Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

So you are saying healing your entire team for 60/50 hp a sec isn’t able to change the tide of a fight?


That’s the thing. We can tell they don’t care, it’s just like they are neglecting to accept the mess they created while covering their ears and screaming “LALALALALALA”.

When I first bought Overwatch, it seemed to me to be one of the best games. Fun events, good cosmetics, and nice developers.

But after being for almost a year here, I can tell they’re only interested in their dumb OWL and making money. It’s just like they don’t care about the customers.


No, healing 50 HP/S is not impactful when the enemy team can focus fire.


The chance that your entire team is actually being affected by the beam at once is not that high and 50 hp/s is nothing if Winston’s primary fire basically makes the healing null and can be shutdown very easily by focus fire.


It’s pure idiocy. NO ult in this game is fun to play against. And yet instead of making changes to both Mercy AND the SR system to combat idiot players who hid to exploit said system, Blizzard instead made the genius idea of making Mercy stupidly OP and a must-pick instead, and touting it as a “success”. ._.

We’re not going to stop bringing it up. We didn’t ask for this garbage. All we want is for Blizzard to admit their mistakes, and revert Mercy to her balanced state. They can try making smarter changes from there.


Yes, 30% damage or 50hps to everyone in your team for 15 seconds while being nearly unkillable with unstoppable health regen. Totally just a cheap spectator mode.


Oh boy, it’s one of these types of comments. It’s not “your whole team”, and she’s not “nearly unkillable”. Stop.


It is if your teams coordinated and plays together. And you’re right, she’s just actually the hardest thing to kill, so much so it took multiple nerfs just for owl players to do it reliably.

Continue with that bias though


We need to distinguish those who want a “Mercy 1.0 revert” and those who want a “Mercy 3.0” with the necessary tweaks of the res as an ult too.


She puts herself in a lot of danger while ulting and there isn’t even a good reward for that.


I think people are just bored of having mercy be undoubtedly the best support in the game in all tiers of overwatch. It’s time for something new.

Besides, despite all of the nerfs she is still the most played hero by a long shot so just relax. What’s unfair is mercy mains making it seem like they are the only people playing this game and all the other people on their team are just bot tanks and dps players.


inb4 someome dismisses this as a “complaint thread” rather than criticism


You’ve hit the nail on the head if we pretend you aren’t being sarcastic.

It is exactly that. Valkyrie is completely outclassed by its ultimate counterparts. Supercharger is a 50% amplifier over a larger area and it affects 6 players rather than 5. Transcendence heals at six times Valkyrie’s healing rate, allowing it to actually combat enemy ultimates and focus fire.

Neither Transcendence nor Supercharger turn the player into a spectator for 15 seconds.


Mercy’s ultimate effectively keeps her safe and allows her to damage boost and heal her whole team. It is definitely game changing when used effectively.

And healers shouldn’t be able to not be out-damaged or nobody would die :slight_smile: Her healing output SHOULD be be beaten by other healers, actually. Mercy is the easiest of the support roster, there is no reason she should be as strong as she is in comparison to other supports.

Now, let’s do something-

Takes genuine skill, is one of the hardest to use and one of the easiest to counter. Heck, even if she wall hacks, you can just wait for it to run out.

yet it easily stopped.

This is interesting, as you are using one of the worst ultimates in the game. He stands virtually still, he GLOWS, and he slowly locks on to the enemies. There’s more than enough time to one-tap him with Widow or Hanzo. Or deflect it, or get behind a shield, or literally walk behind the wall next to you.


And one of the easiest to avoid in the game.

Are you really complaining about Pharah’s ultimate??? Oh jesus.

Good thing there’s efficient counterplay.

I’m… not even touching this.


Now here’s the issue. Mass Rez was unfun to play against and had no real counter. EVERY fight was a matter of “find and kill Mercy!”, even in the pro tournaments. You’re comparing them to ultimates that all have efficient counterplay, which I find interesting.

But, FUN IS SUBJECTIVE. Which is important. There was an easier fix- add LoS, and a cast time for mass rez. Maybe make the cast time larger depending on how mant people are being revived.

Ill agree that Mercy got screwed, but at this point I don’t see the point in continuing to talk about it. Blizzard isn’t going to change their minds, and we all know it.



Mercy is not a tank, or an off healer. If you’ll notice off healers have team saving defensive ults. Zen, Lucio and Brigitte.

Now Main healers, They have offensive ults with defensive capabilities. Ana’s Nano, 50% damage and 50% resist to one target. Moira’s Coalescence’s, Heals and Damages enemies in a straight line. Mercy, Heals and Damage boost’s her entire team for 30% Damage.

Why exactly do you think a main healer should take an off healers job? Didn’t mercy already do that to Lucio once. Have a heart.


Difference is that Supercharger is easily destroyed, Mercy is not. Nor does it move with your team. And Supercharger doesn’t make you a spectator, but it doesn’t change the way you play at all. You put it down and you keep shooting. That’s not very exciting.


And why is that suddenly a rule?


When has it not been the case?

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It isn’t a rule, but it is definitely a pattern. Main healer’s ultimates keep healing, outside of Ana, and off healers tend to save the team.


Quote incoming.

The one downside Supercharger has in comparison to Valkyrie is that it needs to be protected, but considering the rest of Orisa’s kit, that isn’t terribly difficult. She has her barrier to cover it and her hitbox is a good size to body-block enemies from attacking the drum, especially with Fortify to help her do so. The only good options there are to destroy the Supercharger are to flank or to get in close… neither of which are great ideas when the entire enemy team is dealing 150% of their normal damage output.

25 meter range solves that problem.

Not changing the way someone plays is a hell of a lot better than turning someone into a spectator.