Okay.... I’m calling it

Hanzo is now a low-skill hero at the level of mercy. Yes, I said that and I take pride in it. I don’t care what anyone says.

His storm arrow is literally the only thing people use to kill opponents and boy does it kill a lot.

You know that feeling when all you see in the killfeed is the enemy Junkrat killing your entire team despite you crying out to them to stop poking through chokes?

Well hanzo is worse


No, he isn’t, 20 char.


Have you played as hanzo recently? He’s not low-skill. Sure he’s got a really high payoff, but he’s not low-skill

  1. Hitscan sized projectiles
  2. Arrows have a travel time
  3. Storm Arrow is hard enough to control to get max effective use out of it.

No. He’s not easy.


I certainly don’t think he’s on Widow’s level anymore.
But he’s not easy. He’s average.

I’d say he’s somewhere between Soldier and McCree now.


And with his -10dmg, I’m sure he’ll be in a really good spot. Not my ideal nerf (I would’ve removed two arrows instead), but I think he’s pretty grand and definitely not Mercy level of easy.

Even before Storm Arrow, Hanzo was pretty basic to use. This hasn’t changed. Just now he has to actually aim to land any kind of arrow at an enemy. It’d be kind of weird not to see Storm Arrow in the kill feed, considering, well, it’s one of his attacks.


I don’t know he was at “Widow’s level”. Before the buff, even a good Hanzo didn’t have as much carry potential as Widow. Now, he does at the expense of making him easier to play all around.

He is still by no means easy, but he is still in between McCree and Widow on how much skill is needed to be able to do something effective with him.

With all the low skill discussions going on lately, people started to literally call anything low skilled even if it is not because it just seems like the trendy excuse to fix things. Reminds me of “unfun to play against”.


? Have you played hanzo?..his arrows are not hitscan sized They are much much bigger


Between McCree and Widow? He takes far less skill than either of them to do something effective.

For example, just wait till an enemy Reinhardt engages with one of your tanks. When he drops his shield to swing his hammer, just storm arrow into him. He’s a big target, so you almost automatically get 480 damage off that right there. He won’t have full health if he’s in a fight, so he’ll definitely die. If he puts his shield back up to stop your arrows, then your teammates can beat him to death as he can’t fight while holding his shield. McCree and Widow could do the same, but while doing a lot less damage.

Another example. Shoot your dragon into Zarya’s ult for a wombo combo. Widow can’t wombo and McCree’s ult gets stopped by shields. If Zarya does her job right Hanzo gets play of the game by pushing one button.


He’s not easy, he’s just overpowered and the E-spam enables everyone do OK with him.

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Hmmm, I play in quickplay & arcade recently and I feel like he’s easy to play. Storm arrow is just easy IMO.

Then again, he could be considered hard to play by others. There are heroes like McCree and Widow who are way harder though.


He’s definitely too strong, but that doesn’t mean he’s low skill.

Furthermore, the fact that you have to aim his arrows (most of the time) also doesn’t make him high skill.

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Indeed his easier than genji, tracer, sombra, doomfist, McCree and widow he is on the same level as solider 76 but just more viable


Between junkrat, mercy, brigitte, hanzo’s buffs or additions to the game, i pick hanzo’s ANYDAY.

Oh boy, I was waiting for this honestly. Hello, I have almost 240 hours on Hanzo so yes I am biased when talking about his skill, but I went from being good, but not as impactful as a Widowmaker at the same caliber and having a harder kit (at the time) to someone who can make a huge impact.

Not every fight is going to be like this, a Reinhardt worth anything won’t really be engaging unless he has to, and at that point a good chunk of my team is going to be focusing him. Me, being a sniper will ignore him, to pelt the Mercy healing him. I might pull out Storm Arrow, but I will try to get her before I need to as Storm arrow, from my experience so far is best used within groups of people as you have a little more wiggle room for needing to be accurate.

Even if I had the plan to do this, a Rein can just as easily put up his shield and stop the arrows after 2-3 get in him, that’s 240 damage. I could do more with a primary fire headshot, or better yet just shoot his shield so the arrows fall into his head and throw him off. Using Storm on a Reinhardt is…meh. To me it’s a waste unless he’s being Aggro Rein and causing the enemy healers to want to kill him themselves.

OR another thing I prefer to do to Reins as Hanzo is save him for last and use Sonic on his shield. He is the epicenter of his team, why would I want to kill the one who is going to show me everything?

In my opinion and experience, Storm is better used when there’s a group of enemies as the transition between storm and his normal primary is clunky at best. A lot of Hanzo players are used to switching arrows when they are already pulled back, so with how storm is right now, a good chunk are just shot willy nilly.

Ah yes, Dragonball, one of my favorite combos. I have been on both sides of this with multiple heroes. Unfortunately Dragons does 200 dps, and Zen does 300 hps…so…there’s a 100 points more healing with just Zen alone than there are damage with dragons.

Even better, with Mercy still a popular pick, if she uses Valk that’s 360hps.
With Moira using Coalescence that’s 425 hps.

Rein and McCree can do the Same combo, and there’s less counterplay to it. (High Shatter)
McCree and Sombra can do the same if positioning of McCree is smart enough. (Hack Noon)

Not to mention Hanzo still has the smallest projectiles in the game, and has to fight around projectiles where McCree and Widow are hitscan.


I was explaining easy ways to get work done with Hanzo, not the best ways. Obviously a good Hanzo is going to play different. I did that for the very reason that you said Hanzo takes as much skill as McCree or Widow.

The Rein McCree Combo is harder to hit, as earth shatter is harder to hit than Graviton. Any shield will stop earth shatter. Plus, high noon isn’t even needed unless Rein hits the whole team with earth shatter. When I land earth shatter I’ll get at least two kills with Rein all by myself. McCree can shoot someone on the ground and get another kill or two. Unless there are six people on the ground its really a waste of McCree’s ult. And Hack Noon still has a weakness that High Noon can’t go through walls. If you get hacked, just take cover.

Of course there is also tons of data available. Hanzo is statistically better than McCree and Widowmaker at every single skill rank. He does more damage and has a higher win rate at all skill levels.

And you have to insult by the way the Mercy mains, sure the only hero that need skill is/are your main/mains. Good luck, you may be the best playing overwatch, but not near a rookie making friends.


You either die as Junkrat or live long enough to become a Spamzo
Yeah the CD is way too low for the damage output

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OMEGALUL “Scatter is so broken it takes no skill and can one shot the mech at the back of volskaya” A lot of streamers: “they’ll change it then everyone will complain about the new ability.”