No Mercy mains are not entitled

That’s a bit extreme in response to a single character getting changed.
If you played just for Mercy, then maybe Overwatch isn’t really your type of game.


The problem I see with this is Tempo Res was always the best method and this would force a Tempo Res playstyle. It was widely known that those who wait for 4-5 man res are playing badly. This would be the most perfect Res platform to have.

However what would the new E bring anyways and would it be weak because of the fact she still has res?

True but here’s the thing, even in ranks where you should expect Mercy 1.0 to have learned the tempo rez she was still fluctuating between D and F tier which to many suggests that tempo rez on ultimate is far more manageable and you can kind of see why, Ultimates have the advantage of not being static (so killing mercy can slow it down just like it does on any hero) and B is being compared to ultimates rather then abilities which puts it’s power into a lot more perspective.

As for the E well there are lots of things it could be, I myself want to use this as an oppurtunity to throw a new couner to the rising amount of CC in this game and make it a CC resistance style buff to the beam or something but again like I said mass rez was F tier without the added bonus of invulnerability and even with it she was C tier at BEST

Not giving money to a company that does not deliver a fun product is not an overreaction. Losing faith and trust in a company after seeing how they treat the community and the design decisions they make is a natural conclusion, which in turn affects my perception on any other product they make.

As for Overwatch not being for me; well, for a while I was lured in by their design philosophy of having something for everyone (or for a larger playerbase than regular FPS games). Then the OWL hit and casual gaming for fun stopped being a priority. And that is when the game stopped being for me. Consequently I have not played the game or any other Blizzard games since January.

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You need to get therapy

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DVa has gotten plenty of nerfs. Current damage on left click and Defense Matrix is nothing like it used to be several nerfs ago. But yet there isnt a flood of posts from DVa mains on the forum.

Hog got nerfed to hell and yet now after this buff is the first time for a long time ive seen posts about Hog.

Bastion has been bad since removal of his front facing shield like 2 years ago, but other then the occasional posts ppl dont whine about him.

But making a mustpick healer nerfed to be in line with the others causes floods of posts.

I hope Blizzard just removes ress forever and makes a promise to never bring it back. Then she can get other buffs instead.


You said ‘some’ that doesn’t mean all. When I say any DPS I meant that any DPS treated the way Mercy was at this point would have been met with outrage. Also, please, what DPS are worse? Do tell, I am very curious.

This has already happened to symmetra, they completely changed her yet there isn’t nearly as much whining if any.

Are you forreal, Symmetra mains were all over this forum whining about her rework. Some of them even went as far as to call her unplayable, stop it get some help. Get your head check. Drive into a ditch. Just do something to fix the way you are. You have actually disgusted me and the fact that you are a living breathing person worries me for the future of the United State of America.

I gotta quit these forums now, you have actually just ruined my year. Like three months left and you took it right from me. You are literally evil.

I might just consider you my nemesis.

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Source? Evidence?

If you demand repeatedly that the devs do what you want and repeatedly claim that the rework was a failure despite people like me enjoying it, then yes, you are being entitled. It’s okay for you to be entitled, but don’t try and claim you’re not.

Yeah, it’s getting ridiculous how many of you feel so entitled as to demand reverts, claim you’re being ignored, or make useless forum movements.

This is hilariously blown out of proportion and only illustrates just how entitled you really are.

What he said is true. There isn’t nearly as much whining.


No. The fact of the matter is that you guys wanted her addressed so blizz did and buffed her Valk and now you guys are complaining even about a buff. After 13 nerfs I’d be happy that my hero is getting a buff but rant ig.

Thank you ,needed a good laugh today

But back on topic ,it isn’t NEARLY as much whining ,and we’re less than a year in and there’s barely any threads asking for a revert anymore ,if any.

For a little while. They stopped. Now we see maybe one or two Symmetra threads a day, often at least halfway constructive ones. Yet the forum is literally crawling with Mercy spam calling a straight buff a “partial revert,” or whatever rhetoric keeps them in the victim role.

You want your Hero back? We know, but the pity wells are drying up. We want the forum back.


Jesus christ you wrote alot to say nothing. Your entire post is moot given I"M NOT EVEN A MERCY MAIN MY BOY. Lord have mercy it’s like you people associate anyone that makes a pro mercy thread with being a mercy main.

Actually stupid. Actual autist…

What a god. Honestly. After reading your comment you have my full respect. @ “We want the forums back movement”. Let’s get this W bois.

I do agree with you, but this is the third “Mercy mains aren’t entitled” thread I’ve seen today—the other two being:

  1. Why Mercy mains aren’t happy. We aren’t entitled, we’re being hurt
  2. “Mercy mains are entitled” | Why this is wrong!

That’s just an annoying forum ‘‘meme’’ started by the brigitte spaghetti guy ,not actually related to balance or anything.

Really funny how people are saying Mercy mains are entitled because we want to be the best healer forever.

No? We just want Mercy to be fun again. The DPS mains would be livid if their precious Tracer or Genji or dare I say, Doomfist, was nerfed as hard as Mercy has been.
This “buff” (I mean, lmao, not really) is such a slap in the face to the Mercy community. I don’t know how people can’t see that. It’s a literal joke.

Let’s talk about how Bastion has PTSD. Not from the Omnic Crisis, but from how Blizzard butchered her.

Also, until literally yesterday, Reaper has been neglected as one of the worst performing and most unreliable heroes in the game. We’re yet to see how the change will play out.

I’m confused. :confused: is that an issue? Not trying to be rude. Just curious.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.