No more easy to play Supports

All golds that use her to climb to GM? Wow this must be a secret I don’t know about.

Here’s a hint though, her pick rate isn’t that high. And in GM, she’s not used much.


You know why?Because skill and aim counter her in GM

With that super precise aiming of yours huh? Look at all that skill you have versus Brigitte, you must be proud.

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Very :kissing_heart:

In gold she’s right above Lucio in terms of pick rates. There goes that argument that she’s OP and requires no skill. :disappointed_relieved:


before we talk about supports, we need at least 1 to 2 more main tanks and 1 to 2 more off-tanks. I think of hammond as more of a bruiser/disruption hero than a classic off-tank.

If we were talking about supports, I think we need another mercy like healer. Mercy is the ONLY hero in the game that is a classic HEALER. We need more options besides just her, maybe somebody who can insta heal (that requires less skill than ana, tho her new nano boost can be a solution to this)


What is that witchcraft?Lucio should be above her XD

theres quite a few. I play in gm, and when I checked profiles of brig players, 4/10 of them climbed from gold or plat to gm in a season.

shes not picked in gm, because snipers dominate gm at the moment, and she is hard countered by snipers.

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Don’t worry, the next support will be a male. :wink:

haha what? She’s one of the least picked supports across all tiers, just FYI. If she was that OP and skillless, more people would pick her to win.

But here’s a hint, she’s hard to play well and she’s not OP. Keep trying though. :hugs:


Maybe people simply prefer to play heroes that require more skill,because they’re more fun and feel more rewarding

Winston doesn’t require precise aim and was highly picked for a good amount of time. Does he not require skill either because he doesn’t need precise aim? :hugs:


okay, tell yourself that my dude :man_shrugging: notice nobody is agreeing with you?

theres a reason why.

saying brig requires skill is saying she is as difficult as widow, hanzo , McCree, genji, tracer, and doomfist to play. She definitely isn’t.

Maybe shes hard to play for you, because you are in the below average tier of players, but for the standard playerbase, shes the easiest hero in the game.

No.He requires skill.Because his kit is on high cooldowns and he’s basically free ult charge.

Winston requires jump mechanics, and combos. he doesn’t require a lot of skill, but you definitely have to be skilled in his jumps to get value out of him

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And Brigitte just needs to be skilled at existing

Aww, you so mean! I’m sorry you get triggered as Mr Genji main when a Brigitte kills you. Then come on the forums to rage against a ‘no skill hero’.

But but but Brigitte doesn’t require aimings! Why she no have to aim? I put so many hours in Genji!!!1111 :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


im a widow main.

bro are you like, 8? cause it seems like your a child on the forums.

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Yes and Brigitte needs proper positioning and using good decision making on when to use her shield bash and when to rally.

She requires skill too, I’m sorry that triggers you. :disappointed_relieved:


Deffinietly have to agree.Are we trying to reason here with a child?