You just wrote it yourself. Plat is just above average. At worst that could be considered mid-range. “Low” is a relative term. You could say that plat is “lower” than GM, sure. But “low” just by itself implies relative to the whole population. Plat is overall not low.
It’s funny you think low plat is “high rank,” people don’t have any more game sense in plat than in gold or silver, they just have better aim. Also if you think you are stuck in silver and bronze, that’s because you aren’t good enough to climb higher. That’s all. Same with any other rank.
I never said plat was high. I said it wasn’t low. I think it’s slightly above average…which I don’t think can be argued against.
I strongly disagree with that. My DPS account is gold and my tank/supoprt account is high-plat / low-diamond and there is very clearly a difference between gold and plat game sense.
Kind of thought I was settled into gold/silver until things spiralled out of control. Now firmly entrenched in Bronze. Been playing since season 1. I am too old to play much beyond support characters. I know that I have room for improvement, but I will never be able to carry a team that is not doing anything cohesively. Factor in that five of my last 10 games had either smurfs ( Genji with 90 kills) , derankers ie…people suiciding off the map or dancing directly in front of their spawn in them. At this point I don’t care about climbing, I want to have fun and of course win, but the deck is literally stacked against you. It’s like being on fire and yelling for help and bystanders screaming back " you’re can’t be on fire because I don’t feel anything." My profile is unlocked.
Umm… No.
I have ONE account for PC Overwatch that I play, and try to raise the rank of. Before role queue, I was able to climb to 2700 by flexing… most of the time I would play Support, followed by Tank. Rarely would I play DPS. Role queue came out, I enjoyed it so far… but I was surprised that my Tank rank is hard stuck between 2000-2200, while my Support role is 2500-2700. But I barely play Support right now because I want my Tank rank to climb.
I played 14 games this morning as Tank. Game one, I won. Game two, a guy threw. Game three, a guy disconnected for three minutes. Game four, smurf accounts. Game five? I may win! Someone quits from the other team and voids out the game. I lost maybe two legitimate games, the rest of them were people throwing and/or disconnecting, and I will say, a handful of smurf games.
How can I stop any of this? How can I “git gud” when told to, and told that’s my problem, when this game IS NOT designed to be a one man army style… I’ve gone 4v1 in Rainbow Six and won, I’ve carried in Halo back in the day, I’ve dominated in Call of Duty–Overwatch is not any of those, and for the most part requires teamwork. You may have certain characters where, if everyone had the same level of skill, could take a 2v1, but I can’t think of any besides a Mei or Lucio that can stall–not even win, just stall–in a 1v3+.
I’d love to hear your take, or anyone’s take on a smurf account not having anything to do with holding others back on economics.
The reality of overwatch is a sad one. The reality is you have to be a tier higher in skill minimum to have any hope of carrying to the degree required to climb a tier. What happens when you’re a solid gold player or a solid platinum? You stay within that rank or you drop due to the factors you stated that are outside of your control and it’s unfortunate. Let’s face it, reality is not everyone will ever have diamond level skill. Not everyone will ever have platinum level of skill, so it begs the question. How does someone that will only ever have gold level of skill manage to have fun on the game littered with throwers, smurfs etc etc? They mostly don’t especially when the game is so carry centric. The game was intended to be team centric and not carry centric but that’s not the reality of the game at all.
They blame them for terrible games not their inability to climb. People always try to make it about climbing to avoid having to discuss what makes people upset in this game.
Recently started tanking and my tank SR is terrible compared to my support SR.
it’s been eye opening how bad low silver is. about half the games have had leavers on one team or the other.
trying to communicate rarely works.
combine that with the obvious mistakes i’m making in a role i’m not experienced or good at and it is hard to not get tilted.
i’ll climb out though.
lastly … at this level being penalized for a win when the enemy team has a leaver is UBER frustrating. had a win earlier award 10SR due to a leaver on the other team. next win gave 27. thats REALLY crappy.
plat is also a lower rank… not like bronze/silver don’t act like you’re pro
Plat and gold are mid rank. They’re not low rank.
haha i remember this thread. the troll op is a thing of beauty.
I don’t like the matchmaker, but it’s because I have to face diamond players while sitting around 2600. Until I reach 2800+, I should face my fellow plats.
It’s not the reason I can’t climb, but it does make climbing more difficult that it needs to be.
One smurfs are a problem. They do need to be dealt with and removed.
Two people take too much pride in rank. Improving your rank does not mean improving at the game.
Three scrims are a better way to improve at the game.
I will use sypher pk as an example professional fortnite player. In plat. Put him in a masters game even without him climbing there he will pop off. Just on his aim alone. You can say the same for shroud. There are players at lower ranks that are more mechanically gifted than you are.
First of all, they blame anything else but them very often. If someone is in bronze, his skill is bronze, its not blaming, its reality.
Omg its 1 year old topic, why do you people revive it…
Seems like quite a few topics have been necro-ed but in a way, it is better to continue an existing thread than creating a new one especially if the topic is relevant. It does help to review the history of how things may have changed or not.
To be fair, i have only been met with polite replies to the point of being courteous by many of the senior forum members and players whose SR are higher than mine (which would be almost everyone because i am playing in Bronze at the moment).
I had also made asked a similar question back in Aug 2018 and the replies are very telling:
So no, not necessarily.
However, i do applaud the fact that the Thread Starter, NotASmurf had been kind enough to point out that many other players had been less than cordial in their replies and tone to less skilled players.
‘git gud’ is just a way of insulting someone. Nobody WANTS to be bad. Everyone WANTS to improve. But for some of us, it’s simply not possible. There is nothing on this earth that could make me improve even in the SLIGHTEST amount. I am literally the worst player on the planet and have NO CHANCE of getting better. I’ve tried every method there is and NOTHING works.
It’s more a way of sarcastically responding to the “I’m already good enough but my teammates are holding me back” bs. Getting good is all you can do, but some people are deluded into thinking they’re t500s trapped in gold.
True, but at the end of the day your SR does not define you as a person. OW is not the worst thing in the world to be bad at. Just have fun with it, and don’t attach your SR to your self worth.
What literally 80% of plat+ players do to mock lowbies and feel better about themselves.
You have do face diamond smurfs boosting their friends all along the ladder. Gold is unbearable because of that.
No, it shows that they understand the game implicitly.
All of those things you mentioned are real and prevalent issues with the game that significantly impact a player’s ability to climb, especially if they’re solo queuing.