My God I've Never Seen Such Terrible Matchmaking

5 support mains? You mean 5 DPS 1tricks.

The Matchmaking is actually bad. In the morning we rekt 1 team. We had to wait 10 minutes and we were setup against the same team. The second game was close1 though. The problem is the fact that it tries to make games “fair” when Blizzard would need an AI to investigate all actions taken in the game. Lucky ults/kills can change the flow of game very fast.

If they want to keep MMR then it should go up faster than your SR like 10-20 points cumulative and nothing else. No hidden factors there like performance, we rekt other team or it was a close fight.

It’s like Usain Bolt should start his 100m run 5m behind others.

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Publication number: 20180065047

you can google it, it’s blizzards/activisions lovely patent that lets them intentionally put you in 50/50 situations, games you’re supposed to win. Games you’re supposed to lose…

Or to quote


**Publication number:**  20180065047

**Abstract:**  A system and method is provided that drives microtransactions in multiplayer video games. The system may include a microtransaction arrange matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the system may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.

**Type:**  Application

**Filed:**  September 13, 2017

**Publication date:**  March 8, 2018

**Inventors:**  Michael D. Marr, Keith S. Kaplan, Nathan T. Lewis]

Oversumo was never reliable.

It’s talking about pay to win mancanics nothing to do with matchmaking.

Hasn’t updated for around 10 days now. I think it might be a goner.

Was nice to get 90%+ ratings. But sometimes still had massive SR losses with high % as not measuring contribution, only survivability.

I agree. Made a post about this a few days ago. Posting it here for relevance.

Please enlighten me. How is comparing your stats to everyone else your rank playing the same hero not a reliable way to measure performance? That’s what the PBSR system is supposed to do. Except OverSumo didn’t have the cloak and dagger nonsense going on.

If you know of a more accurate way to measure performance than OverSumo, then please share. Because win % and medals really don’t tell you how well you’re doing as an individual.

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I want to throw my hat into this ring. I have played OW for about 2 years now and this past 2 weeks I have been paired with people who just slaughter me. Quickplay and Comp. I used to play everyday, but now I find myself playing only 3-4 times a week for an hour or so.

Frustrating that I cannot have fun in this game because I get rolled 9 out of 10 games.

Trouble with Oversumo was that it gave deaths per 10 minutes as a baseline (And it is a good stat to work on), but then everything else was based per life.

So I could have a 99% performance as I died twice per match, but only made 6 elims i the whole match. I’ve had comp sessions where I’ve rated 90%+ and lost 80 SR.

Masteroverwatch was the best as it gave stats per 10 minutes. This was the best way of measuring output over time.

Overbuff gives results per match. My Lucio stats looks terrible, but most matches with him are 2-0 stomps (either way), hence very short.

I’d argue that win %, over enough games, is the only stat that matters. If you’re at 70%+ win rate, keep on doing what you’re doing. If you’re consistently under 50% (Looking at my Moira play here), then something needs working on.

We’ll have to agree to disagree that this is a shortcoming of the system. Even if you’re getting a lot of elims, if you get few per life due to frequent deaths, then you’re not really performing that well imo. Deaths are also more detrimental to the team than low elims. Death means the enemy has one less target to worry about and they get ult charge in killing.

The major flaws of comp perfectly illustrated. You can play exceedingly well while losing a ton of SR.

Unless they’ve changed, MasterOverwatch and OverBuff only compare your stats to those of people registered to the sites. That narrows the field down even further from just public profiles.

I’ve checked out OmnicMeta. It looks promising. Similar to OverSumo, but it looks like all stats are based on per minute.

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Nice site. I much prefer this to Oversumo.

I’m in top 5% for deaths per minute for nearly all my heroes. But a lot of my elims/ minute are very poor. Oversumo would show stats per life and show me doing great.

My Moira healing is top 5%, but my elims and damage are awful. Maybe why my win rate bad with her.

I think this is a problem with PBSR, some heroes have odd crucial stats. Damage shouldn’t be an important thing for a healer. Still, you mainly heal and your PBSR won’t be as good as if you’re a dps Moira. Same goes for Rein. I can shield, make space and hold the objective. Then, I get 15-20 SR. If I go hammer berserker, then I’ll get over 25 for a win. My team will hate me and my win percentage will go down, but I’ll actually gain more SR.


I dont get the “–% of xx specialists” bit when you hover over a stat, is that your precentile? like 75% would mean you’re top 25% with that supposedly?

I think that’s exactly what it means. The -% is the percentage of people you’re playing better than. I’m not sure why it talks about “specialists” though.

Yeah, the forced 50% winrate is horrible. After a 10 game winning streak, I was hit with an 11 game losing streak filled with trolls/leavers/smurfs. I made a post about this like a week ago. Posting here for relevance and hopefully so the devs start taking note of this problem.

My experience was very similar to yours.

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I decided to write down a brief summary of my games today,

Game 1 : LOSS (Mercy) Team couldn’t deal with Mei, no communication between tanks and dps, 5 v 1 couldnt kill wrecking ball, leaver half way through game on my team.
Game 2 : WON (Tracer/Soldier) My team had 3 DPS, Full held enemy team, got first tick and won. Enemy team seemed to just trickle in.
Game 3 : WON (Tracer/Soldier/Widow) Enemy Team had 4 DPS, won easy
Game 4 : LEAVER (Tracer) Won first fight, Player on enemy team left so game ended
Game 5 : WON (Tracer/Pharah/Junkrat/Mei) First close game, had fun :slight_smile:
Game 6 : LOSS (Rein) Healers stuck with dps, off tank Zarya didn’t use a single bubble, only DPS were in voice chat
Game 7 : WON (Mercy/Hanzo/Soldier) My team kept trickling in, Reaper thought he could 1 v 6, had a winston and a rein going completely different ways, Luckly enemy team had a thrower which allowed us to win
Game 8 : LEAVER (Zarya) Player on enemy team left so game ended
Game 9 : LOSS (Moira/Ana) Team actually communicated but we still lost, was oasis, won first map but then lost the last two, had fun though since people were communicating :slight_smile:
Game 10 : LOSS (Mercy) Team went 3 DPS, got rolled pretty bad on defence, we were able to take first point easy on attack with sym teleport trick on hanamura but then a team mate decided to go pharah into 2 hit scans and then everyone got tilted and threw

SR has gone down by 10 since i started.


Sounds like something that LFG could fix. It actually doesn’t take too long and is worth it since there’s virtually no throwers and everyone communicates there. Most of the losses with LFG is because an enemy DPS carries (i.e. Genji, Widow, Doomfist).

There is literally no point in playing competitive for real until system gets changed. I’ve given up and just play it as a quick play mode. It ruins games for people? Well, maybe if others are good they’ll rank up anyways right? Doesn’t matte what I play :slight_smile:

you should probably just do others a favor and not play at all.