Oh? So your argument to Mercy having bunny hop that makes her GA amazing was she already had a bunny hop ability that every other character in the game can do, which isn’t her ability to begin with, or you think slingshot wasn’t introduced with the rework, and then made into an ability after the fact.
You’re actually just trying to save face at this point 'cause you got caught in a lie.
I’m starting to see the problem here.
Picks were minimal at best during grav dragon from the amount of shields and barriers. It was the worst meta ever because of this. Legit, things didn’t die until you ult comboed them.
Before I even get into this I can already tell you’re going to take each point individually pull it a part and try to justify mercy is perfectly balanced and deserves everything she has, And I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell you every single time you do this. Her kit is bloated. Each individual thing Mercy has is relatively balanced for what it is, The problem is she has to much now.
Alright, lets get into this now.
First of all, tracer is not a support, so okay? Great argument.
Second of all. 6 second cooldown and 15m or 1.5 second cooldown, 30m + bunny hop making it even further and putting you next to a team mate so you don’t have to 1v1 anymore. Yeah, moira’s is clearly better. She can be invincible for a second during phase. Compared to all the other things mercy has her beat with.
You really underestimate how broken 100% nade was. But you’re right, she did have the best healing average in season 4, and 5. Then she got the best utility and still outheals moira on average across every elo with the best utility and easiest healing mechanics, as oppose to moira who only has a worse escape, and absolutely needs to do damage just so she can maintain the worst resource ever that allows her to heal Worse than mercy. We’re still not even sure if that’s changed yet with the last nerf. And Yes, before you bring it up, Moira will out heal Mercy in quad tank. That’s her niche, I would hope she can. Mercy has this knack of being perfect for any team composition ever after all.
You got me. Moira who is on 10 hp, who either needs to burn a cooldown or attempt to fight to regen some amount of hp, clearly better than hide for 1 second while still being able to heal at the same time.
I really don’t need to point out the bias here, but if you think burning cooldowns and having to fight on low hp just to regen some health back is better self sustain than sit in safty for a second… well.
Best healing
Easiest healing mechanics
Best Utility
Best Escape
Best Self Sustain
Ultimate that makes everything she’s already the best at even better.
Ignoring the point just to point out obvious hyperbole doesn’t discredit the point. Her kit is bloated, she does too much too well for too little.
Implying damage boost hasn’t kept mercy playable in every single meta ever with widow and pharmercy comps. I’ll admit Res on E certainly tipped the scale here, but don’t downplay a good thing, it just looks bad.
I love when I can just copy and paste old posts because this is starting to become clockwork.
And right off the bat I can tell that you don’t know my position.
Screw it. I’ll just omit replying to the rest of your post and throw my rework suggestion up here and. Have at it:
A Solution
Unlike the past four iterations of this thread, I had more resources to draw upon while creating this post. Specifically, I had the ideas and feedback of 45+ other Mercy players. Collectively, we created a 20-page Google Document with new ideas for ultimates, basic abilities, and modifications for Mercy’s passives. We then voted on those ideas through a survey I created to determine the best modifications to Mercy, or to rephrase and be more direct about our objective, the ideal Mercy rework.
Here are the results from such endeavors:
Removed as a basic ability and placed as Mercy’s ultimate ability.
15 meter range.
Line of sight requirement. Does not apply to destructibles, payloads, or non-fundamental map obstacles that are too small to actually obscure a player. In other words, none of that BS where a player can move behind a lamp post to evade a nuclear explosion.
1 second cast time. Basic movement is unrestricted while casting, but all attacks and abilities are disabled for Mercy during this time.
If Mercy is stunned or killed while casting, Resurrect does not activate and Mercy loses all ultimate charge.
All living allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends receive a burst heal of 150 HP. Mercy also receives this burst heal.
All dead allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends are revived at full health and receive 2.25 seconds of invulnerability (same as current Resurrect and Resurrect pre-rework).
Mercy does not receive invulnerability upon Resurrect’s activation.
Resurrect does not require dead allies to be activated.
1625 ultimate charge requirement (the same as Mercy 1.x’s Resurrect).
Most importantly, this takes Resurrect off one of Mercy’s basic abilities and places it into a position that matches its ultimate-like behavior. On top of this, various trade-offs were made to the ability to allow for the healing burst and the introduction of a second basic ability.
The healing burst, post-rez vulnerability, cast time, and LoS requirements all incentivise using Resurrect to revive 0-3 players rather than 4+ players. Attempting to use it on four or more players runs a greater risk a failed resurrect attempt due to the cast time. If Mercy manages to use Resurrect, there is a greater chance that she missed some allies due to the LoS requirement. If those two drawbacks do not drag her team down enough, there is also the fact that Mercy is vulnerable post-rez while her teammates are still reviving.
The healing burst and fire-at-will mechanics on Resurrect make the ability more flexible and open up some unique uses for it. For example, Mercy could use Resurrect to grant her team a burst of healing in the middle of the teamfight to keep their momentum going rather than waiting for an ally to rejoin the fight after being killed and revived.
New Basic Ability - Pacify:
After a .5 second wind-up, Mercy launches a single hitscan attack from her left hand.
