Creating Characters

Good evening everyone,

For the last month or so I’ve been sitting on a character idea for a possible healer. After seeing Hammond and the up coming Ana ult change i noticed the idea i had seems to be in the same direction the game is currently undergoing.

I am sadly not skilled enough yet to give you a beautiful drawing oh how i imagine the character to be like but i can give you a description that might allow you guys and girls to see a glimpse of it.

This character would be a male support, middle age British punk rock style with big black boots, skinny holed jeans and an opened vest with a few patches on it. Quite slim, even perhaps bony, with sun glasses and a bat on his back. As for his hair, well, semi long and all over the place.

His day to day job is doctor but he is the shady character, very smart and weird. Curious about most things in a dark way, he totally has a screw or two loose up there. On his belt he has a few vials attached that he uses as weapons to throw at people to heal or inflict damage.

His basic fire is just him throwing his vials to people as projectiles but what makes them interesting is that as well as the vials doing splash damage as they break they ignore armor. ( i wanted it to ignore shields as well but poor zen would not be able to do anything in that situation ). As for the healing part of his vials same applies, they heal direct hp as the vials break healing for 80 hp if it lands directly on the person or 50 in splash healing. As for the damage 100 on direct hit and 70 on aoe. I am not totally sure if those numbers are acceptable or not but i’m open to any suggestions :slight_smile:

His second ability is the bat swing, He throws 2 vials of his weird mixture in the air and smashes them mid air dealing damage or healing in a cone in front of him and slowing the enemies in range slightly, if he is close enough to the enemy when he swings he stuns for .5 seconds allowing him a bit of close range burst healing or damage as well as a slight defensive ability. Healing for 160 in front of him and damaging for 140. If he only has 1 ammo left he will do half of the damage and healing.

I was going for the idea of area denial for his 3rd ability to give some strategic play possibility locking down certain areas for some time. He throws a bigger vial of acid and when it lands it splashes all around, if landed on top of rein’s shield or any shield it will still burst and create the aoe area denial zone. Here is how it works, the acids inside the vial are so strong they melt the floor, walls and armor around the area of impact creating toxic fumes that damage people over time and strip them of their armor instantly unless it lands on a shield. In that case the fumes will once again apply direct damage to enemy hp ignoring the armor.

And last but not least, His ultimate ability is an untested drug of his that locks the hp of the ally receiving it for 5 seconds making him invulnerable and buffing his damage. That being said, while under the effect of the ability that said ally can no longer receive healing until 10 seconds after it was cast on him. Making him very vulnerable if the fight is not ended by that time.

So there it is, the nameless character idea I’ve been sitting on to for a while. I believe even if the character is still unrefined that some of the ideas are well worth a look at.

I have been thinking about abilities and ideas that could lead to the creation of another main tank things between Rein and Orisa the choice can be a bit lacking as for characters able to protect the team and i’ve come up with a few ideas but i’m going to think about it a bit more and gather more ideas towards that and try to form something a little more concrete.

I hope my idea pleased you guys and girls and I’m looking forwards to any feedback. Thanks for reading and have an awesome evening !

The Frog King.


Too long brain hurts because there’s actual effort in the post ok thanks bye


Sorry it a bit long indeed.

Here is a summary of the abilities in a shorter version and less detailed:

1 -> potion throw,
on allies, heals with splash effect.
on enemy damage with splash effect.

2 -> swings bat at potions to smash it at enemy dealing damage in a cone in front, quick interrupt if close to bat and slow.

3 -> throws vial, on impact burns walls floor and such creating toxic fumes that apply damage over time in area past armor ( area denial ). If lands on character directly strips off armor.

4 -> untested medicine on ally, buffs damage and locks his health on what ever it was when it was applied for X amount of time, once the effect is ended the character can not be healed for the same amount of time.

Hope this is less demanding on the brain ^^
have a nice evening :slight_smile:


fast concept:

a scientist that use an armor suit made of living plants.

his abilities would be plant based. He could be a tank, with minor support abilities. he could create temporal healing orbs to deploy them as a torbjorn armor pacj, but to do that he must self damage himself. he should have other ability to slowly regenerate his health.
if he dies, the armor sprouts some healing orbs (is like the mayhem passive of junkrat, but healing).
ultimate, no idea.

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i like the dying ability, but it lacks the tank aspect right now, perhaps he could throw seeds on allies to create little barriers but that is quite close to what Brigitte does with her heal. The Living plant thing is also cool :slight_smile:


well, designing a tank without any kind of shield is difficult. Rein, orisa, winston have shields. Even Hammond, with a personal shield that doesnt give ultimate. Defense matrix is a cool ability, and zarya bubbles too. And roadhog only has a strong selfhealing with some resitance to damage.

So, designing any other ability to soak damage, while being original, is difficult. although I think that in MOBAS there should be more examples of tanking abilities.

The ability i had in mind for a tank would be more of an alien type, he activates a zarya grav kind of ability but that absorbs the shots going past him or to him and shoot them back out after maybe some special gravity gun or something so he can activate it in chokes and reflect randomly.

Well, also there could be a tank that, for a fraction of time, attracts all shoots to him. Like an inverse tacticsl visor. That can be very cool if that character is behind a barrier.

Also, to favour maintained damage against burst damage, a character with an effect to reduce healing or tonprotect against burst damage could be great for the game. Like an armor but only for big burst damage, and with a more drastic effect

the issue is most character with a big burst are either snipers or ultimates and have something to block that burst would be way to op and render some champions pretty much useless against that

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I was messing around with that comment. But yeah, it’s an interesting idea. I’m also curious if Blizz would ever add a hero that lets you lower or raise your health pool to trade for either speed boost or damage boost.

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Lucky for you I am not a lazy git and I love to read :notes:

You have more good ideas and effort than the devs do quite honestly.

I for one welcome our new Froggy Overlord. :frog:

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I wasnt referring to block all the damage, just reduce it. Im a way that, for instance, doomfist ultimate wouldnt kill a tank, but he would still kill any other character.

Haha, thank you very much Junkhog :slight_smile: I try to come up with interesting and original ideas, they aren’t always good but I think this one was worth sharing so I hope it will reach the devs.
As for the devs, creating new a character that fits in to the existing game without disrupting its balance must be pretty hard and all the work that goes in character creation must be exhausting, I’m sure they have ideas for the next 5 characters already and are trying to balance them out with the rest of the game. I’d personally love to see more of the work behind the creation of all the characters to see how its all done and to see the people who created our favourite characters ^^