No Mercy mains are not entitled

“alot” isn’t a word.
I didn’t type a lot, you’re just not that great at reading yet I think.
My point isn’t moot, actually, because it applies still to entitled Mercy mains.

Incorrect. The post is about Mercy mains being entitled, friend, so I’m simply staying on topic. Sorry that’s too much for you to comprehend.


That is the most pathetic attempt to insult me I’ve ever seen. In the top 10 actually.
Someone who types “alot” called me stupid.


Thanks for the laugh dude. I really needed that before school. I love it when stupid people try and bring me down to their level. Have fun with ‘alot’.

“Actually stupid.”

Please think at all before you post, you moron.

Most mains are entitled.

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Bastion, Bastion is your example? Reaper? Are you… Hold on just a moment.

Lmao genji has been nerfed many times before so we’ve already experienced it. Just saying

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No, no, I’ve got no issue with the threads themselves. I actually agree with them.

I was just poking fun at all the titles being so similar. :upside_down_face:

alot. A lot. Alot. You are very stupid, I have alot of fun. Are you… Really basing your entire little post here on the fact I used alot? You may just be stupid after all. Alot, A lot. It means the same thing regardless of how I spell it. You’re actually reaching. What said little man you are.

I mean, you guys are acting a little entitled.

You ask for a buff and say you would be fine with a middle ground.

But when Blizzard does exactly that, provide a middle ground buff, you people freak the hell out since it’s not exactly the buff you were asking for, and how “it’s not even a buff, but actually a partial revert, which is BS”.

Rememver, you guys were literally asking for a partial revert 48 hours ago (55 HPS instead of 60, even though the biggest complaint is she can’t outheal Winston which 55 wouldn’t help with at all). Yet this is still somehow cause to complain.

Sounds a bit arrogant and entitled to me, honestly.

Someone who is currently embarrassed to be associated as a Mercy main (again)


I think she is fun.
That’s the entitled part.
You want her changed because you don’t have fun with her.
Ignoring the support mains like me that do have fun with her.

That’s entitled. Sorry, but it is.

Not a mercy main btw. Here let me put something up so the slow can keep up and realize something.

This isn’t a partial revert. Mercy’s healing is still 50 health per second outside of Valkyrie.

These Mercy “buffs” just made her slightly less worse than she was pre-healing nerf. It’s not what anybody asked for.

Yes, because none have ever been on par with her strength ,so if they ever got nerfed as hard they’d be worse than sym 1.0 (You can argue that genji on launch was just as OP ,but he was already nerfed hard since then so that point is moot)

Thank you. Someone that I can agree with. I mean yes, maybe mercy could’ve gotten a bit more healing for Valk but nonetheless it was a buff and they did address her yet ppl are going nuts.

You ought to fix your title.

Commas are important.

“No mercy mains aren’t entitled”

That means there aren’t any Mercy mains who are not entitled, and therefore, they are all entitled.

“No, Mercy mains are not entitled”

This statement tells the reader that Mercy mains are not entitled.

Sort of nitpicking, but the comma (or lack of one) in that statement completely changes the meaning, to the point where they’re polar opposites.

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But Genji is still fun for Genji mains.

And do Genji mains who speak out about these buff/nerfs experience the level of harassment that Mercy mains do? Absolutely not.

You’re trying to justify using a word that doesn’t exist.
That’s so cute!

“alot” is not a word. Nothing you can do will change that. Admit you are being stupid and didn’t know basic spelling and move on.

I’m not reaching, you’re putting it right in front of me for free.

“What said little man you are”

And you think I’m stupid? Thank you
Thank you for the laughs man.


Doesn’t change my post, point, or opinion in the slightest.

If it doesn’t apply directly to you, then don’t act like it does.

He thinks alot is a word, you’re barking up the wrong tree.

Blockquote Overall, 61.9% of all participants do not enjoy playing Mercy as she currently is for one reason or another. This includes…

  • 57.9% of Non – Support Players
  • 49.3% of Support Players
  • 60.9% of Support Mains
  • 57.9% of Mercy Mains
  • 67.7% of Non-Mercy Support Mains

It’s also worth mentioning that there’s a popular mindset going around that goes along the lines of “If you enjoy her currently, then you simply don’t play her, and thus don’t know what you’re talking about.” To go off of that, of the remaining 38.1% of the total participants who said that they still find her enjoyable…

  • 81.1% claim to generally find Mercy enjoyable to play, regardless of balance
  • 66.6% have over 50 hours on her
  • 56.1% said both.

In general, most of those who are saying she’s still fun not only actually say they play her, but have the hours to back it up as well. They simply find fun in a different way than others do, which is to be expected when talking about such a subjective subject.

Anyways, a total of 81.0% of all participants also found her more enjoyable in some previous iteration, regardless of their answer before. This includes…

  • 46.1% of Non – Support Players
  • 79.6%% of Support Players
  • 72.5% of Support Mains
  • 72.7% of Non-Mercy Support Mains
  • 96.0% of Mercy mains

Now, that last one is probably just going to be written off as “Oh Mercy players want her to be OP again.” Just remember that people were complaining about her being unenjoyable while she had a 100% pickrate across the board. It’s not as simple as strength = fun.

Either way, when you ask over 1100 people such a subjective question, and the response is almost completely unanimous on the negative side, it starts to make you wonder if maybe something actually does need to be changed.


Mercy Survey Results

I’m not justifying… bro it’s a lot. I know. I type it as alot anyway. I will always probably alot. That’s just something I do. You are uh… You’re a special kind of adamant.

A lot Alot Alot Alot. Just a space man, just a space. Yes, you ARE stupid. You’re really stuck on Alot a lot.

I feel like you’re a little nettled by me… I’m sorry dawg, take it easy.

The fact you’re so desperate to stick with this is just… Showing alot of your character.

So, 96% of people are entitled? Interesting