I’d rather not. It’s a very strong ultimate as is.
No point in using blade at all with that proposal.
3 shurikens to the body is 99 damage, blade only does 90, no point in using blade in the fans effective range if you can just aim your shot and score an extra 9 damage.
The secondary fire buff already allows him to get into the 120s range of DPS to the body.
Since you always hit all three of your shurikens on the same target right?
And since his primary fire is AoE too right?
It’s the ultimate with the biggest team wipe potential in the entire dps roster. I wouldn’t be opposed of buffing his shuriken damage provided we take power out of blade but buffing both is bad balancing in my opinion and will lead to very bad things down the road.
No thank you. I dont want to be dealing with genji bots who just spam nano blade all game. And you can’t do anything about it cause they can still combo thru zen ult plus he’s useless and you can easily melt sound barrier.
Most of the time Blade isnt used as AOE, its burst down target, dash to next target. The cleave of blade only holds situational value.
The only times the AOE comes in handy is when paired with a grav.
And 2 secondaries landing 2 shurikens deals 132 with that idea, meaning even if you dont land all the shurikens you’ll be dealing more damage with shurikens than with the blade.
His blade has the same TTK as the current one. I even did the Math.
Blade wouldn’t be as devastating but still strong, since it can’t be blocket etc.
His kill potential remains the same, there is just more breathing space to escape or react as more defenseless targets.
So his kill potential is by definition NOT the same^^^ you contradicted your own statement.
You would still deal more damage fanning, good Genjis would realize this and purposely not use blade because the fan does more DPS. The commitment blade takes wouldnt be worth it anymore.
Well, we could reduce it to 130 damage per swing, so that’s 195 with Nanoboost. But still, his Blade is used in conjunction with Swift Strike anyway, so I don’t think that makes much difference imo.
P.S. I didn’t think about that at first. Thanks for pointing it out!
His TTK with blade remains the same.
His mid fight potential is stronger.
His blade is jist less devastating per swing but doesn’t need more time to kill than now.
The point of it was to buff hit kit and nerf his ult. I did that while making blade still a good ult, but less the main focus of Genji’s entire kit.
Look blade doesn’t need any sort of buff… AT ALL. Nanoblade is still one of the BEST ult combos in the game… It still has slash and dash insta kills. Blade is the last thing that needs to be buffed. Genji will never really be meta or good because there’s too many characters with beams, things that go thru his deflects, and all around counters. And that’s really just that.
I feel like buffing blade would make him even more of a “Dragon blade engine” But I do agree with your suggestion for an increase in shuriken dmg.
I’d rather see them improve other parts of what makes him strong besides blade, maybe make dash reset double jump without having to touch the ground.
Especially now with echo and her hyper beam that melts people.
The amount of genji buff threads is just dumb …for a character that doesn’t even needs any kind of buffs
There are plenty of heros that are “actual bad” and “need buffs” but here we trying to get “free killez” mode on a exploit design
And I as someone with hundreds of hours on the hero, clearly explained to you why your proposal will not work. His ultimate is no longer good with that proposal.
Yes it most CERTAINLY does, since even the slightest bit of healing means Genji needs one more swipe, DIRECTLY increasing his TTK.
Seems a little counter-intuitive to make Dragonblade more reliant on Nanoboost than it was previously, which in all honesty is one of the few “safe” ways to use it.
This is something that he really needs IMO. It really isn’t that big of a difference, just something that can help him do his job.
Not what he needs really
But buffing his kit while leaving his ult as is is out of the question too. You can give suggestions as a Genji main instead of just shutting me down and telling me it won’t work.
We could cooperate. But apparently everyone else has no clue about the hero, Genji is wayy too weak and needs 50 buffs to make him dominate the meta.
Just shutting me down is not preductive. Help me out instead…
But hey, I forgot, we are on the forums here.
GENJI. DOESNT. NEED. BUFFS. HIS. COUNTERS. NEED. NERFS. His counters are just too strong for him to have that much of an impact OUTSIDE of when they spam nanoblades.
SPECIFICALLY told you how and why your proposal does not work, that is directly productive because its constructive criticism.
No it isnt, Genji can get buffed without compensation. You just have to buff him the right way, as clearly demonstrated by Blizzard twice. He can get an extra 2 damage on his shurikens and nothing would go out of control.