More LGBT heroes needed šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

You literally just said itā€™s hard to find. I literally just sent it to you.

Why is needing more LGBT heroes so important to you? Sounds like a you problem
See? Why force people tonhave more lgbt heroes just for the sake of it?


Where are your sources. Skinner, Pavlov, Piaget, Freud, Bandura, Eriksonā€¦ who said this.

Secondly, racism and sexism towards woman are noticeably attempts at societal reform that has gone on longer than gay acceptance, yet both remain an issue to this day. Like I said - write and incorporate it well or donā€™t do it at all.


Oh so sexism towards women did not decrease heavily during the last 80 years??

Honey, it did by a lot :rainbow_flag:

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Because we have to show the world that one can be proud to be LGBT :rainbow_flag:

that is what happens when your only writting motivation is appeasing blue checkmarks and people like the OP.

idk why its so hard to make a new badass hero, that just happens to be gay.
like it can be in the voicelines between heroes it doesnt have to be a big friggen full comic story about who they like to bang.

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are you trying to imply that hanzo and mccree arent happily married?


And why you you need to show it to the world? You can be proud about whatever and keep it to yourself, as i said people dont like things shoved down their throats


Matt Mercer will happily answer this ^^

Iā€™ve heard of several studies of this over the years. Just google ā€œearly childhood representationā€ in google scholar. Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll get you going.


Sojourn is a Canadian, she has a Canadian accent also.

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Yes, thatā€™s why my country even implements it in school math books

The day I found out Overwatch had vulgarity, I couldnā€™t see Hanzo and McCree the same ever again.

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Why make a thread about anything with that comment? :thinking:

This is general discussion for anything Iā€™m all for this but the hate these threads receive is unwarranted and unnecessary :unamused:

What if your main is revealed to be part of the LGBTQ+ community would you leave the game? :no_mouth:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I donā€™t want to sound rude but heterosexuality is forced down every oneā€™s throat everyday. Why is that fine?


Wait. Who tf is citing Freud seriously


Why force us to know how many kids Torbjorn had, it seems like they did it for the sake of it, they even put one in the game so you canā€™t avoid it. Seems like theyā€™re shoving his heterosexuality down our throats idk


No they already made 2 existing heros gay to appease ppl.


Forgive me, I didnā€™t pay much mind to stereotypes like that, next time I see a person with a earing in her left ear Iā€™ll totally smirk knowing sheā€™s gay.

With regards to soldier, I honestly hoped it was his brother, that wouldā€™ve been pretty cool, they could have had opposite hero design like Genji and Hanzo, esp cause they had white / black hair. I even thought his brother might have died. Soldier is like the American High school quarterback of OW, I didnā€™t feel a possibility of him being gay. But thatā€™s just my opinion and humans are prone to errors, so forgive me.