That would increase his ult charge gain by quite a bit and would AT LEAST use a ult charge nerf or something.
But what do I know? Just a Mercy main.
That would increase his ult charge gain by quite a bit and would AT LEAST use a ult charge nerf or something.
But what do I know? Just a Mercy main.
An extra 6 damage per shot is minuscule increase, that wouldnt warrant an ult charge increase. Most of the time you arent going to land all of the shurikens anyway so realistically not all 6 damage is utilized.
Soldier didnt get an ulti charge increase for his damage buff and he fires way faster than Genji.
If it was a 10 total damage buff or greater like Junkrat, then something would be in order
Let’s be honest, what are the devs more likely to do?
Nerf 20 some odd heroes, or buff one single hero?
Idk, I think the recent buff he got put him in a good place.
I sincerely would be content if Blizzard upped shuriken damage by one, fixed the unfathomably sized hitbox on Genji’s dash (on the receiving and distributing end), and tweaked his deflect so that shots didn’t go through the visible animation. While I don’t think that would make him crazy to play against, it’d make the experience of being killed while being behind your dash target (my only personal gripe with the character) a lot less frustrating.
Experimental card with CC dile down is happening soon ironically.
I haven’t looked at those actually, could you post a link?
Theres no patch notes, just a dev comment from jeff, I’ll try to find it.
Oh i know but im trying to get that through to genji mains. They act like genji is complete garbage and need all the buffs in the world. When it’s really not the case. You guys can blame blizzard for driving your hero so far into the dirt with what they create as meta and how the balance their heroes. Zarya moira echo cree are all top of the meta and I apologize that blizzard decided to make ya’ll counters so strong.
Maybe we should just wait for the Experimental CC changes and see if his pickrate rises by a remarkable amount?
He just got a buff and his ults’ biggest counters will get nerfed soon.
We shouldn’t go overboard.
It seems that the community pretty much agrees on his Shuriken buff from 28 -> 30.
And just to clarify, my point on buffing his Blade is for a slightly more reliable kill on 250 hp targets “without Nano”. At 130 per swing, he can kill any non-tank target (except Bastion) in 2 swings. That’s all about it.
Love to all your constructive discussions!
Depends what they even do with CC. They never really talked about it. They could talk about just general knockback reduction for all heroes to be honest. Wouldn’t surprise me.
Just a reminder that any buff to his base kit is inherently a buff to his ultimate, because it allows him to charge it faster.
More than likely the best option.
Though we don’t know what CC is being targeted, and even though CC is being nerfed, the ones getting said nerfs will have their power increased elsewhere, which makes them just as much of a threat, but just not a “hold you in place and kill you without counterplay” threat, which is good for the game.
It could be something like completely redistributing Doomfist and Hammond’s power, nerfing shatter, flash and overall a total overhaul of CC, or something as simple as reverting the knockback change from a long time ago which allowed you to counterplay knockbacks by pushing against them.
Perhaps it would be better to wait things out a bit. If there is no noticeable change to the cc that messes him up pretty badly (Brig, Lucio), then we would still have room to experiment.
Could be the reversion of the knockback change a long time ago where before you could counterplay knockbacks by moving in the opposite direction of force [booped back, move forward to cancel it out].
I genuinely hope they don’t do that. It made any sort of boop pretty much useless for pretty much the whole life of the game until they changed it. Especially with the orisa and dva stuff where they straight up couldn’t be booped.
They could honestly just revert that change from back then entirely.
Boops should have never been made stronger.
Also the boops to flying targets could get reverted too, but people would probably start crying that Mercy would be “too op” if she didn’t get booped in valk.
I did notice that change as the one being the straw that tipped the camel’s back in a way.
I remember back then before the patch I didn’t feel like CC was all that bad, but then after the patch I felt like a human pinball.
They need to keep boops as is to be honest. They aren’t that much of a problem. Only one that is extreme is hammond boop but his sends u like 5x further than any other one. Boops before the change were pretty much pointless and provided nothing. Now you can have plays with lucio with booping enemy tanks into your team and providing your team an advantage while still putting yourself at risk. High risk high reward.