My God I've Never Seen Such Terrible Matchmaking

If u feel things are bad or weird with the matchmaking i would say try to play one game on console… and u will notice pc isnt bad after all :wink:

On ps4 U get matched with whatever that is online at that moment. Doesnt even matter if your plat… Rest of ur team is just bronze… They dont care lol… oh and u play on one server with all players…

Its a big mess there, i play on ps4 sometimes, and omg… at least u can have hard laughs by just playing… U see things happen u never thought u could see happen in a game like OW…
Pc is not that bad, trust me haha…

That happened to me the other day. I dont get it. I’ve been playing this game since day 1, religiously, and have spent way too much time and energy studying the game and improving as a player. And yesterday I get paired with someone that openly states that he hasn’t played comp in a year and “honestly guys I’ve never played off tank before, wish me luck”. What a joke.


Let’s say you’re right. That pretty much everyone who blames their team is really that bad. What happens when I get put in the same match as one of these people? They are so bad they’ll definitely affect the outcome of the match. If they’re on my team, then I’ll lose. If they’re on the other team, then I’ll win.

So, the White Knight Litany, of it’s always the person complaining’s fault, proves that other people affect your SR. This is why some people are stuck in ELO Hell. Depending on where the matchmaker puts the bad players, you win or lose. The net effect is no significant change in SR.

Overwatch is toxic because of MMR


I also want them to raise the level to 100 to play Comp to remove more than half the amount of smurfs in the game. It’s ridiculous


Bro. I just don’t even try anymore because all my hard-earned wins are off set by cheap losses… so I just play for fun w/o giving any regards to team comps etc. No point fighting their system

+Rep will have to side with the poster on this topic, asking for Hero changes doesn’t help the game either. mercy is a good example after the 1.0 resurrect rework, followed by the 2.0 resurrect rework forcing a resurrect limit of 1 player with a delayed cast time that will most likely be stopped with Mccree(Flash Bang), Bridget(Shield Bash), Doomfist(Rocket Punch), or a simple Lucio or DvA knock- back.

i can use these 2 players as an example of how the MMR system is broken, these players may have got Top500 in a competitive arcade mode, but might just be Plat or Diamond in regular comp because they have high MMR in a competitive arcade mode this will have an effect on there regular competitive match making forcing a large gap in between the Tiers they Que with, and all you need is one good Que session and you can be Grand master in both arcade and regular competitive play. Please Fix @Blizzard Entertainment-(Overwatch Team)

I 100% agree.

JEFF you need to respond to your players.
This is outrageous.
The competitive ranking system upsets players.
It is disheartening.
It is frustrating.
It does not represent skill by any means.
It is a false number.
It is a carrot at the end of a stick.
It is demoralizing.
It is toxic in and of itself


Let me help you on your list of overwatch mistakes, (PRIVATE PROFILES). big issue here even at a 4400+ SR you have no idea what the hero pools of the players with hidden hero pools, and no idea if you might need to flex a role to benefit your team.

Hey its not ur teammates:
-Ur just not good enough.
-Those ten games had you as a consistent factor.

Uhm no…

Every gamemode has it’s own ranking. Your arcade ranking has zero correlation with your competitive matchmaking.

How can we be over 2 years in and people still don’t even know the basics of matchmaking yet still complain that it’s broken…

Take my advice or don’t take it, it does have an effect on your base line MMR. Stylosa has made a video response to this and probably many other content creators. it is a known fact whether or not you believe it. Maybe i could take you seriously, but, by the time the forums see you with a private profile and nothing more than a troll it wouldn’t matter if you disagree or not.

Does not, as already stated in numerous dev posts since launch. Every gamemode has it’s own matchmaking.

Aah yes, can’t defends his standpoint so has to go towards insulting based on profile settings.

Good luck in your blaming bubble.

Profile settings or not all i had to do is view your recent post activity as it can not be hidden from forum users, i really like the one suggesting you smurf, but lack the grade school education to understand how MMR works, in this case Competitive Arcade effecting Regular Competitive play MMR. Please enjoy the video and stop trolling you’re no help here or towards the community.

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Exactly where do I say that I smurf? Apperently you know more then I do.

Nope, Arcade has it’s own MMR, as does quickplay, as does comp.

Basic Forum Pleb, imagine all this time you spend on here arguing a point that is invalid instead you could be trying to improve at the game, or be watching the video that someone helpfully provided you checking the timestamp on his post i doubt you’ve watch more than a single minute before responding with some more troll posts.

I’m actually quite happy at the rank I’m at, and it’s around the same SR as you. Seein the time I have these days, yeah rather happy about it.
But you’re just here for a fight, so there’s no need to have any furhter comments. Cya

Exactly what does this video have to do with the discussion that arcade affects competitive MMR?

What he says comes down to, record your gameplay and focus on improving your play. Which pretty much is basic knowledge for anyone that wants to improve.

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Blizzard implemented private profiles for one main purpose. To kill OverSumo. You can’t have people knowing their actual performance compared to others their rank. Otherwise, people will have proof of comp’s flaws.

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