Okay.... I’m calling it

“No skill” is an insult. I didn’t say that. I said “low skill”. Those are two completely different classifications.

Mechanically and strategically, regardless of elo, it is widely accepted that Mercy requires minimal skill compared to all of the other heroes who are more mechanically demanding.

I’ve seen it all at this point.

Tracer is an easy hero.
Genji is an easy hero.
And now Hanzo is an easy hero?

I just don’t get it. I have a hard time making an impact with all 3 of these heroes.

What exactly makes these heroes easy?

Its hard enough to land a body shot on a non-tank with Hanzo.

Landing a majority of Tracer’s clip on an enemy is not easy.

And Genji, is Genji. Too much stuff going on with him that I can’t comprehend.

I needed to get this off my chest.

I just don’t understand why the community considers some of the hardest heroes to learn easy to play.

He is, played him recently and got to many kills without knowing what the hell I even was doing.

His arrows are f*cking huge what the hell are you on about? And he also has the fastest projectile in the game plus with storm arrow they almost feel hitscan-like

No. They aren’t huge. Jeff confirmed they’re tied with the smallest projectile in the game.

If a Hanzo only kills people with Storm Arrow then they’re a terrible Hanzo.

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How is it an insult? It is a fact that Mercy is easy to play and the one writing this did in no way say that people who play Mercy aren’t skilled. There is no reason to be upset hun.

Still, fastest projectile plus the fact that hitboxes for projectile heroes are way more forgiving.

Well it is easier to get value out of his kit. Anyone who masters that and his projectile will be a nusiance to the enemy team.

Seeing how one of the best hanzo Wraxu runs at about 28-29% that seems like a pretty decent acc

  1. It’s not the fastest projectile in the game. Mei’s icicle is 120 m/s while Hanzo’s arrows are up to 100 m/s.
  2. Are you saying the hitbox for the projectile or hitbox for the hero? It’s confusing in context. We were talking about the size of the hitbox of the projectile and your wording makes it sound like you’re talking about projectile heroes themselves.
  3. If you’re going to admit that when you said that Hanzo’s arrow projeciles were huge was wrong, then admit to other things like false information.

Hanzo and Pharah have their projectiles pre calculated along a known arc. This gives them hit interpolation/extrapolation, or, favor the shooter.
In hanzo’s case his projectile has more length and width than any actual hitscan, and he also gains from the interpolation, meaning he can flickshot with a large hitbox interpolated. Have you not thought it odd you can basically just "guess’ a head shot even in the practice range by snapping across the enemy bot?

It’s hilarious that you people say anything other than Genji and Tracer are “low skill”.

Hanzo, yes. Pharah no. Her projectiles go in a straight line 100% of the time.

Are you aware of what “favor the shooter” is? It’s used in latency but has a special term here in OW. In other games it’s called “P2P connection”. If something doesn’t register with everyone it doesn’t register with anyone. That’s what favor the shooter is.

I think an Arrow should 100% have more length and width than a bullet. But the width and height of the arrow is the same exact framepoint as a Widow bullet. The only difference is Length, which would never matter unless you teleport inside of it with a Tracer or you’re moving so fast that you hit the arrow instead of the arrow hitting you.

Bots have a very crazy hitbox. You can shoot their tiny blaster arms and sometimes it will crit.

It’s not good to base real game hitboxes on bots in the practice range.

Well you said it but it doesn’t make you right.

Sorry arc was too specific, path, would be more precise. Its still precalculated to make them not only feel more responsive, but to help their accuracy over the network.

Actualy favor the shooter here is the term for how client side activity can override server side positions if it fits within a given set of parameters in latency and extrapolation/interpolation. it gets overridden by certain moves by the opposing player being shot, like how genji can visibly deflect a shot after being hit. Or why junkrats grenades can land on an enemy or even a sym turret…stal… THEN explode., because he doesnt get favor the shooter, his projectiles actually require a full round trip, making his grenades even more unreliable than any other projectile.

3 dimensional collision, every dimension matters unless its the size of an actual bullet. Just turning wile being hit can cause an intersection faster than trying to move into a shot. But again, this also gets MULTIPLIED by network interpolation of the hitbox.

I was giving you a place you can test it, but also an environment that runs smoother than the regular game, which should reduce the chance of a flick shot because of less interpolation requirements.

This is also why the OWL has a custom patch for all their games. internet interpolation over lan would be like giving a baseball pro an aluminum bat.

I actually still find him quite challenging to play this is coming from an about 45 (maybe more) McCree main.

I never said that

(20 char limit)

His statement could have be written without mentioning Mercy and he did It, obviously, with bad intentions. If you don’t see that, you can’t read between lines or you are living in the lollipop unicorn land with Ned Flanders.

For example, is not the same saying: “It’s hard to heal heroes that are far away flanking” that “I hate those whining Genji’s asking for healing in the other side of the map”. The message is the same, but maybe the first won’t incinerate the thread.

REAL Hanzo’s kill with Sonic Arrow. Desecrating the memory of red team’s teammate by using his corpse to betray the position of his team

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