I like the new Pharah changes tbh

They benefit people who can hit direct hits which I already was good at so new changes shouldn’t effect me much it’s more of an improvement


and made her useless for eveyone else gg

My feelings on it are more complicated.

I want to go out with these balance changes but i’m not committing to anything and i definitely won’t call first.

its a good change for pharah mains that can actually hit direct shots

i thought they were gonna give her shield health or smth

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All I wanted was a change to give her more survivability (during normal playing or especially during her barrage) so she doesn’t need Mercy at all times, but I guess that was too much to ask for

A good Pharah player is aware of their surroundings and knows when to engage to take out an enemy. Survivability is not an issue here.

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You can say that for any complaint on any hero to magically handwave it out of existence though.

Survivability IS an issue.

  • Pharah gets none of the benefit from shields/barriers on her team
  • Lucio aura, Lucio ult, zen ult, Brigitte inspire, Ana grenade, soldier biotic field, and Moira in general all do not reach Pharah to heal her
  • Mercy, Brigitte E pack, and Ana rifle shots are the only viable way to heal her yet two of those 3 heroes get nerfed nonstop
  • Only uncancellable freeze you in place ult in the whole game that’s become a meme

Pharah deserves survivability more than anyone else, yet what do we get after almost 2 years of waiting for buffs? splash damage nerf and splash knockback nerf, 9 second boop and slightly faster rate of fire.

We want survivability!! part of HP as regenerating armor, all healers can reach skyward in a cylinder shape, cancelable barrage, ANY one of those three things would make her 100x better

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I’m OK with them making her more “skillful” to play, but the DPS increase was unnecessary.
A good Pharah or a Pharmercy was already a hassle to deal with, now it’s going to be even worse.

Pharah has no survivability issue. Her death/game count is around other DPS’.

If you honestly believe this is a net buff for accurate Pharah’s please read and comment on my thread that provides numbers to the contrary.

They increased her rate of fire and impact dmg. If youre good with her, you should be doing way more damage. Especially against heavy tank comps.

Yes, Which does not help when going for ACCURATE shots due to travel time being LONGER then the fire rate at anywhere beyond close range.

This is false. A common mistake people have been making today.

Her direct damage is staying at 120.

The way her direct damage works is applying the max splash to the direct hit damage.

Her splash is moving down from 80 to 65 and her direct is moving up from 40 to 55

80+40 = 120
65+55 = 120

She is not getting a direct per direct hit damage buff.

Incorrect as well. Due to the reduction in splash damage the only damage she will do more against is a barrier. Which she is not designed to be a barrier shredder but a barrier bypasser to begin with so this is no good. Her splash enabled bypassing shields for some value. This is lost.

The attack speed with the buff to direct hits is being really underrated for effectiveness against barriers and large hitbox heroes. If nothing else the threat will at least make running triple tank nearly impossible.

McCree is hard but he’s not useless for the average player.

Because unlike the new Iteration of Pharah, McCree has Flash and FTH to fall back on if accuracy is not going his way. Not to mention when playing a hitscan hero you know IMMEDIATELY if you hit an enemy which makes decision making easier due to having so much time between shots to decide who/what you are going to target next shot.

Pharah’s new fire rate will make her decision making all but impossible above any range but close. Meaning she will be more effective at close range spamming rockets and less effective at mid range trying to go for more effective shots due to the travel time.

Good Pharahs WILL find use in it. Even it turns out super freaking hard to do so, that’s okay too, becuase she got some great mobility buffs.

They basically increased her skill floor aimwise and left the ceiling slightly the same.

But in turn they skyrocketed (no pun intended) her movement skill ceiling while leaving the skill floor for it the same.

All Pharah’s will find good use for it I am sure. The problem is that use will be limited to close range. If you are interested in why I believe this feel free to check out my most recent topic on why this change will HURT accurate Pharah’s who play at her current optimal range (new optimal range will be heavily reduced)

They Raised the floor and effectively lowered the ceiling. Making her top end potential lower due to reduced survival/effective range.

The mobility will do her little good if she has to be so much closer to danger to do any consistent and valuable damage.

i disagree.

i think it’s a net nerf.

when i play pharah i hardly fire at the maximum rate of fire as it is. i place my shots. i only did max rate of fire while spamming a choke. so for me it will do not too much better for my direct hits since i place my shots, but when i do land a direct i cant even follow up with a explosion now. either 2 more AoE hits or 1 more direct hit. pharah rockets are already fairly easy to dodge and just makes it worse vs slippery heroes like tracer

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This entirely. Someone understands how accurate Pharah play works.