❌ Official D Tier and Below Thread

This has to be a troll post you can’t think orisa is actually bad

Orisa isn’t that bad, she does more damage than junkrat if you hit her shots.

I was talking about her character being good competitively

Reaper wasn’t mentioned in the OP.

Yeah… but still… doesn’t mean he isn’t F tier.
I mean, look at his stats. They garbooo

Hammond and Winston aren’t on the list yet? Like, the only reason I can think of taking Sigma off it is because at least he’s not as bad as they are.

I completely agree.

My reply was to someone saying that the heroes listed in the OP are fine so reaper wasn’t relevant.

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Hammond is good, but he’s picked less because nobody knows how to play him correctly.

Winston is a mess, maybe buff his armor?

Nah, his stats took a huge hit, especially in high ranks, after his last nerf. He’s as bad as Winston, if not worse now. Its almost like when Hog lost his lethality.

Exaggerated. He has a 51% win rate this month in ALL of the ranks.

Winston has a 47% win rate.

Don’t compare these two please.

Those numbers go up and down. Hammond gets picked half as much as he used to on overbuff and him and Winston are neck and neck all the time. Hammond is washed up.

Btw, I checked those stats you mentioned and Ham doesn’t really even have a pickrate because he was just banned.

It’s hella old and from her first rework.

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The nerfs don’t matter.

Rein is the problem. He’s been a problem for a very, very long time but we’ve been giving him a pass because he was the only anchor tank.

Now we had three anchor tanks for a while and the game went straight to hell because of it, demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is NO ROOM in overwatch for anchor tanks.

Which works fine since Rein has an off-tank available to him who removes every single one of his shortcomings and allows him to be a surperb bully. The current problem is that he gets to be a bully and an anchor tank at the same time.

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Well that’s a new record of posts
And I like it but it’s blizzard we’re talking about
They won’t fix the only issue that’s affects the character right?
Of course not
They’re gonna experiment with everything except the issue

Looking at you spread reduction

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Winston always felt like he should be good but is too meta dependent… I feel like he needs a good tank release to synergize with him and put him back on the map… I’ll add him to the list

Every character has different abilities ‘OP’ in certain situations. In Overwatch key to victory is changing hero and playstyle depending on the situation.

Right, that’s how it’s supposed to be… but clearly certain heroes hold more weight than others, and if we keep ignoring the heroes that dont, what you said becomes nothing more than a cover up to avoid attempting better balancing…

It’s been 4 years now, the game deserves better than that dont you think?

Every hero has their moment to shine, but for certain ones it shouldnt be as often as a blue moon, and certainly shouldnt spark as much backlash of you pick them outside of that situation.

The nice thing is that through the past couple months they have actually addressed some of these heroes here, but that doesnt mean they don’t still need help.

I don’t know, I main Sig and recently essentially dropped him because he got hit so hard by nerfs. Now if I see someone pick him I just sort of sigh knowing that it’ll be a rough game. A GM Rein Zarya just wins.

I think Orisa is fine, honestly I still want halt to get nerfed and possibly her shield to get a slight buff.

Any reason Sig is considered good would be entirely because of Orisa though, not because he isn’t bad.

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Okay but if we think with that logic, then there should be nearly no hero on that list.

Sombra can be good, so can bastion against uncoordinated teams. Symmetra can shine on King of the hill and 2CP maps - Hog can be amazing if you have an enemy who keeps flanking but always the same and you can easily pick him, Junk can be really good when your team only needs to hold a spam point, Pharah can be good against no hitscan heros (lets say they run Genji and Reaper), Orisa is probably still one of the tanks for “Bunker” - D.va should be bad? She is one of the best tanks - the heck?
Bap is fine tbh. Again, used for bunker and a good choice if you’re good at him.
Winston is okay, you can play dive with him - he’s an important tank if you play this comp.

I don’t deny that some heros are worse then others. But everyone can work in some situations, some ranks and if you’re really skilled at the hero.
Some need buffs, yes, for example Symmetra, Pharah, etc. Some heros need reworks, like Bastion.

But if we think like that:

Then no one should be in that list.

I editted it for clarification hopefully the listing makes more sense now