I'm quitting Pharah :upset:

Of course go ahead

I’m not complaining that I die to hitscans, I’m complaining that Pharah’s counters have all gotten buffs constantly over the years and her only reliable healer gets nerfed monthly.

I’m complaining that we waited almost 2 years for anything to happen to Pharah to balance this power creep, and what do we finally get? Splash damage nerf and splash boop nerf.

They tried to buff her by making boop 9 seconds and letting you shoot 7 rockets in the time it used to shoot 6, but that does NOTHING that was needed. We need SURVIVABILITY buffs

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What if they buffed her concussive blast so once it’s on cooldown, she can activate it mid-cooldown to push it back 3-4 seconds, but producing a mini-concussive blast that only effects her?

I just wish they’d give her some survivability, that’s all…

  • make 100 of her HP into regenerating armor (shes most visually armored non tank in the game so why not)
  • make barrage cancellable or able to slightly move while using or gain shields while using
  • make the area of effect healers have the area extend upwards in a cylinder so it can reach pharah

Just ONE of these survivability buffs is what she needs, that’s it. I tried for 4500 combined posts across both forums to communicate this to Blizzard but they’re incapable of understanding this :unamused:

Rocket Barrage is one of my favorite abilities, you just have to catch the enemy off guard or be very aware of if you’ll get value or not (sometimes a suicide barrage will win the team fight)

In regards to surviveability play further away from your enemy, use cover, go to your healers, etc…

Her poor surviveability is her downside. Every hero has one. Its the cost of her mobility and somewhat forgiving long range weapon. She can outright abuse teams that can’t deal with her like GOATs or other tank heavy comps but requires a lot of resources to keep alive against ones that can.


For those of you who wish to understand why this is a nerf for both low and high ranked players…

Actually I think some people actually said Hard counters is boring and likes heroes being able to counter counters but still die too. Which Pharah is doing now, she has better kill power so can counter counters?

being able to hail-mary spam 7 rockets in the time it used to take to shoot 6, but have them do less damage and less knockback is NOT more killing power. It’s more spamming power to destroy shields/barriers slightly faster and that’s it. She is now suicidal self-harming air-junkrat

That PLUS 2 direct shots hitting faster.

Good Pharah players like myself who are able to do stealth divebomb kills since launch never needed faster 2 shotting. If you do it right with current speed, two rockets will be a fraction of a second apart so the person dies in 0.1 second. This ‘buff’ will make them die in 0.05 seconds, not as useful as it looks to non-pharah players.

Killing speed/potential is not what Pharah players actually want omg why do I say this 1000x a day, we need survivability. STOP nerfing the only 3 healers that can heal Pharah, GIVE her armor or make barrage cancelable and I will be happy until the end of time

Hahahahahahahaha SHE FEELS SOOOOooooo GOooood bro. Chill. I promise you her playrate in gm will go up. If i’m wrong I’m sorry, but I honestly believe it. Man playing her I just can’t believe people could not like this buff? She’s sooooo good feeling. I have never had a charachter just start feeling GOOD like this before. Not unfair. Not unbalanced. Skillfull AND better feeling. Can’t wait.

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The buff is actually 0.2 sec faster. That if half a mcree shot. Not 0.05

I feel like they should just rework her ultimate into a carpet-bombing style ultimate. Pressing “Q” charges for 2 seconds, where you’re not allowed to move and can select your direction with a red-line showing the effected area (Like Mei’s Ice Wall showing its own effected area). Upon release, Pharah shoots forward, releasing bombs towards the ground in her path. Pressing “Q” again during the launch forward stops you where you’re at, and it transitions into its current ult for the remainder of the ultimate’s duration.

Boom, no more “Justi- AHASDHJ:LAJW”, while still maintaining all of its current weaknesses and usefulness.

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I’m saying when you divebomb someone as Pharah (get a few cycles of shiftboost+ hover until youre really really high) and drop straight down and shoot twice, because you are going downward with 1st rocket, as you shoot 2nd it will be really close to 1st rocket and they’ll both hit target almost same time.

This ‘buff’ to shooting speed is meaningless for divebombs. The only thing it will do is let her spam random rockets towards someone slightly faster but that doesn’t help her at all. In fact spamming hurts her unless your goal is to destroy a barrier

But you play Mercy and Brig…

Yes I play almost all supports, not sure what you mean by this to be honest (legit confused)

You seem to have stopped using Pharah in competitive. You need to adapt to the changes. Giving up doesn’t help with new changes. Also, have you tried PTR?

Can’t quit something you don’t play.

Quickplay doesn’t count.

No point in adapting if those changes do nothing to improve her viability.

I quit trying to play Pharah in competitive long ago because I generally don’t like competitive anyway, it’s too stressful, and soon as I pop my head out with Pharah 3 to 4 counters appear who make it their life mission to annihilate me and my whole team yells at me to swap because I’m being hard countered. It’s just not fun so I stick to quickplay/arcade