Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

4 straight games of me with 4 gold medals and the rest of my team spamming voice lines and healing.

What exactly is my fault here? I do everything that I can to make sure our team is comfortable, and there is ALWAYS at least one person that is a loose cannon and ends up throwing the game.

How am I supposed to git good and climb when my teammates are doing exactly the opposite.

Yes. I use LFG. In fact, a majority of people in LFG don’t even have mics half the time. Its extremely frustrating, and I’m about to give up on this game. Its at a point where its just not fun anymore. I used to go on win streaks, and now its loss streak after loss streak.


Stop using LFG.
Focus on your own play.
Review your own vods.
Review vods with a higher ranked player.
Git guder.

That’s all you can do.


Brother, I appreciate the advice, but to refer to my post…

I am frequently the top medal player almost every game. This doesn’t help the fact that I get matched up with complete fools who don’t care whether they win or lose.

The matchmaker is garbage.


I agree. Nobody ever climbs out of gold.


Well first of all I call bs. I could prove it unless THIS PROFILE IS PRIVATE. Yeah I wonder why lol. Also medals dont really matter and there is insane amounts of people who have climbed out of gold. So no its not near impossible if you deserve to climb out. You clearly dont.


Medals don’t mean much if you fail to make the right decisions at key times. You can be doing great and pumping out a ton of heals but then get caught out of position and killed during an important fight, causing your team to be down a healer and lose the round.

Or you can be making small mistakes throughout the match which are constantly providing openings for the enemies to make a play - one of which they are bound to capitalize on - while still putting up good numbers.

This is why medals suck. Review your vods and see what you could have done better every time a fight is lost or every time you die.


Why are you instigating?

I was using my medals as an example guy. Instead of criticizing me about my profile not being public, why don’t you give me advice on how to climb out of gold? Or is that too much of a task for you?

You literally contributed nothing. Congrats


Ok this is the best advice I can tell with ur private profile and no vods:
Stop blaming your teams, focus on your self, find out your mistakes, work on them, ez sr.


It’s not impossible to climb out of gold, it’s not even hard; it’s simply time consuming.

What exactly is my fault here? I do everything that I can to make sure our team is comfortable, and there is ALWAYS at least one person that is a loose cannon and ends up throwing the game.

At some points it might be your fault like most people say but honestly this isn’t the case 80% of the time contrary to what people would like you to believe. Similar to what another posted said on here a few weeks ago, it takes your entire team to win the match but only one person to lose you the game.

The legit best advice that I can give you is to stop thinking about your overall sr as some measurement of skill and more as a oddly displayed exp system since the current iteration of comp requires less skill and more “grinding” as if it were a mmorpg.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say you need to fix your attitude if you want to climb out of gold.


I drop to gold once or twice almost every season and always manage to climb out of it.

And as people above me have mentioned, gold medals don’t matter. You can still be soft throwing and have all the medals of the world.


How are we meant to tell you how to climb without any information whatsoever. The only thing we know right now is that you can’t climb out of gold and that your biggest issue seem to be other gold players on your team.

As answer to your question it’s not impossible - I solo que climbed out of bronze, silver, gold and plat (well keep dipping in and out of diamond so technically still plat level I guess).

Without knowing anything about you as a player or even what role you play we can only guess that you have the same issues to work on as most gold players - dying too much, poor positioning, not paying attention to what the rest of you team is doing, poor ult usage, no clear idea of current win condition, trouble realizing when a fight is lost, poking 1v6 and getting picked etc… I am sure that if you are actually trying to climb out of gold you have some sort of plan when it comes to improvements and you have worked on figuring out your weaknesses so if you wouldn’t mind sharing what you think are your biggest flaws we can probably help a bit more with tips for how to practice and patch up those flaws.


I solo q out of gold to diamond. It is possible.


Make a LFG and kick people who dont use mics.

also thinking medals matter is gold mentality, forget about medals and work on gameplay. ive had 4 golds (all but healing) as lucio, they dont matter at all


What role do you play?

1 Like

Probably DPS Moira…


i have bought smurfs just for these threads

from 2200 -> 3000 with doomfist one trick.

from 2500 -> 3300 flexing with 2-3 heroes

and recently from 2500-3000 one tricking ashe with 70% winrate

all soloqueue and i didnt even joined voice chat.



So you’re a diamond player that used the fresh MMR of three accounts to climb back to diamond with heroes that you play at a diamond level. Congratulations?

His MMR is not fresh. He could probably buy a new account and place platinum (or wherever his skill SHOULD place him). It is much harder to do when the system is confident in your “skill” - while having that skill (represented by your stats/10min AVG) simultaneously being driven down by derankers and griefers. The grey area games that could be winnable, become absolute stomps, which artificially further decreases win percentages. And you know this already and abuse it.

The people on these very forums posting from new accounts are the ones perpetrating this “you are where you belong” fallacy under the names of “dafont crew” and other nonsense. They are organized and queue with the sole intention to grief low ELO.

ONE stream sniper griefed “Tim the Tatman” with an insane number of accounts. This ONE player affected THOUSANDS of ranked matches in the process. What do you think 20 or 50 people can do when their goals are aligned, and that goal is to stomp low ELO? Get real kid, they need to HWID ban all of you, and a Blizzard from ages past, might have done it already. They have grown soft electing to instead cater to the feelings of millennial snowflakes. This is unfortunate. And now the game will die because of it, and the now extremely rampant aimbotting problem unless drastic measures are taken immediately. The aimbotting is almost at cod WW2 levels of hilarity. VAC would be a better option than this tac-4 anti cheat garbage that they are using. And VAC is utter trash.


On average, the enemy team will be dealing with the exact same idiots just as often, if not more so.

The system isn’t putting you with golds against diamonds. It’s golds vs golds. If you think your teammates are the only ones making dumb mistakes, then that just means you’re not punishing the enemy for their own.


Medals don’t really say much about how good you’ve peformed or if your hero choice is a good one though.

There’s some heroes that are extremely easy, such as Hanzo and Ashe, to farm medals with since you can dash out 15k or more in average damage / 10 mins if your goal is to do damage and not lethal damage/damage that leads somewhere.

Having a bad pick might make it unsustainable for the tanks and healers to do anything and again, if you bait teammates with a hero that have damage potential you’ll more than likely have medals yet could be the main reason for losing the game since you get those medals by throwing your team under the bus rather than killing the opponents.