More LGBT heroes needed 🏳️‍🌈

Y’all seriously do too much

I noticed because u put logic before before emotion… Doe normaal :slight_smile:

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i thought genji was gay was confirmed. and that would put in game rep at about 10%, which is pretty consistent with the real world. actually way higher since bastion, zen, and orisa are robots and hammy and winny are animals.

But we still got some lore to back it up if not fully confirm it we even have a spray of Vincent and Jack in game which I have equipped at all times :grin:

Also Tracer and her girlfriend and Emily as a spray :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

Exactly this.

“Bury your gays” trope is a real Low effort pandering technique that actually -does- work on the gay community to access their buying power.

I wish the community would stop falling for it.

Tracer I did think was a cute reveal. Holiday special, one time of year that is thematically about family, and you got to see how different families look like to adults in the real world and overwatch (just pretend Winston isn’t a monkey).

But soldier was really frustrating to me. Meeting a miserable end, being the one point in his life where he now is 100% anonymous and has no social ties, etc. One of the themes of that comic being how they -destroyed- their interpersonal relationships for overwatch (totally opposite). Yes it did feel totally fan service-y and not just that but out of place. Why did they even have those pics in the middle of the desert?

If they really wanted to make it believable, an origins story when they were young would’ve made more sense, showing how their relationships crumbled… not “bam ur gay but tough bc u made the choice ur gonna die alone fighting omnics”


Why is needing more LGBT heroes controversial to you or anyone.

Seems like a you problem


Based on? 20 chars …

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My word is law and we both win? :woman_shrugging:


You started the thread. That’s the problem. There is a mega thread if you wanted to start this but clearly you missed the thread.


Can you blame anyone for missing the thread after it got relegated to story discussion? :thinking:


Look for it. You have a search bar, and a subforum.

The dictator is back.
I ask again… What is your opinion of gays being banned from the Amsterdam gay parade being banned for not agreeing with the LGBTQ++++ agenda?

LGBT is like 5% of the population.

We already have 2 gay heroes and hinted that another one is LGBT. We don’t need another one until hero 40 or hero 60 and anything more would just be giving LGBT over-representation instead of representation.

And the entitlement is annoying.


No one goes to story discussion. It’s like telling people to use the competitive board for balance change ideas. Or competitive topics.

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Off topic btw.

Tell that the people who make 20000 Moira threads a day

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Here you go then

How was Tracer forced? She wore one left earring which was a huge hint to her being a lesbian.

Also Soldier looked at his photo of his boyfriend back in the 2016 reflections comic.


Why do I have the bad feeling this will be false flagged?


Look at the OP of the thread.