Okay.... I’m calling it

Eas-ier maybe, which is primarily due to the increased projectile speed.

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That’s reaching… Hanzo is still very tricky to be super consistent on without a decent amount of playtime on him. Just because a character is overtuned doesn’t necessarily make them easy. I play a ton of widow at a GM level, but I would not feel confident playing hanzo in his current state. I just cannot perform anywhere close to the level of the more experienced hanzos, even though I play one of the more ‘skill intensive’ heroes.


Even if he was the same skill level as Mercy (which he’s not ) he still be more skilled then moira

wtf is a “hitscan sized projectile”???

Do you know what hitscan means?


Low/no skill or not he can get alot of kills.

Instead of complaining about it I say use him to climb the ranks.

Runs a whopping 24% accuracy on Hanzo. Has no time in comp on him. Calls him easy. Seems about right.

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If something kills you, it does not automatically mean it’s low skill. Overpowered, maybe.

Storm-Arrow is so ‘easy-mode’ it’s not funny.

I play so much Deathmatch (fav mode, lots of DPS-type heroes) that I see lots of Hanzo’s.

They literally just activate ‘storm’ and proceed to pump you with 480 (soon to be 420?) damage of body-shots over 1.5 seconds with NO accuracy penalty.

Yep, go near Hanzo, a long-range sniper and die to body-shots over 1.5 seconds. BALANCE! :eggplant:

Memes aside his arrows are considered one of the smallest projectiles in the game.


try playing hanzo and tell me if he was low skill

Players: Scatter Arrow is overpowered

Also Players: Storm Arrows are overpowered


Agree with this, but also the nature of how the game is being played now with very compact teams makes it hugely forgiving, not just for Spam Arrow, but spam generally. Hence the popularity of Junk and Pharah at lower ranks; Hanzo gains a lot from this as well.

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Not really mutually exclusive, it’s entirely possible for more than one ability to be overpowered.

Then roughly speaking… Junkrat (aka Spamrat) is also a low-skill hero… and your point being? Hanzo’s just Hanzo… not some elite symbol.

I remember back when I told my friends that storm was going to be 50x better than scatter and they laughed at me.
I’d say I’m laughing at them now but pretty much everyone I play is an easy snipe for hanzo so I’m just as miserable as they are

But Mercy isn’t even no skill so I don’t know how to take this thread seriously.

Also, Hanzo takes more aim than Both Tracer and Genji, ironically Genji and Tracer mains are now saying he takes no skill and also justify why they shouldn’t be off meta because they take a lot of skill. Tracer doesn’t need any aim, it needs tracking which is easier to master and learn than aim.

Mock us all you want. Doesn’t stop it from being true.

He gets his ultimate way too often at the moment, and he drains shields like no tomorrow. I’m hoping the small damage nerf will help but I honestly think he’ll still get his ultimate way too often.

It’s the “Phear meh mad aim-skilz brah” crowd that has a lot of these comments built-in. Ignore them.

he’s like medium skill