❌ Official D Tier and Below Thread

For the sake of consistency, i think the heroes that need to be looked at should be listed in order to understand who is currently being held back by their kits, and who is just middle of the pack.

We talk a lot about hero balance here so to keep everyone on the same page, this thread intends to solidify a place for the heroes that are underperforming the most as of now.

This wont become a wiki to place heroes differently in D or F tier. The point is that all of them need to be addressed, regardless of how bad they are in comparison to others on this list.

I think the heroes Blizzard should address sooner than later are:

  • Sombra F
  • Bastion F
  • Zenyatta
  • Symmetra
  • Roadhog debated
  • Junkrat
  • Pharah
  • Orisa
  • Reaper new
  • Sigma debated
  • D.va debated
  • Baptiste
  • Winston
  • Mercy new

Anyone not listed is deemed to see enough play outside of specific niches. Heroes that generally are more played but are currently seen more as a liability as of late have been added.

It’s sad that this many heroes have been ruined and I think they should stop messing with the heroes that already work and maybe utilize these characters more.

Edit (May 4) The list is growing more than shrinking imo. Theres been some movements to remove others but based on the discussion it the level of playability hasn’t been reciprocated enough to warrant it yet.

This is not good! There are way too bad variables in games now. Global changes wont fix any of the issues these particular characters have for the most part. Devs should start to address the heroes that have been ignored first. They eventually got McCree right (mostly) the best way to help them is to help them directly.

The only heroes that will probably need extensive changes are the true F tier heroes on the list. They probably need reworks at this point or hard to salvage. Those heroes will feature an “F” superscript.

Heroes that are being heavily debated will now feature a “debated” superscript next to their name.

If you had to add or remove to this list, who and why?


Yet hog gets used in nearly all of my games.


Used as in ult battery :smirk:


Idk I’m I’m supposed to post something about my girl sombra but

They should definitely get rid of LoS checks

They can put a cast time of 1 sec I don’t care. It’s still a buff


I feel like D.va is now dtier again, remember that echo gets two nukes every time she dupes her unless you suicide into her face to get her out of mech. Also, Echo is BOTH projectile AND beam, so D.va as a tank just becomes more and more irrelevant.


Literally the only heroes on this list that actually need help are sig, zen, bastion and roadhog. All the other heroes on this list are fine.

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I actually kind of agree… it’s probably directly Echo’s fault but the fact that Zarya is also super meta thankw to Rein makes it way harder to use D.va without her becoming a liability.

The fact that they will probably help Sigma before they help D.va again is also bad news for her imo as he would replace the meta tanks with him and Orisa again

Why isn’t reaper on here?
He’s been F tier for a while now. Otherwise I agree these heroes should be looked at.


I’m back to not playing anymore. I don’t understand why they’ve left the tanks feeling so useless like this is not the same game anymore

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Sigma is absolutely not D-tier. He is probably the 3rd best tank right now. Actually Orisa might be the only D-tier tank right now with Rein being the only S-tier one. The other tanks are all viable, and even Orisa is not the worst, but Rein just does it better (“Rein does it better” might be the motto of OW right now).

The rest of the list I would agree with though I would add Reaper and I would consider Mei boarderline. She is not quite there yet, but she is probably the lowest hero in C-tier.

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Doesn’t seem to work well anyway; my last death to a Sombra was a blatant through-the-wall hack.

Make it as a beam
It’s always been this way, only that now you gotta stare at the target
So it’s 100% unnecessary

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Thats contradictory. Doupleshield is one of the strongest comps right now.
Maybe even the strongest due to Echo

Nah Orisas sitting at 1.45% pick, 50.7% win in GM

Junkrat is never going to be useful again if Blizzard honestly thinks that having his projectiles be so small to clip through people is a good thing.

He has to have THE most unreliable primary fire in the game, and I don’t care if people say different.

It’s already bad enough that he lobs his grenades in an arc, but they bounce and ricochet off walls, which makes it all the more frustrating to deal use them…so why in the world did they need to be made even harder to hit someone with???


Im not saying that the playerbase is smart.
Im just saying that OWL player should be better at evaluating the strength of a hero

Nah… OWL completely different. They have like coaches, and work with their team for months on end.

My list would be:


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All Baptiste needed was a damage & Immortality field nerf, he didn’t need his healing to be touched as well.

Bump his healing back up and he’ll be back to being a viable Support hero once again.

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Agreed. His healing is to weak for the effort…

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