Stylosa's New Mercy Video

Stylosa recently released a new video on Youtube where he and his friend (an analyst/coach for the game) take a look at why Mercy is the weakest support in the game currently. It’s actually a pretty fair and unbiased video, where they talk about Mercy’s problems and why they think that she could use a “small bump” to her power and “some small tuning changes”. (They don’t want her to be a more viable choice than Ana/Zen at higher ranks, which is fair and reasonable)

I recommend taking a look at the video and seeing what you think:

Some of the issues they addressed, which reflect much of the Mercy communitie’s commentary as well:

  • Mercy has no form of burst heal/ no way to increase her possible healing output, whereas Ana, Moira, Lucio, and Brig all do

Valkyrie is the most unimpactful feeling, unengaging, drawn out Support ultimate with no clear usage, whereas every other support have strong burst impact ults where timing is key.

  • Rez is significantly less strong now that Snipers are’t dominating the meta, Mercy has very little opportunity to rez someone vs GOATS/Dive comps, and even if she does get a rez off, the rest of her team is already dead

Mercy’s HPS is considerably low and could probably be brought up a bit (55?)

  • Stylosa said that he viewed Valkyrie as the worst part of Mercy’s kit and thinks that it needs the most changes (HPS buff, AOE heal on activation, reworking how it functions, etc.)

They mentioned how Torb has a “steroid” button in his new Rework (Overload: increases his survivability and attack speed) and discuss how Mercy could benefit from having a “Steroid button” which momentarily increases her HPS output ; makes her more interesting and useful (perhaps on her reload key? Staff Overcharge for 3 seconds of increased heals?)

  • Stylosa toys around with the idea of swapping Rez and Valk (Putting Valk on E)

They also both looked at Overbuff and were actually really shocked and surprised by how low Mercy’s on fire rate is compared to every other hero and support, which was funny to me considering it’s been this low for the last several months and has been a complaint of Mercy players for a while now. (The Devs lowered her on fire gained from Rez when the rework came out, but never fixed it after the series of nerfs)

Overall, their consensus is that Mercy needs changes in order to feel more impactful and be useful, and that she is too niche currently (only really useful with a Pharah or cheese comp like Pirate Ship, and that’s about it). They still want Ana to be more impactful the higher up the ranks you go, but think Mercy is too niche/weak as it stands. They talked about how Mercy used to be the “go to healer” for when you didn’t really know what healer to play, but now she’s been shoved to the sideline and doesn’t really have a place in the game.




Sty is on the Blizzard payroll.

I don’t pay that man any atte tion because he gets excited over every little pebble added to Overwatch. He rants too much and obviously just stretches vids to get that sweet ten minute mark.

Thr man’s even been accused of copying other creators’ ideas.


Mercy does not need a small bump in power, she needs a change to her kit. Stylosa earns a living from making Overwatch content and I would argue that his primary concern is not the enjoyment of playing Mercy. He is a known Mercy hater, and while he may be trying to sound fair and ask for balance, it is not more power that Mercy is in desperate need of. It’s more fun! So, nerf Mercy further if you need to, as long as Blizzard actually does something to make her more fun to play again.


I can agree with this. Maybe I should watch one of his vids for once mh? Well maybe later but thanks for the link.


I tried watching it, and it made no sense


I agree Mercy needs changes. One that ties Resurrect to her ultimate, this rework showed us something useful and that’s Resurrect is meant to be an ultimate and it FEELS ultimate worthy and can’t work as a static cool down without making the rest of Mercy’s kit weak to balance it out.


Well, he does discuss changing her kit (giving her a new ability, putting mass rez back as her Ult with Valkyrie on E, etc.) near the end of the video


Good to know. I have no plans of ever watching any of Stylosa’s content and contributing his view count, so it’s good to get a quick summary of whatever material he has concocted in his mind.


The fact that even huge OW YouTuber’s who were originally pro-rework are starting to address how unimpactful and not useful Mercy is should ring bells to the devs that this rework was a huge failure.


If that ain’t the truth :clap:


Ugh, when are they gonna bring back mass Res? As Junkrat puts it,

I hate waiting!


Tbf the video literally makes me cringe so hard and doesnt make any sense but ; I still think mercy should get a buff/rework/anything to make her fun again. They didnt even notice that her on-fire rate has been on 2%-3% for the past 6 months its kinda sad actually, but some of their ideas werent that bad? Im just not fond with the idea of “just giving her a little buff” because she’s literally the most boring hero in overwatch at this moment


So true they started to complain about something that was really unnecessary!!!


to be fair, the original rework was insane but the way they had to tone it down because of that made it bad

the rez and resets during valk were what made it good


But remember the Mercy haters started to complain saying that she was “OP” :expressionless::expressionless:

Also, with a rework that Mercy mains didn’t even wanted!!!

Now that people that actually want to make mercy fun again the devs even shut it down or they get banned



But, only if he actually meant it.

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This video is hypocritical. Sty was one of the most outspoken community influencers demanding Mercy originally be reworked and gutted. He’s publicly stated he hates the character.

The video is for views and not to help fix her.


That’s what is wrong with the OW devs they always hear the wrong people instead of listening the people that actually played the character!!!



I hated having mass rez on my team. Glad they heard me and took it out.


You are not grateful at all, thanks to people like you Mercy is a trash support. Yeah people may say that mass rez was “frustrating”, but tell me which ult isn’t frustrating to play against!!! Ults are supposed to be GAME CHANGING!!! At least Mass rez was impactful!!!