My friend, a Widow main, quit OW last night

The 1shots people are upset with are the spammable, easy, and safe ones to use. Blizzard has nerfed all the easy ones and kept predominately all the hard ones or heavily infrequent (ults).

  • Roadhog. 20m hook. I learned 1shotting people on Hog within like 5minutes of practice range. I have more problems trying to consistently dunk people in the well with a 90deg turn on the pull than I do death killing people in the face. It was one of the lowest skill kills in the entire game. I need to rotate camera on chain pull not before or too late else it doesn’t happen. I can also get significantly more kills on someone with hook than I ever can trying to aim at a 200hp hero 5m in front of my face.
  • Mei freeze combo died out. Another easy spam someone with a huge hitbox, then hs them when they aren’t moving.
  • Cass. Flashbang → roll → fth. Another one of the easiest kills in the game to perform.
  • Rocket punch wall kill. Massive hitbox, 4sec cooldown, 200-250 dmg with the ability to get in close with slam or meteor strike. You could ask someone to fish for rocket punch kills in silver and they’d get more kills with rocket punch than they would with widowmaker.

Rein charge is probably one of the best examples of how to properly make a 1shot ability before they buffed it into OW2.

  • 10sec cooldown (2.5x times doomfist cooldown in OW1)
  • You moved at 11 m/s (not doomfist’s 44 m/s 8x regular character movement speed)
  • Massive start-up lag ( you could not cancel charge in OW1. Doomfist can hold rocket punch or out right cancel it in OW1 creating mix-ups).
  • Virtually no turning radius allowing you to easily walk out of the way
  • You committed to the entire duration until you hit a wall (no doomfist’s fixed distance punches).
  • If you failed, you are in and no ability to get out. No escape card on meteor strike. No uppercut → slam to get you out.

Then, they had to go and buff it in OW2 because of how unfunctional rein charge really was. They honestly should have lowered the damage to 175 or do something where when you grab someone you do 50 dmg, then the wall impact does 175. Allowing you to heal someone or simply let it be a 175 dmg or 150dmg. Its so much easier to get kills with it now, but its still bad as a 1shot ability.

Either way, its not surprise rein charge had to get buffed into OW2 to even be a functional 1shot compared to the amazingly powerful 1shot of doomfist or the safety of mei, cass, and hog.

The ‘nerf’ to widow 1shot is really just a range reduction. She can still spam 50m killing blows in the rear, but now you actually have to more risky about it compared to trying to fish for kills up to 70m in the rear.


if they kept widows oneshot, they should make her more like an actual sniper in other games. long reload, low ammo, squishy health, etc. the way that she functions right now is not healthy and even then she has the worst ability in the game. she just needs powershifts and a new ability if you want her to oneshot again but have it be more fair.


ill always be a widow fan till the day they shut the servers down. even if she isnt as great as she use to be

show this video to your friend, maybe it will motivate him to play again… probably not but its a nice widow animation

That’s sad, but I guess your friend has just moved on from the game.

Would your friend have left if the odds were in his favour and he was popping heads like a teenager let loose on a bout of acne?

Was he a one trick? Could he not move on to another hero? DPS has a pretty large roster. I’m sure if it was just Widow he was having issues with he could find another main to play.

Sad you don’t have your friend to play OW with though, that must suck.


I fired, then I missed…

I enjoy snipers, but more for the big damage it does rather than the 1shot. Being able to 2tap bodyshot on hitscan is what I’d love to see out of a hero in Overwatch. A quick scope sniper. Ana is that sniper. She has the faster quick scope action with zoom or even the hip fire accuracy I prefer. Though she spends so much time healing you don’t get to do it much for DPS.


This is a plagiarism post from another poster/thread!

My friend, a Rein main, quit OW last night - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

I am reporting this!


quickscoping, body one shots, noscopes, really long range and the collateralkills are all things actual sniper in other games have.
You just cherry-picking the weaknesses but you completely ignore the strengths.

Widow is the weakest sniper compared to any other sniper.

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a really nice Animation, i just wished it would not use that ugly Widow skin.

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really the overwatch 2 default is one my favorites heh. i use it over most skins but yea i probably should use noir skin more

I don’t like it at all. On a technical level it’s better in terms of details and textures, but it makes absolutely no sense for Widow.

The visor has fewer and smaller lenses but is larger and therefore heavier, and is also shiny silver. At night on a roof it’s like a beacon.

Then the weapon is larger and bulkier and correspondingly heavier.

And then the suit, on the one hand the absolutely absurd pieces of armor that dig through the suit into the skin when you lie down or fall and otherwise offer practically no protection and are therefore just useless weight and restrict your movement.
Then all the blue LEDs. Mademoiselle, do they want to be seen now or not?
What I originally liked about the suit was that it shows less because it is high-necked but no, several parts are transparent and therefore the suit is even more revealing.
Her back tattoo is also smaller and moved further up. Which wouldn’t actually be a problem if the skin wasn’t canonical!

And then there’s the hair, a braid actually makes sense (also when it comes to her real hair length in “Alive”) and I actually like braids, but the way this French braid was done is absolutely hideous, as if the braid was glued on her head and the thing looks like a tower/wall. Even a Dutch braid (the one she technically wears) should not be that gigantic. And the fact that a French braid doesn’t work with physics is also a problem.

Sorry for the little rant about a skin. ^^’

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It’s already been happening. Look at the queue times.

probably chatgpd, lol.

Holy hell, nicely spotted!

Op you sly dog you. Enjoy the report. Git.


Right, but for most people here (including the second person I linked), this mindset is rooted in selfishness. Its not about what other people think, its about YOUR fun, and you’d get anything nerfed if its in the way what your personal fun.

People who think like that should be resisted because, as you clearly see, the mindset has only hurt Overwatch. In the end, you’ll have to admit it.

I’ve tried posting this to people, but they don’t care. When they say they care about balance, they’re lying. When they say they care about player retention, they’re lying. When they say they’ll be fine with Widow or any sniper if the one shot is behind a cooldown or something, they’re lying.

For the health of the game, we have to tell people that the shouldn’t always get what they think they want. If we did that, we’d still be in 6v6 with two tanks. Because we didn’t, Overwatch is in the worst state its ever been, and everyone’s saying it.

I understand nerfing things to make the game more fun, but what do you do when you try to nerf things to make the game more fun, and end up making it less fun for everyone? According to the selfish people on here, you keep doing the same thing that ruined the game, and then you keep complaining.


I thought this thread sounded familiar lmao

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Bro just tell him to play Valorant lmao

She was busted in 6v6 but at least could be worked around given the extra space; in 5v5 she was a monster that needed to be stopped. And in return she got a slap on the wrist, so meh.


Until you realize less Widows mean more Hanzos. A hero who one-shots more frequently than Widow.

Its a classic example of Chesterton’s fence.

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Wow. So someone likes widow and is defending her and y’all reported it.


The issue OW2 has with snipers is less to do with the one shots themselves and alot more to do with bad map design that gives snipers free reign without any way to assault the position logically. maps have long flank routes or just funnels on some parts of maps.