Nerf Sombra now

that… that has nothing to do with the spread lol

…well yeah, if a Rein and his team just let you farm him for 10 seconds, you’ll pick up EMP really quickly. This isn’t new, and has little to do with her spread buff, dude just has 500hp.

This, I’m all for buffing the consistency of the weapon and nerfing the ultimate cost of EMP proportionally, it’s a net buff regardless of how small or large the change is to her average damage. If the change turns out to be minor, then they can continue to buff the weapon (50% fall off etc.) and if turns out to be major then we avoid another Amplification Matrix scenario.

The worst case is OWL teams just run Sombra and use a faster EMP to win on every capture point, it’s another situation where a “bad” character on ladder is abused to their fullest in a co-ordinated team environment and gets the nerf hammer dropped on it.

That will depend heavily on your distance. If you’re 10-15m away (which is where you usually want to engage people as Sombra), it will make a bigger difference. It has the same impact as her last spread reduction buff, which was pretty big.

SchWiniX did workshop testing. He has hard data on that.

Against what heroes and at what range? That is extremely relevant in this case.

Nah the math is made outside off falloff so from 0-15 meters anything further away us just trash dmg not worth considering imo cause falloff will ruin you anyway.

The tests I ran where each at 5 - 10 and 15m distance.

So the 1.5-4% are within that as soon as you get further away it will be even less.

1.5-4% btw is considering the hitboxes so its an estimation based on calculaton and testing and ovc is hero and range depending thats why its a range not a hard number.

Actually the max dmg increase you potentially could have (tho its impossible within a normal game) is 8.46 in the perfect situation.

Against what heroes? The size of the hitbox makes a huge difference.
You can one-clip a training bot in the practice range from 30m away as Sombra, larger hitboxes aren’t affected much.

No one wants Sombra to be good except Sombra players, she is the worst character to play against when she actually performs and her team supports her.

Includes all Heroes at specific ranges besides the big tanks there to big so it didn’t matter anyway where the buff has the most potential (meaning where all bullets hit with 2.4° but just barely so the most potential bullets would miss with 2.7)

Btw all tests were done over a 1000 bullets meaning 50s of firing without reloading to get as much Randomness out of the calculation as possible.

It also includes some harder numbers to get better estimations based on shields and amounts of bullets missed because shield gives you a straight hitbox which makes it easy to calculate areas.

Here are some pictures I made too:
The circle one shows the Spread from the front to scale Red being the 2.7° old Sombra and the Yellow/Orange is the new 2.4° Sombra
The blue area where my Shield calculations and how they affected the area there basically part of the red circle.

the second Picture shows the Spread from above its not as accurate to scale because of perspective but still fairley close

Uh no just learn sombra’s counters (brig roadhog Torb and anything shadow has said)

first get rid of mei… after we can talk about sombra (who is in better state finally btw)

Wait what? NO spread? That’s not how I read the patch notes.

If you even want to be taken seriously then maybe consider using real facts. Until them you’re just trolling.

Profile only has PC and it’s literally level 1. OP bought a copy of the game just to use as a forums. LOL

exactly how bap does on paper more dmg than sombra and her spread was big enough to miss half a clip on a skinny target? you buff her kit and it will be over tuned to the point of broken.

Not every single change requires Compensation.

No, thank you.

Have a great day

Well, this is a necro n’ a half

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