The projectile’s hitbox size resembles that of Symmetra’s secondary fire.
The projectile deals no damage upon impact with an enemy. Instead, it applies a debuff that reduces the damage dealt by the target by 33%. The debuff lasts for 4 seconds.
The projectile does not persist once it hits an enemy. It is only able to affect one enemy for each use.
The projectile is blocked by barriers, Defense Matrix, and Particle Barriers. It can be deflected by Genji’s Deflect ability.
10 second cooldown. The cooldown begins after the ability is cast.
There is a .25 second wind-down time after Pacify is launched.
During the wind-up and wind-down times, Mercy is not able to use her staff, her pistol, or Resurrect. She may use Guardian Angel, however.
Does not affect non-player entities and constructs (turrets, Rip-Tire, Supercharger, etc).
This ability came with some concept art:
This ability functions similarly to Ana’s Sleep Dart in its cast, but the projectiles and effects are very different. Because Mercy is supposed to have a low skill floor, the hitscan weapon type and large hitbox make the ability mechanically forgiving. As a result, Pacify’s 33% damage decrease for 4 seconds is less effective than Sleep Dart’s disable for up to 5.5 seconds.
That said, Pacify still has a lot of playmaking potential when mastered. For example, when used on a target that has been Nano-Boosted or Supercharged, the damage increase that Nano-Boost/Supercharger has on that target is completely negated for the next 4 seconds (100 DPS +%50 = 150 DPS - 33% = 100 DPS).
Pacify also drops Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Pharah’s weapon damage below the 2-shot (body shot) range for 200 HP heroes. If used at the right time, it can potentially save an ally’s life.
Caduceus Staff:
Healing beam’s rate of healing remains at 60 health/second.
Angelic Descent:
For the first one second of Angelic Descent’s use while airborne, Mercy does not lose altitude. After one second of this, Angelic Descent decays into the featherfall currently provided by Angelic Descent.
This effect can only be used once while in the air. If it has been expended, Mercy must first make contact with the ground before using it again.
Mercy’s midfight mobility potential will not be increased by much through this change, but it does allow Mercy to reach more positions prior to engagements without help from allies. Moving from ledge to ledge is made easier by these changes.
Credit goes to Brawl for the Resurrect and Pacify ability ideas and to Silawatsi for the modifications for Angelic Descent.
Lol, you’re joking. I’ve straight up agreed with you before and you’ve argued back. We’ve done this at least twice now. You already know my position, yet you’re still trying to pick arguments.
Perhaps you and/or I were not clear enough on our positions.
I know that you didn’t like Mercy 1.x. I don’t recall your other positions, as usernames and positions don’t tend to stick well with me. I care more about the value of the words than the person saying it.
So, if you would, tell me what you think of that rework proposal. There isn’t much point in arguing if we can’t find a solution.
No, actually the opposite. I didn’t have anything against Mercy 1.0. I firmly believe the better option for all of this would have been keeping mercy the way she was, drop the invulnerability, turn it into damage resist and give her a line of sight check with a slight cast time so hiding was useless.
But of course Mercy mains are going to get defensive of their favorite hero and immediately dogpile anyone who talks bad about her in anyway ever. Every single time you point out the problem isn’t inherently res on e on its own and point out obvious bias from a person because change is bad or for what ever reason, well there’s a reason mercy mains are a meme.
I’m also a realist. Blizzard is clearly adamanet about keeping res on E. No, I don’t agree with it. With that being said, if it’s the way they’re going with her character, they absolutely need to start taking away from some of her other obvious strengths if they’re ever going to find some kind of balance for her.
This last nerf is proof of that. Mercy finally has the weakness of having great pocketing skills but overall lack of healing to go around to everyone. Mercy’s healing gets cut, suddenly we’re seeing other main healers start to rise in pick rates. Especially in pro play.
For real, You and me agree, but you gotta stop getting so defensive.
You actually just sat here defending every single part of mercy’s kit expect res on E, ignoring the original point to begin with to start an argument. Oh, and valk. But I already know you think valk is useless because it’s not a team saving defensive ult like Zen and not Supercharger like Orisa.
Do you really want me to dig up our last conversation about this? Mayhaps your position changed since then, Iunno. Don’t really care tbh. You pretty much said the same thing earlier in the thread I already copied a post from in here.
I think her “e” ability should be a temporary chain heal to temporarily boost her healing output, similar to Lucio’s amp it up. Then add resurrect to valkyrie somehow so that her ultimate feels impactful.
Are you sure? If I completely forego the use of Valkyrie in a match, Mercy doesn’t look all that impressive compared to the other healers. Valk is just an easy mode workaround for the Mercy player having a bad day. Nothing more.
A year being a must pick through multiple meta’s that would actually favor other healers had Mercy not been great at absolutely everything begs to differ.
And that all boils down to Rez on E and Valk as an ultimate. Pointing the finger at anything else in her kit is just delusional, as nothing else changed when compared to her pre-rework state.
There is nothing to say, the devs and i for the matter also. Disagree. Christ this whining on the forums because of mercy. She is fine, hell she is still super good. Whats the deal? Dont fix somthing that aint broken, disagree? Pick a different main hero