OK Blizz, you win

Why? That’s exactly the problem, that the matchmaker doesn’t know the correct MMR of people playing new roles.

Clearing the data would make the matchmaking 100 times worse… not better.

The more data they get, the more the matchmaker will work correctly when role queue is actually released.

This particular account of mine is gold. I would encourage you to add me to your friends list, and we duo. Pre-222, I had all comms off. Now? Comms are on, and people are far more friendly. Matter of fact? Since Thursday? Not 1 toxic person on my teams. At all. None.

Join me. I challenge you to see if either my good luck with non-toxic teams rubs off on you, or your bad luck with toxic teams rubs off on me. I’m willing to put good money that I’ll win the coinflip.

lol waiting till this gets removed. If it doesn’t then bye bye overwatch. something else will come out to replace it.


Gold and plat are giant dumpster fires right now. Honestly I would just have fun in beta and skip next season and let people fall into the ranks they belong with their off roles. Right now you have a lot of people who are bronze in their roles playing in gold and plat which makes for awful and frustrating games.

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While everyone gets to the right SR, this will be the case.

However, people being bad at their roles because they were forced to play outside of them at a different SR than what they were able to is WHY we are running roleQ/roleSR.

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… I’ve been playing comp like that for over a year and never gone back

Skill level means nothing when the community is full of trolls and throwers. It is magnified in smaller communities like OCE. Role Q has essentially taken away the ability to try to negate the effects of trolls and throwers. Example (not that you should need one), you’re playing heal or tank, you have DPS that won’t switch to counter or are straight up throwing, so you switch to mcree to counter that pharah, and you manage to squeeze out a win or at least be competitive despite the troll. That has been taken away now with role Q. Got a genji and tracer who are rubbish AND won’t switch despite being countered/needing to counter? Too bad. You’re stuck on heals. You gotta just sit there and take it. It’s more frustrating than it ever was.


Feel you, brother. I deleted the game. Role lock is BS

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I don’t think a reset is needed, but if they do decide to reset again (maybe the MMR just couldn’t fix itself by the end of the beta), it definitely won’t be a hard reset. Starting at 0 would not be fun for anybody.

A softer reset maybe, placing everyone at the start of their skill tier instead of creating teams made up of 6 players with varying skill ratings between 1 and 5000 fighting for a win.
I think that would be a faster way to correct an MMR problem, rather than forcing every player to climb from the bottom 3 different times.

The biggest problem ive found is people playing roles they have no business playing. I made a post about it a few days ago.


For most people there’s only one common thread in all their matches…

It’s like roommates. If anyone tells you they have bad luck with roommates, they’re the bad roommate.

Now this game is not fun for me good bye

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I had an absolute blast on PTR.

But it has been several days of toxic nonsense since release on main. Right now it is really really bad queuing as tank and support in gold. Endless throwers on DPS. It’s basically QP right now. You’ll do everything possible on support and tank to keep DPS alive and make space, and they just go in 1v6 like lemmings. You can beg and plead, but most aren’t even in team chat. :frowning:

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Wooow. Looks like I’m missing a lot of awesome stuff while being on vacation XDD

cuz after some time players who cant adapt to “222 patch” will leave
no players = no toxicity xD

I mean, you’d still have a bad DPS without role queue; all that’d happen is you’d be down a tank or support to get a 3rd DPS, which isn’t a guaranteed improvement.

I report people who say stuff like this, but…I’d heavily recommend not playing on the weekend. I know I won’t from now on, since the last 2 days has been a bit too intense for myself as well.

Well, playing as a gold against plat, diamond and above constantly is fun. especially when you have silvers on your team. matchmaker doesn’t match you against peers anymore, but agaist “available” players, because otherwise queues would be too long.

Best part is, it’s self-sustaining process: players get annoyed by bad quality of game, leave game, making queue times/quality even worse.

Wow that’s a really scientific post.

They need to just reset SR but do it right.

I would not just press the big red button for the whole ladder. I would go sub 2000 reset it lump em into group 1

Take 2000-3000 mark em as group 2

3000-4000 group 3

4000 + group 4

Take all 4 groups separate them and hit the red button for each one and just restart it that way. This way you don’t get dafran mixed in with bronzers and silvers.

None of this 5 games per role garbage it’s not going to dictate squat. 10 games isnt really enough. But just go 10 per each role to at least get a better idea.

I would consider turning tank into 2 categories. There is a HUGE different between playing off tank and main tank. Sure I can press tank get instant ques and auto lock hog all day and get instant ques. Doesnt mean im really tanking.

You are absolutely correct SR is a total disaster right now. If people are getting good games good for them. I am not my games are either win while blindfolded or get destroyed as if I should be in bronze instead of gold. The ladder is 100 percent broken right now.