New Pharah does not encourage accuracy

It encourages even more spam then live iteration.

With the changes with splash combined with her recovery time she may be able to fire faster it does technically mean she can output more damage in a shorter amount of time when accurate.

However, Most Pharah’s who were any good did not even fire the moment her live rate of fire allowed her too. They took their time for worthwhile shots. Which essentially means that Pharah players either have to increase their fire rate and LOSE accuracy or keep firing at their current rate and LOSE damage.

The Concussive blast is nice and good addition. BUt I would much rather they have provided another bit of compensation instead of her recover time. It should have been either Projectile speed to make direct hits more feasible or a damage increase on direct hits overall.

Sadly Pharah’s survival AND damage are going to plummet further in my estimation. Which will not help her in the higher ranks where she needs it.

Edit: If you would rather listen to someone more experienced explain why the RoF is not a buff for accurate Pharah play feel free to watch this video by Valkia. I realize theirs is not the only perspective but it is one I share.

Edit: in addition they reduced her explosive knockback which makes “Juggling” less viable when getting direct hits.

Edit: A more detailed explanation with numbers I made in another thread.


They shouldve buffed direct shots tbh, it does the same danage still


Either that or increase projectile speed so landing direct hits is more feasible. They still only move at 35m.


She’s getting a net +20% buff to direct hit DPS. How does this not buff (and therefore reward/encourage) accuracy?

Her net splash DPS is only -2.5%, so she’s nearly as good at spam as ever.

See: Running the numbers: Pharah gets a huge buff!


Because good Pharah’s do not fire constantly already. Meaning the fire rate increase does little for them. Its a net nerf in damage output due to this.

You also cannot juggle enemies for follow up direct hits as well either due to the reduction in explosive knockback.


How do you get this? The direct damage buff would mean they straight up gain damage assuming the same fire rate as before.

If they fire faster? Yes. If they fire for accuracy? No. Its spam. Not accuracy that this encourages.

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But it does MORE DAMAGE on DIRECT HIT. Even with the exact same fire rate, that means more damage overall. You seem to be forgetting that it wasn’t just a fire rate buff.

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there needs to be a reward for direct hits… like jetpack boost or stacked dmg…

It doesn’t do more damage. The damage was redistributed.

Splash damage down from 80 to 65. increased direct from 40 to 65. Which means a direct hit still results in 120 damage.


…hmm, alright, fair enough. I was the one looking at it wrong. Forgot that direct hits also dealt the splash damage, probably because Symmetra’s orbs don’t work the same way I’m pretty sure.


Its all good. Everyone makes mistakes.


Personally, I don’t know why on earth they listen to changing Pharah except for separate platform entirely. To me I never thought she needed any changes at all but that’s my opinion.

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Changes to projectile speed are the worst because people who can aim will have to adjust again.

True, There would most certainly be a time for adjustment. But the end result would be more feasibility for accurate shots.

…or OWL tokens


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I feel like she’s just air Junkrat now. :laughing:


I put a lot of time into my A2A Pharah, last thing i want to do is have to learn this again.

Well rip Pharah’s viability then.

If Hanzo players could adjust froma 70m to 100m projectile speed why couldn’t Pharah players adjust to it too?


Eh, I suppose it depends on how you play regularly.

When I heard her splash was gonna be less effective, my first thought was, “Damn, now I’ll have to aim better.” But I also tend to play heroes that require good aim in the first place, like Zenyatta, Ana, McCree, etc.

Maybe players who are more prone to just spamming all over the place to begin with are gonna keep spamming, but to say everybody is discouraged from aiming just isn’t true.