My friend, a Rein main, quit OW last night

I generally dislike quitting threads, but I felt that I had something that needed to be expressed.

As the title implied, my friend, a Rein main, quit the game last night and uninstalled it from his PC. If you knew him, you’d know how significant this is. He got me into Overwatch. He has a Rein hoodie, multiple Rein figures, etc.

He loves to tank. He loves Rein. And until very recently, he loved Overwatch. He had recently become very frustrated with the game, citing that playing a tank has become a rather daunting task. He’s generally a very optimistic person, and had confidence that things would settle with time.

Time it seems, only brought patches that made it harder and harder for him to play and have fun on the hero he loves most. And even as patient and understanding as he tends to be, this last patch broke him.

When I asked him why he left a game he loved so much, he just replied “Overwatch isn’t a game for me anymore. I cannot protect anyone”.

Perhaps if you saw how passionate and dedicated he was to the game, you would know how saddening this is. And when I talk to my other friends who play tanks, I hear dispassion in their voices as well.

I typically play support, so perhaps it is in my nature to look out for others. But I find myself growing more concerned about the state of tanking in this game. It seems everything that’s being done to stop dive is hurting the non-dive heroes even more.

So I ask that the developers seriously look at all the anti-tank additions they’ve recently made to the game and what is happening to the tank heroes who need help the most.

If not, I fear that we may be on the brink of a tanking player exodus.


That actually made me really sad. As a rein and tank main as well, these patches are making it worst every day to play. I just want blizzard to buff one of the most iconic heroes


Rein definitely needs a lot of love. 9 times out of 10 Orisa is better - shield constantly up and no reason to drop it to do damage. Add to that the fact that Rein can be tossed around by all the CC in the game whereas Orisa has at least some defense against it and he’s just bad.


Rein needs CC resistance or immunity on one of his skills. It’s pretty hard playing the big guy, especially with how important his damage is to the team fight. I used to play a ton of Rein until all the bugs showed up, then more crowd control, then even more crowd control, then even MORE crowd control.


I would agree with this.

Rein lacks mobility, so he needs to stand his ground. Unfortunately that’s not really something he can do well anymore.


You know how many people are having it worse than rain lets say with all those people that love torb and get flamed every time, if you dont like the game anymore better move on.


Realistically, You can’t just play one Hero. There are time when your favorite hero will be F-Tier Trash.

You need to find something else you enjoy if you favorite falls out of the meta for a while.


Overwatch is not a game for One-trick an hero. No matter of the amount of love you have for a character, if the enemy use the CHEAP-TACTIC blizzard created in OW called “PLAY-TO-COUNTER” or “DELETE-SKILLED-PLAYERS-BUTTON”. You need swap

If he really wanted perform the TANK role he should have at least 2 tanks playable REIN/Winston for example. Imagine all these one tricks SYMS/TORBS/HANZO/WIDOW get insulted, harrased, blocked, reported by other players just to play their favorite characters

So tell ur friend if he want one trick go to PALADINS in that game at least nobody can play to counter-pick you


True… I m a 1000 hrs rein main… But the frustrating thing is Rein cant do anything if he doesn’t get a good team… So when u solo u get 50% match with good team and then 50% with bad team…so at the end of the day SR stays same… So being frustrated I quit playing rein after 1000 up hrs and started playing dps… U can see the sr loss in my account because of that… But doesn’t matter I will rise up playing and being good at dps now… Enough playing Rein… I didnt quit the game like ur friend but I decided to learn the only class which has real carrying potential


It’s hilarious to see a guy with full armor getting toss like a beach ball when he could be excluded from it because of Rein being heavy with armor in the first place or reduced how far he goes from it.


Yep that sucks… sorry your friend quit, and understand why.


This phrase alone made me sad, but he’s right even my friend doesn’t have fun with the game anymore especially in competitive mode. You’re only selected to play the best heroes especially those who hasn’t been tweaked a.k.a Tracer or be ridiculed and be baited into getting a silence. I like the game, but the balance here sucks and the only real tank I see in my eyes are Reinhardt and Orisa. The other tanks aren’t even tanks. They’re bruisers a.k.a dps tanks like one has more power in damage while others are mobility. There’s no need for a Reinhardt or Orisa in the long run.


This one hurts. I play Main Tank for a fairly serious team, and when we scrim I don’t get to play Rein much at all, despite the fact that he’s my favorite, and best, Main Tank. I love Winston too, but I miss Rein. I want him to be good again.


The thing is, Rein has always been a really dominant hero. Having a main tank has literally always been meta, and his pickrate has always far exceeded Winston’s and Orisa’s (except in very specific ranks or during the Mercy meta).

I think they wanted to include some way to get people to play the other main tanks, which is why they’ve given him so many counters lately. The simple truth is if you’re fighting a CC-heavy team, you need to play Orisa and not Reinhardt.

This isn’t in itself an issue balance-wise, but it is an issue gameplay-wise. Being stunned through your barrier on a 5s cooldown truly feels awful. They can’t buff him for it or he’ll become OP, instead they need to think a bit harder as to how things feel to fight before they release new heroes.


I’m not one to have strong opinions on balance, but I think minor tweaks to Zarya and Rein would go a long way in making my experience feel more balanced. I would however argue that a good Dva, Winston, and Orisa do a solid job of protecting their team. A smart Dva can make an enormous impact predicting and eating ultimates. I certainly feel like a protector in those situations. I think having a main in a game like this just isn’t sustainable for most players.


For once a quit thread that has more depth and feeling put into it

But for real though

This made me shed a tear you can tell from the way the op described their friend that they really loved the game and I hate to see passionate players go. And I do agree there are a bit too many tank counters and I think that blizzard should possibly rethink how many there are and do something about it


At a bare moment minimum they should probably give Rein CC immunity during his charge.

They could probably do something crazy too, like give him cc immunity for 1 second after he drops his shield, on some sort of cool down (so flickering his shield doesn’t give him constant cc immunity). That way, good Reins could bait stuns by dropping their shield at precisely the right time.


COUGH ROADHOG got turned into that for a while. :frowning:


Oh man… that man made me tear up inside. Especially coming from a Rein player… :cry:


Season 3 tank meta was best meta. Best season imo.

With the support these days, I can’t imagine playing Rein.