There are some genuine climbing players that get better and better but then there are a lot of toxic players just stuck in the same sr because they are toxic and can’t climb. It feels like Blizzard know how to team you up with a pack of tools 5 games in a row before the let you start climbing again. I gave up on competitive for this reason. I blame the matchmaking and the toxic few that hang around to ruin the game.
It comes down to what the person is saying is what the response will be.
The people who come asking very specific questions and actual advice, they are usually treated quite well Imo. Even more so when they have vods to look over and what not.
People who dig in and believe they are right no matter what are ones who get dismissed, this goes for everyone from bronze to GM.
As for some of the points you asked for in the first post.
PBSR- it is already there. Only in diamond and above is it only based on win or lost. Now if you are saying you should gain Sr even in a lost, that would make the game worse. You will get players just playing for stats. It will become a rush to get out there and do damage and try to get elims instead of grouping up and trying to have a proper team fight. We have enough people who will feed without knowing it, even up in diamond, we don’t need more.
Smurfs- they are a bane on this game. I usually play in a six stack at this point, even up in diamond, we will have smurfs. I don’t know what can be done to fix this. Even worse on console since you don’t have to buy another copy. Just make another account and you are good to go. But yes, I agree it is a problem that needs to be dealt with because it can cause people to just quit the game if they have to deal with it often. I just don’t have an answer to fix it.
Balance- I believe they already try to take in to account the lower ranks. There is a reason why old Sym wasn’t just flat buffed for higher ranks. Why they are very cautious with bastion buffs. Same for torb, Pharah, junkrat. Cause these are heroes that when buffed to be viable in the highest levels of play, they can completely destroy the balance in lower ranks. Some heroes just for their basic design already do that no matter what. I have seen vids of junk and Pharah just destroying teams in bronze matches. And those are not even smurfs, just the hero themselves is hard to deal with in that rank. The most I and others can do is offer advice on how to deal with them. Cause there is no way to balance a hero to be viable in higher ranks but also tone them down for lower ranks. Cause if there was, I believe blizzard would have done that long ago. Heck I remember when they tried doing PC and console only changes but they quickly left that to the side.
They tend to be pretty scathing to people who say that lower ranks have a smurf problem though.
They totally do have a smurf problem, and we are losing players because of it.
They should get fair games, and don’t.
Because they don’t. The entire ladder deals aith smurfs. Everyone has that factor equally. The fact that they call everyone a smurf does not aid their case either.
which means the entire game has a smurf problem, not just lower ranks. and the lower u go, the easier it is for a player to smurf there, meaning that the lowest ranks have the biggest problem with smurfs.
Not really… it’s also the hardest to drop down to. At any point in the ladder they’re not a frequent sight. A lot just like the excuse they provide.
i am at the rank i deserve
losing is not hard.
i never said they were, i just said it makes sense they would be most frequent at the bottom
i am at the rank i deserve. but the existence of smurfs proves that not everyone is.
edit: the entire fact that every says: ‘you dont have the right to complain about smurfs, because you are not good enough at the game’ is the exact reason why nothing has been done to solve the issue, cause smurfing only effects those not at the top. its the exact reason why this thread exists. it doesnt matter if its a GM a pro or a gold player saying it, when people are cheating the system, everyone suffers.
It is time consuming to drop to bronze. It takes a lot of throwing as anyone above it can walk through it in their sleep. And even one win can equal 3+ losses in SR. So it really is hard to throw down to there.
which is exactly why u see people LFG for a 6 stack of players to afk throw to bronze everyday
I also think it’s much easier to see mistakes when observing from a different point of view. Like how you see mistakes you make when watching your own VODs but didn’t notice at the time. I think a lot of people make the same mistakes, or different mistakes which are just as bad, but don’t notice their own and do notice their teammate’s.
My rule of thumb is if you notice your team mate’s mistakes but not the enemy’s mistakes you have the wrong midset and don’t deserve to climb. The enemy is at the same level as your team mates and will make just as many mistakes as them. You should be punishing those mistakes instead of blaming your team.
And it this was a prevalent as some make out then it would make it even harder to throw - you would come up against 6-stacks of throwers making it very hard for you to lose.
you do see at least 1 or 2 groups in LFG on an hourly basis, if u dont believe me, watch it for urself.
edit: i will add a caveat to this, as in my experience, smurfs are most often to be run into during the day, at night they seem to have less numbers, if any at all.
Right, one or two groups. How many players do you think are playing OW in bronze in your region at any one time? If it’s only one or two groups then I don’t think it’s the reason people can’t climb. It sucks and it’s a sh*t-bloke thing to do, but it’s not holding anyone back - which is what most people complain about.
that is not the argument i am pushing. and i think that gaslighting other players because they are mad and low rank is just as inexcusable a method of trolling as the smurfs that go to lower ranks to bully people.
some only have so much time to play, not everyone can play all day every day. imagine u have about 20 minutes of free time, maybe an hour. would u like 1 game out of the 5 u might be able to play to be thrown?
Yes, I agree within the context of this thread that any sort of throwing is terrible. Smurfing is also just being toxic to lower players because you know you’re just going to ruin their games.
It’s like when I play on my DPS account. I’m about high gold on DPS but high plat / low diamond on tank. When I play DPS and a team mate gets salty and blames me for whatever reason I avoid them. If they’re on my enemy next match I will play my main hero, D.Va who I’m much, much better with than DPS - simply so I can stomp that b*astard. I feel bad for the other five people on their team, though, because essentially I’m now smurfing.
I do have a conscience, but my desire to rek that idiot from before is too strong to ignore.
ty. i hope too one day this issue can be solved and i myself deal with anger issues everyday.
i have my own ideas about how it might be addressed, but i have spammed them enough in other threads. i would like your opinion. i crave it like an overweight woman craves choco bars as she watches ROMCOMs and has nothing to shovel icecream down her throat with but her bonbon stained hands. if u were in charge, what would u do? what insane idea would put forth as a mad scientist in a playroom of children to brainwash that would combat this issue?
Well, you could ban people who were in plat+ earlier in the season who are in bronze.
They didn’t just have a few bad games and end up there.
Ditto with Diamonds in silver, etc…
Maybe banning people who were in the LFGs called road to bronze, etc.
That would remove a LOT of the problem.
I disagree. If I only had one account I would have dropped from diamond to gold by simply playing DPS instead of tank or healer. I don’t think we should introduce any more reasons for people to have multiple accounts.
Literally the problem with the player base right here. This mindset.
Quick question for you. If there’s 7 ranks (T500 is technically GM), and Platinum is #4, how tf is it a “low-rank”? Better yet, isn’t platinum defined as being 20% of the player base? Just barely above gold which is average? Yet, it’s a “low rank”. Ugh… this community.
I’d like to mention, a lot of us higher ranked players were also low elo. It took me getting to silver boarder to get to diamond for the first time. Most of us have plenty of experience in lower elo.
It’s something I’ve seen a lot of on here, and honestly it’s not worth the time to argue about it. Those of us who choose to improve get past this, those who don’t almost always stay low.