No more easy to play Supports

Lucio should be a 3 star

2-star to use maybe but 3 star to be a true Lucio Master…

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Really you could say that for any hero.


Yeap … … …

I almost stopped playing completly. 1~3 games every 2~3 days, thats like nothing compared to how much I used to play this game before Season 10
I was really happy when 2 heroes in a row where supports but im missing some kind of challenge playing them

As for supports are easy… well, of course they are easy if there are no hard supports to play. Out of 6 supports the only somewhat complex/difficult one is Ana. Sure you can improve a lot on Zens aim or Lucios wallriding but they do have - just like every other support - a super, super low skill floor

I sort of agree that our healer capacity is quite nice so far. Moira, Mercy, Brigitte, lucio all form some very easy base level of ability without much effort at all.

Zenyatta/Ana certainly hit the harder to use category. I’d be fine with some hitscan healers as well.

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Agree there. It’s easy to get basic value out of Lucio, but his kit requires significant mechanical aim, spatial awareness, map knowledge, and game sense to get great value out of. Low skill floor, steep ramp to his ceiling.

Ok then a 4-Star. He is the most Mechanically demanding hero, needs perfect map and team awareness due to his ability to make the entire map his play ground and his limited range for his buffs.

Not to mention using his weakish ult properly and using his crap weapon to actually accomplish anything. I mean landing his 3 slow butt projectile shoot requires you to lead your shoots by miles.

I am never more impressed by a person playing char well then by a Lucio mains. People say Tracer and Genji would but their roles are singular as get kills and retreat. Lucios got that + supporting his team

Edit: Sometimes I feel people get offended when I throw props at certain heros but Lucio being the most difficult hero in the game is an opinion and if you think there is another more deserving of the title I would def like to hear the argument.

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Good thing next hero should be a dps then, we haven’t got one in a year.

Kinda like: Genji and Doomfist are on the same level as reading a Nasa engineering manual, right? RIGHT?!

No I mean the gun heals XD

Not everything has to be about precise aiming.

Making a support have skill =/= require precision aiming.

this is a shooter moba hybrid. at somepoint heros have to stop being hand holding heros.

But being able to aim and prove your skill is more fun.That’s why most people pick DPS,because most DPS require aim and skill

its a shooter with moba elements. 60% of this game is supposed to be about aiming.

Heros need to start requiring it.


Well all supports require lots of skill currently. So I don’t know what you’re going on about.


By lots you mean 3 out of the six

Let me guess, you think Brigitte doesn’t take skill.

Here’s a hint, she does. And she also requires good aim and direction with her shield bash and whip shot.


Try to survive first at those dps and tanks when they want your life at any cost and go back to tell it’s easy. :sweat_smile:

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It wonderful how you know right away whom we mean.Also she doesn’t.Do you know how I play her in total mayhem?I LITERALLY just spamm all the buttons.I don’t even see what I’m doing.I just know that I’m doing something,because my ult keeps charging.

she doesn’t. at all.

no she doesn’t.

her shield bash has a 45 degree cone it can hit in, and her whip shot has one of the largest hit boxes in the game.

she doesn’t require skill at all. You can tell yourself that, but she is nowhere near the level of genji, tracer, hanzo, widow, doomfist, or McCree.

Those heros require skill.

Brig does not.

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