Or they saw a streamer say so. It is a sad fact of human nature that if you tell someone the same thing over and over again they will usually begin to think it is true, even if it isn’t. It’s how propoganda and advertising work, and it affects even the most strong minded and independent thinkers.This is the case with overwatch. If everytime you log in people are saying on vc how bad the game is, you’ll begin to hate it to. The recent ign review of overwatch has so many dislikes and it makes me angry, this is undoubtedly a 10/10 game and deserves the score.
Ok, but Overwatch queue times do suck.
You ripped the words right out of my mouth. Or… um, fingers?
How long until this post is 1 year old?
Oh wait nm, this one was a bit more radical than I remember.
It didn’t have seperate matchmakers.
Cool, you complain that a personal opinion isn’t valid because of its outside influence yet you give us your personal opinion in the same way. What do you want to happen from this thread? C’mon now.
Probably in a month.
Yeah, but it was a dumb post on hind sight
This one though.
I would say that there is a significant portion of the player base who have opinions that are formed by streamers and pros, but there are also people who just don’t like the game, or the current balance or meta. It’s pretty easy to tell them apart, although I would also say that the first type are rather prolific in these parts of the interwebs.
I hear people complain about the game all the time but I still love the game. Their opinions hasn’t affected me.
It’s weird, since I’m not strong-minded or independent at all.
There are many things that sucks about Overwatch, but there are also many things good about Overwatch. It’s the same for every games.
It’s really all about which one you can tolerate the most vs the amount good things about the game.
Heck, one of the mobile game I love playing, I gave it a 1.0 star review rating because of the glaring flaws it has. If it wasn’t for the flaws, I probably give it a 3.5 or 4.0 rating if they improve on those flaws to be tolerable. Unfortunately those flaws will not improve for at least 2 month base on their roadmap. Yes, a mobile game with a Road Map! The mobile game is target towards moderate spenders, so f2p players will not enjoy the game unless they are willing to suffer a few month before they can compete with spenders. Whales don’t really have that big of an advantage due to diminish return being harsh. Small to moderate spending is the best way to play that game.
I can’t say I’ve heard a streamer say it specifically, but I notice some of them that tried out Valorant are back to playing OW again.
I saw a clip the other day where summit1G himself said it was a boring game.
No, the truth is most people who say overwatch sucks are just whiny little babies who haven’t played the game since may 2018 and play a day a month just to say “man this game sux cuz brig and no dive”
While yes the game is pretty good I won’t say it is 10/10 maybe 8/10 or 9/10. There is still a bunch of problems with the game. Leavers, throwers, smurfs, toxicity, and still more. Sadly the list can go on and on with a new problem with the developers not going to release anything new like a hero till OW2. While we still can get a new map it is not very probable. I don’t hate the game otherwise I probably won’t be here. I am just saying the game has too many problems to be a 10/10
As the saying goes, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”.
Overwatch definitely have some flaws which tilts people. This is mostly because people are just burning themselves out playing the game too much. They just need to take a break from the game.