❌ Official D Tier and Below Thread

Sigma has around a 20% pick rate right now and is 3rd for all tanks. He is worse than Zarya, but that does not make you D-tier. He is the alternative to Zarya on some maps especially if people pick Orisa (for some reason). Its not A tier or D tier. There are tiers in between. Orisa sits in D, Sigma is between B and C and Zarya is in A with Rein in S tier broken status with Ana.

It wouldn’t even be a buff, rather a fix to a problem they created. Remember how they even introduced LoS check? 2 weeks after her initial buff? And straight to Live, bypassing PTR, without any testing? And how buggy it was? Yeah, this feature should go away without any compensation “nerf”.


Where does Sig have a 20% pickrate? Also, he certainly isn’t 3rd for all tanks. I’d place him above Hog and Dva, but below everyone else. He’s a situational pick that really only works with a specific comp, and it has almost nothing to do with him. He’s not in a great place right now in my opinion.

There’s only a small number of situations where I would play Sig in place of Zarya, and that’s mainly if we have an Orisa - which I genuinely haven’t seen in any of my games. Other than that he’s a super situational pick that is beaten by Rein+Zarya in almost every way.

I certainly wouldn’t call Orisa D tier. She isn’t seeing much play, but I don’t think she herself is in a bad spot aside from needing minor changes to halt and her shield.

You go to GM and look at the pick rates for the past week and his pick rate is 20%. You look at Orisa and it is around 10% though with Orisa its probably just that Rein is so much better in most situations.

Dva is not anywhere near D-tier.

This is why the devs don’t listen to the forums.

In Overbuff? In an actual game? Where is that coming from?

In Overbuff he has a 10% pickrate in GM, and I promise you that’s only because Hammond is banned.

In actual games I’ve seen only 2? Both have been on my own team.

I don’t like a lot on the list tbh

I’ll start with why was sig removed from it :confused:

He’s crossed out but not removed because its been mixed signals if he just got lucky with this upcoming meta. I can’t really make a poll to make it more official unfortunately because then this thread will be taken down.

If theres more movement to have him uncrossed (which don’t get me wrong, there has been) he will be.

The last up to date complete polling of each hero seems to have been deleted or hidden so for now the best we have is our discussion, which is a shame, because imo it was the most complete compendium of playerbase info we’ve had for a long time.

D.va is D-tier???

On Overbuff in GM right now, for the past week its 20% (well to be specific its 3.64% but to translate that you have to multiply it by 6).

This is going to be a good Orisa week because of the Rein ban so that basically leaves a situation where its going to be pretty much every tank seeing play.

The least picked, second worst winrate tank in GM is D-tier???
Right, she’s probably F-tier, actually.


You’ve just made a list of heros people don’t know how to play.

You still havent added reaper :frowning:

the worst heroes on ladder are


some of these, like sombra, are really good in OWL tho, and might trickle down to being seen as more viable on ladder in time.

As a sym/pharah 2 trick, I think sym is fine and doesn’t really need changes (but I’m in the minority there). The changes I desperately want for these heroes are

  • bastion should be reworked into a tank
  • pharah mobility buff, like better rocket jumping or a second concussion mine-altho im wary of such a huge buff as the latter cos she’s seeing a little bit of OWL playtime again. She still absolutely sucks balls on ladder tho
  • sombra should get qol changes, bug fixes, and power diverted from the hack status both in the cd and the emp into her gun and translocator so she can be less team dependent whilst still retaining her utility. I don’t really play her tho so idk but she seems strong just requires too much teamwork for ladder

I genuinely think the other heroes are fine just aren’t the flavour of the season.

  • Winston and dva are being played a LOT at the high levels and will trickle down into ladder next season, trust me.
  • Sigma is still basically just a better zarya on most maps where you don’t want a dva if you minmax him.
  • Baptiste I think could get his dmg reverted, possibly instead his healing. I don’t really like his bunker style and high sustain he used to provide, I like how his dmg gave him a potentially even higher cap than ana tho. Bring that back
  • Junkrat has mains at 4550+, a handful of them, so I think he’s mostly ok? Echo is probably a huge nerf to him but I couldn’t say what he might need bc I never play this hero. He’s definitely not in as much trouble as bastion pharah and sombra tho.
  • orisa is actually fine people just need to adapt their playstyle. She can be played even as a solo main tank to a t500 6v6 scrim level (I’ve seen it and they won 13games in a 13 game tournament). There’s a 4600+ player with orisa only on eu. She’s good just not a shield bot anymore and people need to adapt & start actually abusing halt because its always been the best part of her kit, literally a stronger version of grav on a cooldown and its still there.
  • Roadhog. Can’t really say, don’t play this hero. Don’t see him represented much in t500 and OWL tho. Probably his main problem is that orisa synergises better with rein, sigma, and ball more than hog. Also dva counters hog at the top. His new ult change is reallllyyyy nice tho. Maybe give him the fartcloud?
  • Zen literally needs no changes whatsoever he’s completely viable just not meta. He competes with ana and moira for playtime and they’re both better than him because he struggles to survive. The only change zen needs is stronger mercy and weaker ana +moira and then he’ll be meta again. Even as it is he’s a sleeper pick that can absolutely destroy ladder rn. Revenge for example has been 4600+ with mostly zen the past 6 months

Thank you. He is in every game on both teams, how is he d tier when he can hook somebody randomly and therefore win the team fight

… Why is Mercy not on this list?

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Couldn’t agree more but it’s blizzard we’re talking about

I’d take more cast time any day over the LoS checks

No she does not has any damage output. 50HPs (single target) is good for a off healer that cant damage. I would rater remove rez and give her more room for changes.

You wanted niche hero’s on the list?

Genji. Only usable with nanoblade.

Genji has been doing well at each rank… at GM he is mid pack at worst. I havent seen anything to warrant him being D tier at all

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