Moria nerfs likely incomng hoping they nerf her lock on self healing auto attacks

Did you see my comment about bastion VS winston?

Why does bastion have a one sided advantage against Winston? You can’t say its because winston can escape from bastion, because Genji can do the same with Moira.

Why does this forum tolerate the exact matchup with one set of heroes and not with another?

Yes, like the advantage Reaper, Hanzo, Ashe, Mei, Echo has over tanks. But those are alright since its a DPS vs a tank and not vice versa.

As much as I hate hard counters, if the DPS get to hard counter heroes, then there should be heroes that hard counter the DPS.

Equality? Read my post again about Winston vs Bastion. There are more DPS that hard counter Tanks than tanks will ever hard counter DPS, then this support counters ONE DPS and you all cry about it.

The game isn’t equal right now; that’s an objective fact.

Edit: and I don’t want flankers deleted; I want an answer to them so that they can’t run unchecked in game. THAT’S how you balance a game: for every action, a reaction.


Because Bastion is incredibly easy to punish. He counters Winston as hard as he gets countered.

The same can’t be said of Moira. There’s no hero that can really “counter” Moira. Anyone hero that can “counter” Moira can counter other supports just the same.

And it’s because Bastion is easy to punish that people are generally fine with him killing Winston, even if that match up isn’t healthy…because who’s gonna suggest a nerf to Bastion?

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That’s just not true for Moira.

Hanzo, Ashe, Mcree (esp with his flashbang), and any other character with a burst option can kill moira before she can even respond.

Roadhog can pluck her away from her team and kill her and she can’t do anything about it.

Sigma can throw a rock at her, while she’s not even engaging with him, and drop her long enough for her to die.

There’s several answers to Moira, answers that aren’t really that hard to use.

I’m not saying he needs to be nerfed (I actually like the matchup), but if he DID need it I’d say it.


Oh wonderful new world

Every bronze considers itself a genius

No reason for watch you. bye bronze

Because a bastion funnily enough doesn’t invalidate most of Winston’s value. If Winston engages on Bastion yes he’s a free meal but there are many ways that Winston could still get value from attacking other squishies.

Not to mention Bastion is a trash character who has very clear disadvantages. For the average player Moira actually has an advantage not only against Genji but against most squishy characters. She also has very few disadvantages, with no disadvantage in certain matchups.

Go through my post history. When Reaper had 40% lifesteal, when Hanzo’s storm arrows offered superior tank busting potential on a sniper and when Mei made life miserable for tanks I also called for them to be nerfed. I’m consistent with my opinions. Characters should not win just for being on the field.

It’s fine if they have an advantage but that advantage doesn’t need to be inordinately large.

Brig is tuned just fine so that Tracer can’t run unchecked, but she’s not the monster that she was on release that was made specifically to remove Tracer from the game. Anyone wanting Moira to remain a character who removes Genji’s impact for extremely low effort wants him deleted from the game.

If you guys wanted equality you wouldn’t be losing your mind crying about the matchup being more equal.

Have you ever played Mercy?


he did say that they arent making her into a CSGO gun hero, so i think its not her secondary hitbox reduction

Then you have to rework her self healing, her main healing and damage orb.

They can reduce the hitbox without making pixel perfect like a CSGO gun. Which I think is most people’s issue.

Most people don’t care if she has an advantage in aiming or her hitbox, they just don’t want it to be the ridiculously easy mess that it currently is.

The last time I played comp I was mid plat.
Killing Moira as Ana in 1v1 is easy for me and that’s why I’m against the hardcrying.

I get it, her input output ratio is off, but can we please bring forth some good arguments and not “my feelings got hurt”

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Boy I sure am glad that these topics are here so I can increase my post count and pretend like I seriously want to reply to these

i think thers a way to make her harder to play without touching her secondary

Moira is easy to kill. If she kills you, it says much more about your lack of skill


The secondary is what people complain about so that is likely what will be changed.

They’re going to change the thing that people dislike and the thing that so many of you are desperate not to have touched, because you know thats her biggest advantage. I’m not saying I’m 100% right because I’m not a fortune teller, but that’s what logic would point to.

You’re an unskilled person because you die to me on this hero literally made for unskilled people”.

The hypocrisy alone is why I’m glad this character is being changed.

Can’t nerf something a hero doesn’t have.


Well the reason why i dont want them to touch the secondary is because i belive that is part of her intended design,

her damage is low but very easy to use, for a very specific prupose, to counter mobile heroes,

normally mobile heroes would dodge most of the damage coming their way with their mobility, however with moiras they just cant dodge it, but the damage is low enough that normal heroes with more HP can generally fair better against it,

What i think is too easy about moira is her resource, i think, like zarya, they have too easy of a time conserving their resources due to multiple buffs given to the over the course of the games life,

frankly, what i would do (and i made it into its own Thread) is make gaining resource harder, buff her healing, and maybe throw on some utilty here and there


she has the same mechanic as zarya, symmetra, and even bastion in a sense if you are slightly more open minded lol

those tracking skills also works good on track shot heroes like 76, sombre, tracer, etc.

and no. moira doesnt have lock on lol


Literally the same with Genji. Like 1 to 1.

If Moira turns to babysit her team against genji, she can either heal the person she’s attacking (allowing Genji to amble around the team with impunity) or try leech life from Genji (allowing Genji’s team to fight since they’re basically down a healer.

Bastion could be fighting with nerf guns, it doesn’t make him immune to criticism.

Besides that, Moira has clear counters, too. There’s several heroes who can kill he before she can make a single move. Even Sigma can do that.

I think its demonstrable that I happen to think the game is pretty equal now, but I do think there’s some glaring examples of inequality.

For example:

Sigma had a combo where he’d stun an opponent with a rock, and then kill them with a mouse 1. That got nerfed. But Echo was allowed to launch with a similar combo: her stickies + Laser move.

Why in the world was Sigma’s nerfed when Echo was allowed to launch with a similar combo? Its harder to land Sigma’s rock, too, yet his kit gets messed with?

That’s just one example, but I really could go on.

Regardless, I happen to think Genji vs Moira is pretty fair as it really is similar to Bastion vs Winston. Plus, I play OW daily and even though Moira is there every match, she only steamrolls when I have a bad team. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a moira roll an entire team in comp (but I don’t play comp, but I could be wrong).


You’re all missing the point. OP’s talking about Moria, not Moira.

Moira’s annoying, but she’s not hard to outplay and frankly isn’t all that strong. She’s also got a really nice flow to her.

Moria is just full of orcs.


lol dont argue with them on this matter, they expect flankers to work 100% on support classes.

flanker see enemy supports
enemy supports see flanker
enemy supports proceed to commit seppuku