No more easy to play Supports

Does that mean easy to play tanks and dps need to stop. I mean soldier and tracer literally can be played by anyone and now they’ll make an impact. I mean tracer can 1 clips pretty much everything with fairly average tracking madness soldier can literally use an aimbot. Soldiers aimbot is as easy as mercy holding healing.

Pstt now she’s gonna say “She does”

Total Mayhem is an arcade mode where more than half the heroes are broken. The game isn’t balanced around total Mayhem.


they are going to be wrong.

Nerf threads are not ok with you.

Not really.Even in total mayhem heroes actually require skill and aim,even more so because of the double health.But Brigitte simply doesn’t.Not in a normal mode,nor in total mayhem.A blind monkey could play her.

nerf threads are coming from the same people who cried dive was too easy and they wanted skill to be a part of the game. They will always find something to whine about as long as they are dying in the game.


She does require skill, hitting a tracer that knows how to blink correctly is not easy.

You’re just mad that not all supports are easy to kill. I’m sure Moira triggers you into a ball of rage too.


Nah actually Moira doesn’t.She is still relativelly balanced.And trust me not being able to hit a good Tracer that isn’t reatrded is not an indicator of skill.

it is when you have a 45 degree cone to do it with. bashing a tracer is not difficult all you need to do is wait for her to get in your range.

no I think moira is fine.

Hello !

I agree on people liking to play dps since they can display skill, but keep in mind that playing support you are the one who has to deal with the skill and try to outskill the person to stay alive as well as healing the team.
Not dying is particularly difficult on supports since everyone wants to get at you and i believe that is were the skill to some supports lie. Zen has no cc and his biggest ability, trans can be forced out if you focus him early on in the fight so that he has to survive.
Even if the support itself does not require that much skill in the abilities, he needs to keep in mind all his allies and also were are the enemies he needs to be careful of. Where as, a dps like Genji needs to go in when he sees the opportunity grab the easy kill and continue dealing damage.

The skill displayed for supports and DPS characters are quite different and i dont think having characters that aren’t complicated to play is an issue at all since you have 20 other things to worry about.

That said, I created a post yesterday about an idea for a support character. Feel free to check it out and tell me what you think about it, here is the link :

Have a good night,

The Frog King

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Does a Mercy who doesn’t require any aim to heal,and has an ability that allows her to survive and escape any situation that does not fit her,have the same level of skill as a hero that requires aim to heal,and has no mobility at all and has to fight to survive?

She requires an immense amount of proper positioning and who she needs to heal since her HPS is pretty low.

If you feel everything needs to be about aim, then this game isn’t for you.


Uhhh any good Tracer isn’t going to make it easy for Brigitte to bash her. You’re just mad you can’t kill all supports easily anymore, I’m sorry.


Ana requires positioning,like every single hero in this game does,Ana even more so than Mercy.And Ana’s healing and damage output is only as good as her aim.
And Mercy’s healing output is not much lower than hers,but is 100% reliable and consistent.
Also I believe you’re not here for an argument,but simply looking for people who think likewise as you do.So I don’t really care.

not at all, I don’t find brig to be a problem lol, I destroy brigs, im just telling you that it doesn’t require skill to use her. If it did, all the golds that climbed to gm using her wouldn’t have been able to do it.

No one cares about supports,we just hate that she’s hard to kill in general,considering how little effort she requires.Also you’re just protecting her because she’s a support,if she was categorized DPS people wouldn’t be so keen on protecting her.

Nah you’re just mad you can’t delete supports easily anymore and that every hero isn’t based around aim… You get killed by a hero that doesn’t require precise aim and you get all triggered.


Call me crazy but what about 4th main support with no healing?

Nah.In fact I can simply delete Brig by sleeping her as Ana.And let my team melt her like grilled cheese.