Micro stuttering

Hello everyone

Anyone else having a micro stuttering problem? The frames stuttering for a microsecond. It occurs on a irregular base. Sometimes I rarely get some, other times I frequently have some.

Can’t be my pc, as its very high end. All drivers etc. are up to date. Also no problems in other games.

Anyone a clue?


I was having this, and then updated my drivers on my gpu and it fixed it. Apparently I was using way outdated drivers (raedon)

**edit oops. saw you had updated drivers.

Not sure then. Maybe try one previous back driver. Also check gpu temps when it happens by running a gpu temp monitor.

do you use the new nvidia drivers? there is a “low latency mode” (in the 3d settings) option now, if set to ultra it can lead to stuttering since it’s pretty heavy on cpu, as is overwatch

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do you view the Task Manager while its happening? do you have 100% disk usage when its happening? do you use www azurespeed com when its happening?

As stated above, most likely a driver issue. Could try rolling back/updating depending on what you have now.

I’m personally on the Nvidia “gamescom ready” drivers, 436.02

Yes, I’m experiencing horrible frequent stutter. I detailed it in the post below a few days back in tech support.

You tried older drivers? Newest drivers aren’t always the solution.

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Yeah, after making this post I tried two older drivers but it didn’t help. I still have one more old driver on my desktop to test though. Will do that today but I don’t want to get my hopes up!

Get a better PC.

20 characters of more power

i7 9700k
32GB Ram
RTX 2080



Be warned, this uses more CPU, and can cause stutter if bottlenecked.

If you don’t use your PC for professional stuff, maybe try disabling HPET.

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Same drivers are all up to date. Temps are fine, etc. Literally nothing has changed on my PC hardware or software in a while besides driver updates and every other game runs fine. Overwtch, on the other hand, after playing more than 2 matches my fps wil tank every x seconds or so. Restarting fixes for first few games and repeat. In fact I noticed this when the whole sigma/role q was on PTR and now happening in live

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Yup. Same here.

So I’ve tried the latest drivers and also several older ones. Nothing helps. The problem is clearly the Overwatch patch as it’s the only variable here (nothing in my hardware/settings has changed).

All I can do is hope that I have better luck with the next patch. Until then comp is not an option.

YES, this happened to me too.
was utorrent causing the problem for me, (could be another program)
no stuttering on my brand new laptop, just installed utorrent starts to stutter
tried this with another laptop same result
try resetting your PC

Could also be caused by a heavy CPU undervolt
Or if you play in borderless windowed

Same issue -

G-Sync on or off, run scan and repair defaulted graphics settings nothing fixes it its running displayed based FPS solid with no drops but in game as soon as the action gets up close an personal its like playing in tar.

100Hz 21:9 1440p
Run fine for years no FPS issues
all AIO cooled running less than 50C…

Look into HPET (High Precision Event Timer) in the BIOS/UEFI. Google will help you with the details (BIOS setting, bcdedit useplatformclock false are the keywords).

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Turn off Shader Cache in Nvidia Control Panel.

Are you secrely working for Nasa? :joy:

Try Riva tuner statistic server and cap the framerate their