Nerf Sombra now

DEAL. :rofl:

  • Make her go faster (75% instead of 50%) while being invisible.
  • Make her translocator to reload her weapon
  • Make her translocator to go faster

AND Nerf her ult charge. Deal? :rofl:

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I would say just do this:

But with the ult rate nerf and 66.6% stealth speed increase and without overload and phase

Also shameless selfadvertismet

Tho yours would also be fine.

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Yeah iā€™d be curious about a rework too. I mean anything basically. EMP is just a teamfight winning ult above high-diamond.

I was always had the opinion that EMP should have a mich higher ult charge tbh. She can only have currently emp and its frequent charge because the rest of her kit (besides hack which is in a fine place) suffers heavily imo.

If you nerf EMP charge rate, you would have to significantly buff her base kit. This would probably involve hack buff, but you cant communicate that to the haters soā€¦


I think buffing most things besides dmg and hack (atleast not in its effect or cast) should be fine tbh.

Imo we somehow need to weaken EMPā€™s frequency some way or another its powerlevel is just on such a different level then her base kit.
Its just the biggest part of keeping her on the low level she is.

Or rework emp complete even. Not that I have good ideas tho.

EMP gives her the biggest value. If you nerf it, alot of value is lost. Downtime reducing buffs would have been fine as it is if you didnt nerf her further in return because she already is in a poor state.
So if you take something of great value, you have to give something back of great value. And she gets the most out of hack from her base kit. I dont like EMP bot either. But i think she is stuck in a stalemate spot where she cant afford any more nerfs because the haters push against any forms of buff at all. People are even flipping their tables over small spread buff which doesnt buff hack at all because she gets a few % points more EMP.

Bridgette sorta hard counters herā€¦ with all that armor : /

I know that not gonna say it will be easy but aslong as EMP stays where it is we wonā€™t make progress.

Less EMP means less complains because its one of her most ā€œannoying thingsā€ meaning more possibilities to buff her without a hate nerf immediately after.

Even better if it gets completely reworked and hack itself is the only silence she has probably also allowing her to get buffs for it if its not tied to a fast charging short casted aoe attack.

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Ok, done, she now has bullet spread!!! More than most dps.

I actually heard more people complain about hack itself rather than EMP.
EMP hate train was only a thing when she was used in OWL to beat some peoples favorite goats teams.
Iā€™m against a rework. Bizzard is terrible at it and i doubt they would do that with good intentions for the Sombra player in mind. They would do stupid stuff like tech support Sombra.

I think just making emp have less of an aoe.

Have it punish groups who are all together. But it still gets people who are reasonably spread out.

It actually isnt that strong or impactful as you think because she still easily countered by mcree and hanzo. Torb and ashe and hog have 2 of these on your team sombra becomes difficult to play.

Trust me isnt that bad

You forgot
-Insaaaaaaane range
-Making her keep tanks hacked all game(yes, I actually heard this)


Unfun is subjective. I prefer playing against Sombra more than other DPS heroes.

I mean if a lose cuz a Reaper did dodge my best shot with WF then he used his ult to kill me i donā€™t feel that bad cuz I had my abilities to do something against him. But when i get hacked, EMPed and all i can do is pressng W+M1 while the enemy team can use their abilitiesā€¦ Wellā€¦ Itā€™s kinda unfun.

Itā€™s says you donā€™t even have a play profile? Try playing the game first.

In other words, ā€œI got killed by a good Sombra right before posting this, and I am still salty!ā€

Yea I agree that reworking her as a whole is a bad idea but I think reworking EMP alone and replacing it can work. That ovc needs blizzard to actually make it something decent not something useless.

Ovc that means buffing her almost everywhere else alot but I do believe that if hack canā€™t be applied potential to 4-6 people every one or two fights it could get stronger without that much hate.

Still need that as a Skin tho ngl.

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Another thing that could counter these hard-to-balance and community hated CC abilities (hack, Doomfist in general, Mei) and to keep these heroes good themselves is to offer anti-cc or cleanse abilities. It sounds like itā€™s make these heroes dirt, but they could then retain their strengths and finally get buffs without making the rest of the game feel like crap.

Iā€™m fine for Sombra buffs without nerfs to hack if there was a way for me to pick say, a support and cleanse heal that teammate of hack.