My idea on Genji's buff

Hey all,

I’m thinking that Genji needs some buff on his damage output since now he seems only as a Dragonblade engine rather than a regular dps. (I could be wrong.) Some ideas are

  1. Shuriken: 28 -> 30 damage per shuriken. This aims for increasing his burst potential.
  2. Dragonblade: 120 -> 130 damage per swing. This is to improve his chance on securing a kill on 250 hp targets.

Any thoughts? Thanks for discussing politely.

*** Edit: Change 135 to 130, so that 200 hp targets can survive a 195 Nanoblade swing. (Thanks Spam for pointing this out.) ***

I think he could use a power redistribution more.

Slightly less power in his ult and more power in his kit.


Genji’s blade is one of the strongest ultimates in the game, it usually requires other ults, if not multiple of other ultimates to shut down.

I think buffing his main kit while letting him keep his super strong ult will only result in poor balance


Making genji less dependent on having an Ana is always a good thing imo
And it doesn’t even make nano blade that much better tbh

And 30 dmg per shuriken is something they need to add
He is getting replaced rn by echo
And it’s not that she is op
It’s just him being bad rn bc of powercreep


Without nano in any competent rank the ult is garbage unless heavy planning is involved.

Heck to the no, nerf nano and Genji can get any buff he deserves, leave blade out of this otherwise his ult is useless if the kit is better to use.

No point in sacrificing range when the kit can do the job better, this has been said so many times by everyone who actually plays the hero to a good extent, those who think power redistribution will work without throwing the ultimate in the trash simply do not understand Genji. Why put yourself in the risk of close range via blade if the kit is just as potent and has more range? You don’t, put simply.

Theres no way for it to work without completely changing how blade works like giving it energy beam projectiles, and trust me none of us want the feel of our hero changed.

I play in mid plat and Blade is an absolute joke, I pity every single Genji who dares draw that weapon, just because of how easy it is to stop without a nano.

Nerf Nanoboost and the ninja can get his buffs, do not nerf Dragonblade for something that’s ana’s fault, the granny has had chains over him for far too long.


With Nano that makes 202 damage.
That would take away any counterplay to nanoblade and would force the enemy to always pick Lucio if they wanna have a slight chance of surviving


I pretty much disagree with that. Dragonblade is much easier to shut down or nullify than you think since it has to be used in conjunction with Swift Strike to get its value. Any single CC or escape ability can render it useless: Zarya’s bubble, Lucio’s boop, Moira’s Fade, Mercy’s GA, Baptiste’s lamp, Sombra’s Hack (not EMP), etc.

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False, mere abilities shut it down and even just good aim as a sniper.

Any good player knows the key to countering Genjis ult is by disrupting his chain of dashing, and all it takes is one well placed knockback or CC.

I play in the average players rank, and even there Dragonblade is an absolute joke unless that Genji is far better than a gold or plat.

If you invest more than one ultimate at any given time to counter vanilla Dragonblade. Then your team is outright terrible at the game.

“Super Strong Ultimate” is a fallacy, its mediocre at best. And these few ammo buffs and secondary fire buffs have proven you wrong, Genji can be buffed while keeping his ult the way it is and he wont go crazy.

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That seems like a step in the wrong direction.


Could you elaborate it more? Would love to hear your reasons. Thanks!

if that was true then we’d see people use ults to counter it much less often

we’d see many less ults being used in OWL to stop it.


To stop genji from being a blade engine, as you put it, it makes sense to drive power away from Blade, not buffing it.



Most OWL blades are with full coordination from their teams, which is WHY it would require ultimates to stop, the team is facilitating the blade. Most blades are in tandem with EMP and or Nano, so it isnt just a blade being used.

And I’ve seen plenty people counter it without ults just fine, as I said, I have played hundreds of games in the average ranks and blade is an absolute joke of an ultimate there unless combod.

Even then, an ult for an ult is nothing but fair trade. An ultimate should take another ultimate to counter, but in Dragonblades case even mere abilities shut it down. Plus if you kill him in the process, that’s 1 ult and 1 pick for your team.

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I think Genji is more than fine after his last buff and doesn’t need another one.

Not to mention you called him a dragon blade bot, implying it is a bad thing and your 2nd buff to him involves putting more power into his ultimate… I mean


And you cant weaken blade without it becoming useless to where an entire rework of blade is needed, the community hates reworks and the genji community sure as hell wouldnt want hundreds of hours wasted over a rework.

So the solution? Leave him as is and try to buff him very carefully to not upset the balance.

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I don’t disagree.


So what you’re saying it, it’s worth using ultimates against it to stop

Lets just use this as an example

this was during season 2, but there was a game where a symmetra against a sombra. Sombra did not use EMP to stop the wall. In a different game sombra did use EMP to stop a blade

obviously both are their own situations, but either way the ultimate was going to be used on one person or just a wall.

Plenty doesnt mean anything. If you’ve played overwatch for 300~ hours you could’ve seen plenty of anything.

What about the ones that dont
Trance - anti
shatter - shields
Grav - tele?

Primary fire

  • shuriken damage increased to 33

Dragon Blade

  • ult cost inxreased by 10-12%
  • Damage decreased to 90 per swing
  • duration increased to 7s
  • now the last hit doesn’t get cancelled by the ending animation

His damage buff on his shuriken would significantly increase his mid fight potential and make it easier for him to duel certain heroes he has been struggling with (Moira)

The damage nerf on his Ultimate should make each strike less severe and devestating but still keep the exact same time to kill a squishy.

He would still need 2 swings and a dash to kill a 200hp hero and 1 swing and 1 dash if nanoed.

Overall it basically requires Genji to hit his dash to secure kills reliably if not boosted by Ana but the extra second should make up a bit by giving you more time to react to certain situations without veing in a rush when using your ult.

Current (no Nano)
50 + 120 + 120 = 290

New (no Nano)
50 + 90 + 90 = 230

Current (with Nano)
75 + 180 + 180 = 435

New (with Nano)
75 + 135 + 135 = 345

Just a thought tho.

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I said it SHOULD, not that it always DOES.

Which is why I spoke of how blade doesnt require that.

The main point being blade isnt nearly as strong as you make it out to be, it’s much more counter able than you say, because most of the time CC or knockback stops his ult from killing anything entirely.


Sorry, I was trying to imply that people think he’s useless without Blade, so we should try to make him more viable on a regular basis. And because Blade is designed as a high-risk-high-return (now it’s more high-risk-no-return), we need to improve it as well.