📢 Minimum 10 min queue for support

This game is reaching new levels of decline, it’s been a growing trend 1-2 weeks after an event ends queue times get worse than before.
However I’ve never seen support queue estimates this long, bear in mind this is in plat at 6pm, peak hours and its this bad?
it’s likely the symptom of a greater issue.

If queue times get any higher you will see a mass exodus of players who have tried, tolerated, and patiently waited who are finally going to reach their limit which only slows queue times more leading to even slower queue times and…
You get the point.

Even the forums have jumped off a cliff, people just gave up.
The level of interaction here even during the games worst periods was still very high and although there’s still many controversial hot topics going around to entice people, instead of those being filled with endless discussion like in the past, they’re now the only topics that get a conversation going.


It’s almost like BarrierTanks aren’t fun enough, and that’s bottlenecking queue times for every other role.


Still 10 min for support is rather lenghty. It would mean tanks are rarest breed there is.


You what would make a Tanks more fun?
If they get to do more damage.
Especially the ones that can damage and barrier at the same time.


These changes are, no offensive, wrong and garbage

Orisa’s protective barrier cooldown reduction and fortify acting as a physical wall sound nice though


Bro you are getting really spammy with this suggestion, please stop, Blizzard are not going to just revert the shield nerf as if it didn’t happen for a good reason already.
Nor are they going to simply make tanks DPS, which is exactly what you’re suggesting.

It’s more than easy enough to pull off gold damage and elims on every single tank hero consistently, if anything tanks need a global damage nerf so we can finally revert the damage powercreep changes.


No one wants to play barrier-watch again main.


You think complaining about queue times with no solutions, is a better way to resolve things?


That’s why this has a bunch of checks and balances on Orisa/Sigma, by making them vulnerable at close range.

Also discord ignores barriers, so they are extra vulnerable.

A higher-damage, discord boosted, Rein hammer doesn’t care about barriers.

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Yeah but what changed, I don’t get it. Just 2 days ago Support Qs were at 3 minutes max.

Oh… wait…

Echo was unleashed on the tanks


Echo is basically easy mode Doomfist.

Fly/Walk in silently at a side angle. Land some stickies. Laser. Then jumpjet out.

It’s kinda dumb game design.


bro everyones seen it can you stop going in every thread and copypasting the same stuff down every single time? we need some new ideas circling around and it wont happen if you keep doing this. plus as a main tank player i dont like most of those changes. implementing those will only make double barrier 100% necessary again.


If you’re in higher ranks the queue times have always been somewhat longer in ranked since there’s less people there but now even in QP it’s more than it used to, a few months ago I could find a game in 3-4 minutes now it’s closer to 10 minutes for sure.

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Why should I have to make an entirely new game design concept every time this repetitive topic comes up?


People would play more more tanks if Rein/Zarya weren’t so dominant, simple as that. There’s always a dominant meta tank duo lately (Origma before this) and it gets old quick. Queuing for tank right now just means you get to play A) Rein B) Zarya C) anything else and very likely to get pressured to swap


Wait I thought everyone enjoyed only playing Rein? Lol. Guess that must not be the case then lol.

Maybe just maybe the game and Constance if only playing the same heroes has gotten old. It’s a 4 year old game anyway.

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its not a game design concept its a balance idea. and you dont, but i come to new topics to see new ideas and arguments with the logic behind them not to see the same ones copy pasted over and over again. especially when they arent even that good.


Wouldn’t that just mean that there are more people playing support compared to other roles? Even in GM, a place with a fraction of the players of other ranks, the queues are rarely limited by how many people are playing as opposed to how many people of your role are playing.

If my design concepts weren’t that good, why did the last 4 big changes to Mei match up to something I posted?

Or how about the idea of bypassing the console recertification process, by doing gameplay changes without patching. Which allows for rapid patching, and the experimental mode.

Barrier tanks arent fun to play As or Against.
Theres a reason Jeff said they’re wondering if Barriers should even be in the game… :woman_shrugging:

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