Moria nerfs likely incomng hoping they nerf her lock on self healing auto attacks

I agree with the ideal, but I disagree with the implication that aim is the only skill.


Because she doesnt need it. It’s nothing more then something that may get a low health hero from across the map at random.

Its removal wont hurt Moira in any way and will actually help her heal instead of going full dps like 99% of moira players do.

That’s the point of it lol. And if it kills someone, they would likely have had nearly no hp left and would have died sooner or later.

also helps build her ult charge a little faster


She certainly doesnt need help building ult charge lol.

Tbh, during this next experimental she will definitely be getting an increase of ult charge required.

mfw the forums is taking someone named “DvaIsMyWaifu” seriously


You ain’t Papa Jeff.

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If being a plat Ana is good enough to stomp a Moira, it’s you not a Moira problem


And? She builds it super fast, its safe to say it’ll get an increase lol

And for whom did I make a proposal for raising damage?

Also for low ranks? If moira do 70 damage - it will not be so bad.

But in return, I suggest reducing damage depending on the distance from the target

ALL will be happy

Where are all those “helpless” Genjis when I want to play against them?
Most of them can burst me down or avoid me.


Is it confined she’s having nerfs coming

Why exactly is it a bad thing for Genji to have to avoid fights with Moira?

Moira can’t babysit him the whole match because

A.) She has to heal her team or they’ll die (unless your team is garbage and is letting Moira run around with her hand extended

B.) Genji can easily escape Moira while attacking his enemies.

I’m just saying, we don’t try to nerf Bastion because Winston can’t kill him, do we?


“BuT gEnJi Is HiGh SkIlL”


Why is it a bad thing for Moira players to have to not have such a large one sided match against Genji? Moira will probably still be forgiving and a decent Genji counter but she is likely not to have such the ridiculous advantage that she currently enjoys.

You guys keep trying to frame this argument as if Moira is entitled to hard counter Genji. Just come out and say you basically want flankers deleted from the game. Equality really looks like oppression to you huh?

No RaNk In CoMp

I hope they give her a lock-on so threads like this will never die.

Oh who am I kidding? They’ll still make auto-aim threads regardless of what changes them make to her!


I would like to point out how this doesn’t get flagged but mine yesterday did :slight_smile:

at this point people are trying to make any thread about moira about the lockon to try and spiral the convo

Seems like just another day at the forums.

“RaNk DoEsN’t MaTtEr”