My Career Profile still shows 0 competitive time

This is so frustrating. Blizzard!!! Please prioritize this!!!


I still get no stats from role queue.

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I still have no stats on console. The old thread said it might be ‘weeks’ until they were restored, well, it has been weeks.

I CANNOT believe they STILL havent fixed this. I’m getting very annoyed.

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I’m glad I’m not the only (primarily) console player whose stats still aren’t fixed!! I’m worried that because I’ve continued to play since noticing the issue that it now thinks it’s ‘fine’. Luckily I did take screenshots of my pc and console stats before the merge and I took a screenshot when I first logged into OW2 (where my stats are correct!!), So I know what they should be, and it’s so annoying that it still hasn’t been fixed!!


Yeah it’s very frustrating, for something affecting every single Xbox and maybe Playstation player it is very surprising that it’s been over a month since launch and it hasn’t been fixed, I have a feeling that it will stay the same until season 2 drops.

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I’ll add my name to this growing list. PS5 no comp stats whatsoever since launch. Everything is still showing as 0. I boot up the game every day to see if I have stats, I don’t, and then I turn off the game. I’d love to play but I see no point in playing (I really only play comp) if no stats are being recorded. Plenty of other games to play at the moment anyway.


Im afraid it wont be fixed before the seasons end because i want my top 500 title


Same issue here its so annoying that nothing is showing just adding my name but glad its not just me.


Adding my name to the list too. All my other stats are recording now, but nothing for comp. It shows my season 33 stats, but that’s it. It’s frustrating because there are some characters that i really only play in comp and i have no idea how im doing with them.


Exactly the same here on xBox. Same exact thing as the post describes. It’s driving me insane, I used to pore over my stats constantly. How is this still not fixed it’s been literally weeks


I don’t think it should affect the top 500 determination?

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me pasa lo mismo, tampoco me aparece nada de lo que e jugado en competitivo en el perfil de carrera, me pone que llevo 0 partidas jugadas y 0 tiempo jugado con algún personaje

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Yeah, I’ve won over 50+ matches, yet when I view competitive stats in the career profile, it shows my rank with only 7 wins. It has not been updated in weeks.


Still no acknowledgement from Blizzard that this is even a problem.

More and more threads being added to the thread tracker I started here:

We’re over a month since launch and this is still an issue.

How do you break something as simple as statistics, Blizzard?


I’ve been having the same issue, however I think I know what’s actually happening. I merged pre launch as well and I mainly play on xbox. No stats tracked at all, however I played a few games on PC recently, and All of these games have recorded correctly. My PC stats also show up on Xbox instead of my console stats, so I believe everyone that has this issue is showing their PC stats, of which they haven’t played any games


Nop, a lot of us play on PC now after started on console. No update on stats whatsoever :frowning:


I think you’re right. I played a bit on an alt that has no PC time whatsoever, and my comp stats on that account are showing up just fine.

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I also am having this issue. I played competitive and typically my rank is plat, but I was placed in silver. So I checked my career profile and realized that none of the games I played counted, it counted the 21 minutes I do have showing in my career profile. And that is so far off, today alone I have already played 73 minutes.

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Correct. It seems this issue, just like most other issues, only affects some, not all, of the playerbase.

I thought this was assumed.


We’re both experiencing the issue where role queue stats are not being shown in the career profile. I’m saying that I don’t think that issue is related to your struggles with climbing because plenty of people, myself included, have had the stat issue and are still getting rank increases.