Nerf Sombra now

DPS with no bullet spread.

fix this.


Sometimes I question myself what some people are thinking.

I mean this must be trolling right?

There is no way people truly think that 10% spread increase brings:

  • Extremely Up hero goes to OP
  • +30-40% dmg
  • +20-30% more ult charge
  • ETC
    Right? please tell me Im right…

its like the bap buff all over again the spread isnt the way to go

I don’t think so. It seems that many people hate sombra and they like her as a bottom tier character.


read it more carefully. you’re almost there.

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The forums arent the smartest bunch.
“I’d rather die than get hacked”
Sombra gets a spread buff.
“OMG she does damage now???”


I see, you’re asking Blizzard to give Sombra absolutely no spread.

I think that’s a rebalance, not really a nerf…


I don’t get it then

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so why do you not like the buff for sombra? just wondering.

I do agree with you but the fact that her kit is so unfun to play against and I’ve seen Sombras charging EMP insanely fast in the current matches.

Its really not. People forget that they reverted armor from -3 to -5 and Sombra is one of the heroes which got impacted the most by this change. If anything this just reverts her charge rate loss from that. Which by the way is still slow ever since they did the universal ult charge nerf which came with the role queue patch.


Well I did the math you can estimate a dmg increase from 2.7° to 2.4° to be about 1.5-4%

I think people seeing Sombra charge emp faster is just there being more Sombra’s (cause shes freshly buffed) giving the illusion there being emps faster because the spread buff surely isn’t gonna speed that up all to much and as a Longtime Sombra main I noticed barly anything about faster charging now compared to before a little maybe but again barly.

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Also i dont think there are that many people tracking her EMP charge rate that prercisely compared to before. If i had to guess most people were probably barely encountering a Sombra at all every 20 games or so. So how would they even know the difference?


This is why I love that I main Sombra as my DPS. I know when she has her ult, when she is going to use it, where she is going to be, etc. I tell my teams so many times, “Sombra is going to EMP this fight,” and guess what Sombra does.

And guess what my team still doesn’t prepare for.

I tried out Sombra. I left my cursor on the center of a hacked Rein for 2-3 seconds. My ult charged so fast that i was suprised. I did it twice or three times and we got a teamfight winning EMP ult easily.

Sure i enjoyed it a lot, althou we have to be very carefull about buffing this hero.

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A good Sombra can charge her EMP every fight to nearly every fight even before the buff. Farming ult off tanks has always given you insane ult charge. This won’t make that much of a difference. I still get EMP every fight or nearly every fight.

Ive played her now for a few hours with the new spread…
Her ult always charged fast and it isn’t much faster (barely noticeable) now then before.

Tho I have nothing against nerfing her ult charge rate through the floor if that means we can get some good downtime reducing buffs

they already nerfed her i beleive but these devs DONT CARE about there customers ghe game is in bad shape right now they dont care

That would be news to me you mean after the spread buff from yesterday?

Sure, how much was the difference to pre patch in how much charge you got?