Mercy's ultimate

What I described occurred on twitter as I described it

I have no interest in QAnon or conspiracy theories in general, and neither is involved in the statement I made

We really need to stop talking about some Mercy mains like they are the Illuminati or something…

I’m the only one who has openly admitted to be recruiting for my cult.

The Bunny Cult


QB: I don’t know with certainty if the owners of the two twitter accounts i mentioned in my earlier statement are or were Mercy mains

Then why speculate? Let’s stick to what we know. I recall you being a fan of facts.


Your statement, is, factually, a conspiracy theory.

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The passing of the mantle of leadership of these two more or less identical antiMercy groups is and was not speculation…this happened just as I described

Factually, I find this Fact to indeed be… Quite Factual. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Factually, the event I described occurred as I described it.

There are no conspiracies involved in the statement itself

And you’re still using this terminology despite saying you wouldn’t several threads ago. Yay let’s add hypocrisy to the list.


Factually, I made no statement indicating I would not be using this term

And your proof is…? I assume you must have some inside information.


I really hope they never change it back to mass rez because it promoted unhealthy habits and views of how the game should be played. It also was so unsatisfying for good teamwork resulting in 5 elims to just be undone because they didn’t get the one hero that mattered.

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Again, a factual statement that I cannot help but agree with, considering the context.

I too am making the same assumption there. In actuality (ahem… Factuality), I’m taken aback by the amount of contradictions the one in question has been bestowing upon themselves.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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This occurred on twitter, ie in tweets from an account owned by a certain toxic and entitled metuber who at one time was the figurehead leading these two antiMercy groups and who arranged the forum raid

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Factually, I did not make a statement agreeing to not use certain terminology

Hey, you know what proof is? Things that aren’t looped statements made of conspiracy theory. Things like screenshots. Because you seem to think there’s a bunch of cults here, the only cult is the cult of Bunny.


“AntiMercy”? For not liking the current version of the character?

Yeah, I’m done. And I seriously doubt these tweets said what you think they said.


Factually, I have made no claim about conspiracies or cults in this discussion

Then give us twitter screens please. Otherwise, bye bye.

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