I don’t post here on the forums but I feel very strongly about this and I’m going to say it.
The attitude that Plat+ players like myself have towards lower tier players is awful. Any time they come to these forums with a genuine problem, we always blame them. Smurfs aren’t a problem, the bronze is obviously just not good enough. It isn’t the fault of the thrower in silver that’s holding them back: They obviously need to work on their aim. When in reality anyone Plat+ understands why we create smurf accounts: Plat+ is toxic and filled with just as many throwers that ruin games. So we create low-elo smurfs to actually have fun - because even if a bronze/silver player on our team is throwing, we can carry and be impactful.
At the same time we do this, we tell the lower-elo players that they’re just simply bad and need to improve. I’ve seen many silver and gold players who can hold their own in higher elos when they have a competent team. So no: You know as well as I do that the inherent problem is not that they need to ‘get gud’.
Until Blizzard and until WE, Plat+ players begin to stop crapping all over lower tiered players - until WE stop dismissing their complaints, their feelings and frustrations this game is nothing but doomed. This game is becoming all about the top 5% of its player base. We see how well running the economy based on the top 5% is working for America. Trickle down economics doesn’t work and dismissing the 95% will not fix what is inherently flawed with the system.
- We need PBSR
- We need two modes of competitive: Solo Competitive and Group Competitive
- Rather than making smurfing a bannable offense, the Devs need to tweak their algorithms to detect smurfs and to use the PBSR system to hyper-boost those players back to where they should be.
- We need to start looking at balance changes NOT based on the highest tiers of play, but across all tiers of play: This game is not ‘just’ for the Esports pros. Heroes are being ruined by catering their kits to the top 5% of the player base with zero regard for the impact it has on lower elos: This is inherently bad for the game overall.
There’s plenty of other changes that need to be made but it starts with us:
Stop telling people to ‘get gud’.
(INB4 Diamond+ players slam me for being 2600)