My Problem with Role Queue so far

So something I noticed and I am not liking is people queuing for certain roles but have little to no time playing those roles or heroes and doing poorly.

I had several games today where people queue for tank for example but have all their hours on dps or heals and end up doing a poor job tanking for your team. Same can go with tank mains playing other roles. Now I know some people are capable of flexing and playing any role but I dont like the fact there are people queuing for roles they have no clue how to play. I had a diamond level account(not rank) today which they were a healer main with under 2 hours total in all modes on dps playing tracer. They were always in a bad position and often was picked off before the team fight would even begin.

Now I have no problem people playing what they want in comp but there really needs to be some kind of restrictions for playing certain roles. Lets say you want to tank, then you need 3 hours on 3 different tanks in other modes for 9 hours total. Same for heals and DPS. This gives people a base line understanding of how certain heroes and roles are played.

Something else I noticed is people doing poorly on dps, say they are in chat, and also wishing they could switch off to another role. Ive done this myself in the past if im getting spanked. They need to put in some kind of system that will allow you to switch roles with someone else during rounds. Lets say player 1 is willing to switch off because of doing poorly and player 5 is a healer. Player 1 is willing to heal and player 5 is willing to dps. After rounds while in the char select screen have a button that says switch roles with such and such and both players need to approve of the switch.

Thats my thoughts.

But what if they only play one hero?

I think this is valid. Right now, you have to be level 25 to play comp. There should probably be a change so that you have to have a certain amount of leveling per role to enter comp as that role.


then they can play 3 heroes for 3 hours each and then 1 trick that one hero.

That seems like wasted time if they only want to play one.

I’m all for time requirements on a role before comp but adding a certain number of heroes is pointless if they’re just going to one trick anyway.

Then they dont need to play comp, simple as that. It ruins it for the rest of the people and seems you have missed the whole point of this topic I made.

One tricking is allowed. If someone is trying their best and maintaining their rank they can play comp.

No need for strict comp requirements

Just give it some time. Role q was opened yesterday. Those who are bad at their role will lose sr and will be placed accordingly.

once again you seem to not comprehend what this post is about so I give up on you.

It’s about people playing roles they aren’t good at. It’s not rocket science so don’t treat it like that.

I gave some constructive criticism to your ideas and instead of an actual argument you said certain people just shouldn’t play comp.

Not complicated

Yea and you keep bringing up people who wanna one trick heroes. Thats fine but if they wanna play that role, then they should know how to play other heroes in that role. What if a Genji 1 trick queues up and someone else takes genji and now this 1 trick has no clue how to play other heroes. Like you said, its not rocket science but some times people are going to pick who you wanna play and if they dont have a clue how to play something else, they are screwing the team.