No more easy to play Supports

As the title states, I don’t want any more easy to play Supports. People like playing DPS, because they like using abilities that displays skill.

From now on, please only release supports that take a good amount of skill and can make skillful plays. No easier than Zen, and up to as hard as Ana.


Well actually I play dps because the tank role is a dumpster fire. And I play supports for the frags.


Personally, I disagree. Right now it’s hard to get two people who are decent at support to fill the roles. You typically get people who flex fill the role and either don’t really want it or aren’t really that good at it. Adding more easy to play supports benefits the tanks and DPS immensely.

What I DON’T want to see anymore of is easy to play supports with game-changing offensive abilities, like shield bash.


Yeah, we already have enough. Next support should be high skill, both skill floor and ceiling.


Hey, here’s a thought. How about you don’t tell the people who made the game what they can and can’t make?


Yes, we need even fewer people playing supports.


Like a support that heals only with melee button

Bum. That is really difficult to play

Er, I think they benefit from hearing what we like. Most of the recent heroes have been things the community specifically wanted (Doomfist to go with the lore, Moira as a sturdy healer who can take care of herself, Brigitte as a solution to dive). Granted, I don’t always like the implementations, but they do care about what the community wants.


Half of you aren’t even understanding what I’m saying.

We already have Mercy, Moira, Lucio, and Brig, which are all easy (relatively speaking) to play.

Ana, IMO, is the most fun to play, because it’s actually exciting to land her abilities, and you can show case some actual skill with them. How clutch can your sleep darts, and your nade be? A good vs poor Ana shows. Not as much with the first 4 mentioned, although there are differences, but not like there is with Ana, or even Zen.

What I’m saying is, Supports already have a large chunk of it filled with lower difficulty supports, with less high impact abilities (although Brig has a high impact ability that’s easy to pull off). I want to see more higher skill, higher impact support heroes.

To the guy who says we don’t have good supports… it’s cause a lot of people don’t want to main support because it can get pretty boring playing lots of 1 star heroes. Why do you think people LIKE playing Genji, Tracer, Doomfist, etc?

Ana, IMO, has that same fun factor, on a support. I love playing her. I want more like her. That’s what I’m asking for.


An SMG healer? I mean what abilities could they posibbly have.

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We want more heroes like Ana, who as much as I love her, are largely inaccessible to many many people?


I don’t think you can have a support that is a main healer with a high skill ceiling and floor because no one wants to be in a team with a support that may or may not be able to heal. Ana already has problems with this and is closer to an off healer then a main healer, she also has massive utility. If we had a pure healer like Mercy that required high skill, few people would play her and she’d be a troll pick.

Also I highly doubt DPS players would love a healer that could double their healing potential with a headshot. DPS are acceptable for having increased damage as a reward for skill, not so much healers having increased healing as a reward for skill.


The problem with Ana is that she’s not rewarded well for landing her shots over a Mercy (underpowered) but when all the supports get balanced she will be excellent when played well.

I’m confident Blizzard can balance high skill supports. A high skill support should be greatly rewarded just like a high skill DPS is rewarded when played well, think Widow.

IMO, all Supports shouldn’t be 1 star heroes. Otherwise, it’s not really fair for people who enjoy supports, but want to display skills just like any of the other roles.

I’m not as optimistic, Blizzard has already stated that they do not want to give Ana the buffs the community wants because she needs to have weaknesses (that being things like survivability and being countered by most tanks). I can kind of understand because she has two of the best skills in the game, generally utility falls to the off healer roles. Trying to push the other supports under her level just makes the supports and tanks suffer, DPS will love it though.

I doubt people would be fine with 300 Hp burst healing headshots. Healing has always been at least half of what DPS can produce, anything rewarding for support is more likely to come from their DPS abilities (Zenyatta).


As a support main, I think Moira should be the lower limit for difficulty. I love Ana and Zen because of the challenging aspects of them. I don’t even play Mercy or Brig or Lucio (that last of which simply because he doesn’t do enough to be worth picking over Zen) and I only play Moira on rare occasions.

A lot of Ana’s traditional inaccessibility is because she was underpowered for so long. I mean, Genji and Tracer are hard to play, but there were plenty of them before Brig was dropped on their heads.

This is true. If Genji and Tracer can have a winrate on average above 50% in Gold/Plat, then so should Ana… but she’s not, because she’s statistically underpowered.

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You know not many people play ana since she has a higher skill floor and even play her religiously like she’s a new widowmaker you are never going to hit all your shots and when your a healer your better off picking something reliable than missing over half your shots costing the game


No one would play support if it was hard. Thats why Ana is in a bad spot. Releasing a support that requires skill is counter-intuitive. They are supposed to be easy to play so people will play them. If it took just as much skill or more to play a support over a DPS why would anyone play support? I only play Mercy because its easy but if they made every support harder than easy I would just play DPS.

Supports are for those who don’t have the mechanical skill and still want to make an impact. Some skill requirement is OK but having one be as difficult as Ana you might as well just play Soldier. That way you can kill things and make more of an impact with much less skill.

Skill and supports isnt meant to go together, you need to incentivize people to play the support. Why would anyone who wants to have fun in a video game support others so they can have fun. I’d rather be killing everything but you know what I can’t so I play support.

This game was catered towards casuals. Thus the supports make it easy. If you want to show off skill go play a different game, this is meant for fun easy-goers.


Because they get a reward for the skill. Playing Ana your reward is keeping these characters alive more often. What fun. Ana because of her high skill requirement, it would be better to play an easy DPS like Soldier who requires much less skill but much more reward. You want a challenge to show off skill? Wrong game pal.