Mtchmaking is still rigged

If you win too much, you automatically get a loss streak afterwards. Been like this since launch. GJ blizzard.


I’m on a loss streak spanning multiple days. I’m so fed up at this point. I play one game. If I feel like I’m being forced into losses, I switch accounts. Simple.


Was on a 6 game winstreak and now that sh!tty game has decided that it was enough, loss streak time


And yet some of us still climb.

So, the matchmaker is either not rigged, or you’re being targeted specifically. Wonder which one is more likely?


It’s not rigged.

There’s a distinct line of thinking the matchmaking system has.

“This guy has won the last 6 games we’ve put him in. Maybe he’s better than we were thinking. Let’s try putting him in some higher tier matches and see how it goes.”

Then it puts you in those higher tier matches to test your mettle, and more often than not, whoops. Turns out you don’t belong there after all, and it balances you back out.

Contrary to how it feels when it goes wrong, this is a really good thing. Because if you do get better, then it can reward you quickly and easily for it, and let you rank up to where you belong.

There’s no way anyone can tell the difference between you just having a couple lucky matches vs you being straight up better.


except thats not how it happens, it’s not the other team that gets better it’s my teammates that get worst. The best way to climb is the win 2 games then lose 1, if you don’t the sh1t system will make you pay


Yeah, the best way to climb is to just throw every 3rd game. That makes sense.

The system doesn’t punish you for winning, period. Believing nonsense like that is what keeps you from climbing.



But why is that the case?

Why would blizzard design the system that way instead of the way I stated?

Does it have any measurable benefit?

If not, why would blizzard spend tons of money designing it and implementing that way?

Wouldn’t having the system function that way make players less likely to enjoy the game and recommend it to their friends?

Wouldn’t that make them less money?

Why would a business lose profits simply to be cruel to players, when they could get more money and have players more satisfied?

If you respond to these questions with anything along the lines of “They’re idiots” or “They’re cruel” please consider that even the most heartless and cruel will always try to benefit themselves first. Even the most stupid person would hit the button that gives them free money instead of the one that floods their emails with hate messages.


You know there is something called “Grouping Up.” It has totally not been in the game since the beginning and is totally not just there for no reason. It’s there for a reason. USE IT. I just want to state that when you rank up. Your going up against players more difficult than your used to, and those teammates that get “worst” might be teammates that your not used to playing with.

Doesn’t matter which is more likely when I have my handy tinfoil hat on! It blocks out all reason from reaching my brain.


Unless you win 100% of your games, every win streak is followed by one or more losses.

How large was your loss streak? You gave a specific number for your win streak so it seems like you’re assuming the loss streak at this point.


It’s up to you to keep your sr same as your mmr, you know well enough when you are exceeding it. Just engage potato mode until it’s the same number again.


Yea, they should fix it so we all just have 100% winrates.


If you play really good then the matchmaker puts you into matches that are easy to win where everyone on your team are all onfire and the enemy team is getting utterly destroyed.

If you play bad or have a couple of matches where you either played bad or got beaten badly then the matchmaker will think your too high and causing the loss. So it puts you on a team where everyone on your team is doing bad and the enemy team is doing really good. You get utterly destroyed match after match until you are brought down to where the matchmaker thinks you should be and then the matches become winnable again.

This is of course my opinion and it certainly seems rigged to me in that sense.

PS - If any of the players who are climbing and not having a loss streak were to play really bad in a couple of matches then they will start having matches that are unwinnable. Even if they start performing good again and try to win they will not be able to win because they matchmaker has decided they are too high and need to lose so they can be lower where it thinks they belong.

Basically, the matchmaker put teams together that puts one team at a huge disadvantage and expects them to lose which they usually do. That is your team losing when your on a loss streak.

The opposite happens if you perform super good then the matches get super easy to win until it thinks your at your SR limit as far as skill. Then the win rate goes 50/50 to keep you there.

Once again, sounds rigged.


It’s not rigged it’s just random and a matchmaking system should not be random.

Rolling a dice is random too. Subject to chance… there will always be players who roll 6 three times in a row. Who cares now, we are getting role select/lfg which will fix a lot of the randomness. Just have to be patient.


Rigged is slowly becoming a catchall word for ‘this sucks, I lost, and I don’t like it’.


if you win too much you play against people above your rank and you start losing. HOW HARD CAN THIS BE TO UNDERSTAND???

that is literally what a rating system does, it rates you higher as long as you win, until you can’t win anymore…

and then you lose until you are so much better than anyone else that you can’t lose anymore.

that area in between IS YOUR SKILL RATING!


Well technically if you go on a 6 game winstreak your about 138 sr higher than where you started so yeah you absolutely are facing better opponents. You might even be popping off when you lose. Thats what makes it worse because thats how you get tilted. Then you start unconsciously throwing without even realizing it.

Jayne put it best this way 33% of matches you have no control of and will lose. 33% of them you absolutely should be winning. 33% are matches you can tilt the scales on.


this is not in place any more from what I understand. They removed streak bonuses in Season 2 I think. PBSR might be hurting this guy. PBSR is not good as it creates perverse incentives.

No lol our skill rating is our career high anything below is the matchmaker forcing 50% winrate lolz