Okay.... I’m calling it

I find Hanzo’s primary fire to be more reliable than storm arrow.


Op is just like all these cats who cried about Junkrat. Skipping into chokes not looking out for a laughing bomber and then throw a fit when he clips you due to their negligence.

While a spam hero Hanzo may be he takes skill and yes so does Junkrat if you want the most value out of both of them. Hanzo has a higher skill ceiling than Junk but they are no less in need of discipline and understanding to get value. Both are heroes you can mindlessly spam with but Junk is easier in that aspect because of his projectile type. However both fall short in value if you reduce them to spam heroes only.

Hanzo’s storm arrows are not easy to lead and the jerky animation for them takes getting used to. His new lunge abilty can be forgotten on the most veteran of players because its still new and folks are learning many ways to utilize it. His faster projectiles are also something to learn but over time a dedicated player will master it and his kit. The nerfs he’s getting should shut some folks up about him but I doubt it.

Nerfs are demands from frustrated players who would rather have heroes they can easily contest rather than step up to the challenge of learning the weaknesses of these heroes. They did it with Junkrat, Mercy, Sombra, Ana, Doomfist and currently Brigitte and soon Hanzo.

This game is literally for the loudest babies that cries. I miss when this game had a player base that loved to figure out how to combat new heroes or abilities… oh wait, they cried for Ana nerfs when she came out. Nevermind this game has always been Babywatch. My bad. :woman_shrugging:

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I wouldn’t say it takes no skill to play Hanzo, but by far less than it used to. Storm arrow allows almost any player to get some work out of the ability. You might not get head shots, but body shots are fairly easy with rapid fire arrows that go in a more or less straight line. They are also nearly hit scan in speed when used at close to medium range.

The buff to his primary fire speed also has drastically increased his effectiveness. Never had to reload, can pre-fire and hold the charge indefinitely to make him one of the best peekers in the game. His ultimate is also one of the most OP offensive ults in the game with very little counter play. An Ult he gets crazy fast right now, the dmg nerf MIGHT slow it down but I’m doubtful.

Over all Hanzo isn’t a no skill hero, he gets a lot of benefit from being able to aim at specific targets. That said with no reloading, spam arrow on an 8 second cool down and the safe and effective ULt he can spam a choke just as good as Junkrat to get some good effectiveness.

You see a hanzo almost every game in QP and even the least skilled hanzo’s can spam a shield/choke get their ult, use it to clear the point. It’s not exactly instant win, but it’s fairly hard to counter, especially on defense were the spawn times are against you.

Hanzo has a higher skill floor to be effective.

The problem is that once you get that, he’s really effective and do tons of stuff. I won’t say he’s easy but he’s certainly too rewarding for what’s needed IMO.

you cant just pick him up and play with him, but at the same time he doesnt take hours to learn to play, his skill floor is at a good spot currently.

Not even close. While he is very strong now, he still takes quite a bit of aim/positioning to play correctly.

His ult has very little counterplay? Oh sorry excuse me while I just step out of it ._.


If you have nothing else to do, and can see it coming. If your in a team fight it’s not always so easy. Especially if your not a high mobility character with an escape move. Never mind a good hanzo drops it more or less point blank or threw a wall.

I didn’t say it had no counter play, just very little. Get out of the way or heal through it. Which is pretty much just Zen’s Ult or Anna’s grenade. Not sure if Lucio’s is enough to survive, especially with the huge animation he has to go threw before it goes off.

Though both methods of healing kind of require your team to be grouped up. Still compared to most other Ults Hanzo’s is very safe to use. Once it gets started it can’t be stopped, can’t be blocked and Hanzo himself is still able to move and fire. It also has unlimited range so you don’t even have to be close. In fact at times it can be good to be far away as it makes the enemy panic longer after they hear the voice line but don’t see the dragon.

Overwatch: has something vaguely resembling a Tracer counter

Tracer mains: gross sobbing and screaming

Defense mains: cant react because they’ve been reported for throwing

I can hit people with Fan the hammer is McCree easy now?

They’re still larger than hitscan hitboxes. All projectile hitboxes are larger than hitscan hitboxes.

i feel like they either need to remove an arrow, or give him a shorter time to shoot all his mini-gun arrows…
the dmg nerf isnt enough, either they do the dmg nerf with one of the aboves OR remove headshots…
he does too much damage for someone who has infinite ammo…

Another “any hero I don’t play is low-skill” thread

Come on guy, at your hero preference you need to do a deep look into the mirror and ask yourself…

Is one tricking actually working for me or is it getting me killed and making me tilted?

Come on man, if you are getting shredded by storm arrow because you are a very large in your face target… swap to a different tank hero. I’m pretty sure hanzo has a HORRIBLE time with orisa and rine.

“swap to a different tank hero” wtf LOL
what if your team needs a rein lolol just SWITCH!! its not like all tanks have big hitboxes LOOOLLLL
running dive? NOPE YOU CANT the tanks are too big!!!
hanzo completely shreds sheilds dude, having a rein or orisa wont do much to stop it

Hitscan sized projectile. Meaning the smallest projectile you can have that’s the equivalent of a pinpoint on a map. It has extreme precision.

Jeff even said that Hanzo’s arrows are tied to the smallest projectiles in the game like Genji’s primary attacks. My point is that hitscans are the smallest in the game because they can miss by razer thin margins, just like Hanzo’s arrows can as well as Widow’s sniper shots as well as any other hitscan in the game.

I feel like reducing the amount of time you have to shoot the arrow would be fair. because the dmg is VERY useful at taking out shields with all the reins and brigs in the meta right now and chipping away at the armor given by brig as well. Less time to shoot the arrows would mean he’d have to pick a target and stick with it. There’s been times when I’d try shooting a target and they’d get away from me, so I just walked out of the building around the corner and then finished them off with the rest of the arrows. I always felt he had to much time to spare with the ability. Give him less time for just make it auto fire, so he can’t save two -three arrows to use on another target a million seconds later.
Reduce the duration from 8 seconds to 6 or 5 seconds. 8 Seconds is A LOT of time to hold onto those arrows. And since the cooldown starts once the duration is over or once arrows have been shot, I believe it’d be fair to increase the cool down to 10 seconds.

its 8 seconds? wtf omg… yes 6 or 5 seconds seems like a decent amount of time… its about the same as brig bash…

I think its funny you bring up that quote as Mercy and D.va pilots hitbox shots are like the size of watermelons…so hanzos arrows being smaller still means they are MUCH MUCH bigger then a hitscans hitbox

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I can’t adjust to storm arrow so i just use his primary fire😂