Mercy wasn't actually nerfed

The series of nerfs that I think affected everyone: specifically targeted my copy of Overwatch. When anyone else plays Mercy they are healing for 60/HPS, but not me. I’m part of a cruel experiment to see how unpalatable of an experience I can endure. Nerf after nerf after nerf while some psychologist gets off on it in a secluded office.

This scenario makes more sense to me than your AWFUL DECISION MAKING! There is no world where this current iteration of Mercy doesn’t get buffed. This is a poor excuse for balance and everyone knows it. Whatever designers you are listening to: you need to stop listening to because you went way too far with this one.


She’s fine, and big picture: she is more balanced. It’s not quite what I or most others wanted but it’s ok. She’s still good. So are other healers. I’m just trying to stay positive.


Big picture or not, I am being negative. Approximately 1400 SR in the negative. How is this the intended result?

I feel you man, I was high plat last season, almost diamond, then the nerf hit and I’m low gold now. The thing is: we never should have been using Mercy as such a crutch in the first place. She never should have been as strong as she was, because due to that we all built our game-view around her.

I have nearly 400 hours with Mercy and have been playing since launch. I never thought I’d need to play another healer nearly as much because she was so good and I love her. Other healers ended up paling in comparison to her and people would get mad if there wasn’t a Mercy. Nerfing her down like this was not exactly great, sure, and I am upset too. However she is more balanced than she was and other healers are viable again. She’s still very viable and I still love her, she’s just not as much of a powerhouse now.


Hahaha you are so funny!! You should be a comedian.


I agreed, though they do need to fix her, mercy has brought the largest audience to overwatch and without her, this game won’t get alot of new players. She was the main reason why I got into overwatch, I didn’t have alot of experience with fps games and she fit me and a lot of other people too. If mercy is left like this, then everyone she brought in, will leave,


I imagine the rest of the supports sat around a cafeteria table and Mercy approaching them carrying a lunch tray, Ana putting her bag on the empty seat and then saying “you can’t sit with us”


While I sympathize and understand where you’re coming from given how she drew you in, if people are only playing the game because of one character and their commitment to the game hinges on that character being stronger than others in their category rather than equal, then maybe this isn’t really the right game to play.

One of the biggest draws to OW, the thing that I feel separates it from other games, is it’s character roster. No one should hinge their entire view of the game on one character if they want to keep playing it long term, and that’s not just Mercy players - that goes for people who do this with any character. It isn’t as if she was removed from the game, either. She is still there, she is still viable and I still have a great time playing her. I just fail to see how these nerfs, how Mercy not being where she was, makes the game unplayable.

To be clear, I was never a fan of all these nerfs and I’m still not. I don’t think they focused on the right thing and I do hope that in time they smooth out these weird edges. Until then I will still play Mercy, as well as Moira, Lucio, Brig and Zen. I’ve been also taking this time to practice my tanking. Maybe that’s just me but I’m just trying to find a silver lining because I love this game a whole lot.


No one said anything about making Mercy the strongest healer. I just don’t want to be subjected to some sadistic experiment every time I try to do something I used to like.


Say on average you got 12000 healing done by the end of 6 minute round that -10 adds up to -2000. -2000 is at least 4 dead tanks or 10 damage heroes.


Bro! or Sis! you are one of the most level headed person I’ve read around here, I couldn’t agree more with what you’re saying, playing the game is the most important part and if keeping Mercy down diversifies everyone into other characters then keeping her down is the best choice

That said I do agree she needs a few tweaks, I would liek to ask you though how do you feel about her kit in general? more specifically, do you like dmg boost?

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Thanks :smile: I try to be level-headed because I understand both sides and feel like being aggressive, overly-negative and, in some cases, rude isn’t going to change anything. I was real upset about these nerfs when they first happened but I tried to listen to both sides because it’s irrational to think Blizzard is some evil entity bent on destroying Mercy. Do I love her where she is now? No. Is being upset and not playing the game going to make her better? No. I choose to just keep playing and adapting, even if I don’t agree with the choice that was made I have to live with it and continue to be constructive in the hopes that maybe they will change her.

As far as how I feel about her kit, I like it. My favorite version of Mercy was right when they reworked her, looking back. The double rez with hardly any cast time was great and Valk felt so strong then. But I understand why that was seen as OP, because it was haha. Rez is a touchy topic and at this point I wouldn’t mind if they removed it and gave her some other meaningful ability because then she could theoretically have better healing but wont be seen as OP or a rez bot. I have a lot of feelings on this though, it’s not really very simple but I have thought of some ideas.

Damage boost is cool, but I don’t generally feel like I get a lot out of it. I’m usually stuck focusing on healing with damage boost as a side, something that I will do if the time is right. I usually only use it in Valk, tbh, and even then only when the team is fine of heals.

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No one asked for her to be the strongest, we didnt ask for her to be a sidekick,( A bad one at that), we asked for our hero that we grew to love and who drew us in the to game. We are asking for a hero not a poor excuse of one like she is now. Never once I said this made the game unplayable, it just makes the game less fun overall, the amount of abuse mercys have gotten has risen to the point alot of us have left, why stick around when blizzard will do the same to your other mains, why stick around when nothing is getting fixed and instead getting left in the dust.


Do my cries for help amuse you?


Mercy is mostly ok. Lowering her ult cost to make it charge as quick as it used to would be great.

Then add in her vertical hop as an actual feature.

And honestly, that might be all she needs.

~someone with over 100 hours on Mercy


One of you need to change your pfp. Its getting confusing

I love how you guys can only win an argument when you stuff words into our mouths.


Look, I know you don’t want her to be overpowered but she would be if the changes most of you suggest would be implemented and that’s the point, you are oblivious to the fact that your pleas are indirectly affecting every other hero in the game and would make Mercy broken

The only way for this not to be true is if they reverted her to mass rez, without an E ability, no invul frames and with 50 hps, and in said case you would still feel like she is unerperforming so there’s no point

The developers buffed her because their internal statistics showed that she was underperforming, but if you want to keep your head in the sand you’re more than welcome to do so.


It’s fun that anyone can dream up ideas and changes for Overwatch. It’s less fun when those people are idiots. Even less fun when they work at your favorite company.