I appreciate your positive attitude and optimism, and I understand that it must be frustrating and upsetting when a positive message encounters this much resistance.
There’s a reason for that resistance though, even if its tone could stand to be more moderate. Begin with the assumption that Mercy is under powered right now and not balanced (I’ll get back to why this is true in a bit).
These forums serve several purposes. One of these purposes is social - we all play the game and it’s nice to have conversations with other players. In this context, cheering other people up about Mercy’s current state is an anodyne and uncontroversial thing to do.
But there’s another purpose for the forums. People come here to talk about aspects of the game that they find problematic, in hope that the developers will see these discussions and act on them. It’s happened many times before. If there’s a large ground swell of support behind an idea, it often gets addressed in the game. One recent example of this is the change from 60 hps to 50 hps. This purpose of the forums is political - people organize to try to present a message in as audible and as clear a way as they can.
In this second context, presenting the changes in a positive light (especially if you don’t like them and want them fixed) can seem pernicious. It muddies the message, and decreases the chance that the problem will be fixed soon. It’s like crossing a picket line.
So, is Mercy balanced and at the right power level? The two statistics that people use to gauge whether or not a hero is over or under powered are pick rate and win rate.
In every rank plat - gm, Mercy is the lowest win rate healer (in diamond - gm this month she’s the lowest win rate hero period). In diamond-gm she’s far from the rank average (for instance, in GM the average win rate is 54% and Mercy hovers around 50%). That means that in each of those ranks, playing Mercy causes you to lose SR fast. You know this, you’ve felt it yourself. To add insult to injury, in diamond - gm the distance from her to the next healer isn’t even close. They’re all much better than her.
The pick rate situation also isn’t great. Mercy’s pick rates have dived off of a cliff. In diamond-gm she’s the lowest pick rate healer as well. In gm she currently has a pick rate of less than 1%. This should be concerning. It’s almost always the case that pick rate trends start in gm and work their way slowly down all the ranks.
Currently, the stats show that Mercy is a mediocre pick in gold, a bad pick in platinum and diamond, and a throw pick in master and gm. You can still sometimes out heal the other healers, but that doesn’t matter. It’s not a healing competition, and at the end of the day she’s just not a good pick. If you pick her at higher ranks then statistically you’re a liability to your team.
People have been trying to adjust to her new state for almost two months, but they haven’t succeeded. Mercy is not overpowered, but she’s definitely not where she needs to be. A change needs to be made to fix her situation.