cause i called them out in voice. does it happen every time i play? NO. i learned that these people play primarily during the daytime, and have learned to avoid them. but i know they are still there scaring new customers off.
the changes i think that Dev have not tried yet are twofold:
- league made a role system in their game. people in the forums screamed up and down that it was not gunna fix the problems, but it really did help to combat them (it went from ‘mid or troll’ in about 1/3 the games to that same statement rarely being seen at all). i also notice that league has 3 major queues: blind, draft and ranked. i understand why OW devs dont want to split the queues further, but i think they should, and im not alone on this.
- Fortnite charges for seasons passes, and i think the addition of this feature as well, in combination with temp bans and better season rewards, would greatly improve the communities engagement with each other.
In bronze/silver I’d assume The best way to handled Pharah would be D. Va, Zenyatta, Soldier (mccree is better IF The dps have ok aim which again in those ranks only would happen IF getting a smurf or a genuine OW newbie that comes from another fps like cs, quake etc. and being high skilled).
When facing some heroes like pharah you often need to adapt The comp as a whole and not only rely on a one-one counter-picking.
If they actually did, they would climb out of lower SR. Sad but true, they did not hold their own, they got carried by the higher SR players on said teams.
Now I don’t hate lower SR players or think they’re ‘‘less worthy’’ or something silly like that. I do dislike the attitude that is especially popular in lower SR that a) only your team is bad b) there’s throwing/smurfs/hackers in every game c) it’s never your own fault, it’s elohell and the guy in bronze should be top500! No, no, no, no and no. Feeding into this sort of mindset doesn’t do any good. Countless players have gradually improved and climbed in SR+ranks, and everyone can do it as soon as they stop playing the blame game.
Bruh 2600 is literally like 300 SR above average. That’s nothing. Players are normally distributed across the ranks. There’s a ton of people in the bottom 4 ranks, and significantly less in the top 3. Plat and below makes up 86% of the population. 2600 is probably around the 65th percentile which is nothing.
TBF, I doubt many people find it worth making a bug fuss about gaming when there are so many other real life issues to deal with. Might as well quietly walk away to better companies and/or forms of entertainment.
“I can kill four of the enemy team and watch 5 of my teammates die to a soldier and a sombra.”
the thing is that if they did this for half the teamfights they had for 5 games, they would climb. They aren’t stuck because of the pain of the lower ranks. their statements are true, but if they are actually performing well they go up over time. Also every player I’ve met hard stuck in lower ranks has 1-2 characters they are average at and 7 characters they flex to where they have dozens of hours of nonstop feeding.
In order to improve at 7 characters to bridge the 200-300 SR difference between their offcharacters and their mains, they will probably need about 40 hours on that character in gold. that’s 280 hours to bring their flex up to the level where they will not be blocked from climbing due to feeding. That’s not even to get higher on the ladder, more than anything it just will add consistency to their SR value.
Anyway, all these players also don’t even have 280 hours on their main character yet. So really they are the ones holding themselves back by a desire to flex. The higher you go the better it is if you can flex, but the time investments necessary to make flexing worth it is just ridiculous if you have a job or are busy with school.
just pray for a role queue soon
Not necessarilly. Sometimes if the player’s deficiency is game sense rather than mechanics they can hold their own in higher ranks because they can use the gamesense of their team mates. The better team know when to push the enemy deep and when not to, for instance. At the lower level (their actual SR) they need to be the one making those decisions if they want to climb rather than just doing what the rest of their team does.