Mercy was a perfect mistake

Please refrain from definitives in your claims. She barely received compensation buffs throughout her Valk nerfs. Only things you can consider as buffs is the incorporation of Slingshot and Superjump. But that doesn’t account for all the other nerfs on top of that.

None when she got nerfed down to 50hps.

No compensation buffs to the reverts and mobility Nerf this coming patch.

So saying “always” just kinda pushes your already disingenuous stance on Mercy as a whole.

It’s some weird love-hate relationship.

Hard agree, ow at it’s core was never a fps. It was in first person, and people made the mistake that those two things are the same thing.

Peak ow has more than just people with guns.

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Mass rez defending 3rd point Gibraltar though. Could res your entire team from underneath the point while in spawn.

Healthy for the game that one…

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I suppose the thing that bothers me is you’ll see this contradiction all the time:

  1. Mercy is balanced and shows skill expression
  2. People complain Mercy has value, and is nerfed.
  3. People: “Mercy is a braindead hero lol”

Mercy never was overpowered. She just specifically feels bad to lose against. She’s a very strategic hero that needs a lot of awareness, wit, and self-control. Whereas a lot of the complaining base don’t focus as much on those concepts. It’s easy to dismiss something outside your scope of understanding. Being out-aimed like 2 widows is within that scope of understanding. However, if a good mercy swoop in the perfect angle missing widow’s LoS for a rez… then diving into the widow mid-valk taking her out, that’s a pretty foreign concept, it doesn’t feel good being outwitted like that… thus the forums explode.

Mercymain groups, Discords, Youtube guides and coaches are just very passionate about that hero so there a lot of them who play a lot and really study the mechanics. If you watch a mid to lower ranked mercy play, you will not see an overpowered hero.

Funnily enough I’m still pissed that they changed her movement. I wanted ow1 mercy with ow2 visuals. Back when i played the second beta (I’m console) i was actually malding cuz the movement was just so annoying and stupid and when i went back to the actual game cuz i couldn’t stand the beta, i was shocked and frustrated to find out that I’d forgotten how to utilize her actual movement just by playing the easy version for a few hours.
I just want to note that i was a low-mid masters mercy at that time and rather good at her movement.
Seeing that even just playing the beta for a few hours nullified my efforts in mastering her movement and techs was just incredibly frustrating to me and honestly if they ever reverted her movement to ow1 I’d still mald cuz I’d have to relearn everything I already taught myself over the past 4 years.
At this point I’m just sad we don’t have ow1 anymore lmao

Yes, because while the rest of the supports are tasked with learning how to play the game, how to engage the enemy team to produce their own value; you’re off hiding behind a wall enabling damage.

On the other side of the coin, support’s options for dealing with a Mercy are limited; and require much more outright skill (and typically skills straight up NOT required of the Mercy player) than anything ever asked of Mercy.

You’re way too into your own koolaid. From a depth perspective Mercy is one of the more shallow heroes on the support roster, by a long shot.

Nearly every rez I see is Mercy standing out of LoS, my toddler could figure this out.

Mercy isn’t over powered. She enables way too much, given what is asked of the Mercy player and often times killing her is way too difficult due to her ability to nearly constantly changing direction+regenerating health. It’s different than being outright over powered; such as release Brig, or Mercy during Moth meta.

In a lower tier, yes a lot don’t really have the confidence to engage. That concept is really subjective on a per match basis. If the enemy Zen just put out 6k dmg and 18 elims, and you as mercy have zero damage… you need to bring something to the table to compensate for that lack of value. Maybe you have 1.5k boost, a couple rez’s and died 4 times less than the Zen. Maybe there’s a genji jumping my Ana, and I’ve been holding her alive while she targets the Genji, whereas maybe a Brig would have just deleted the Genji herself and much faster. Even a Bap or Zen could defend themselves easier with headclicking. Mercy has much more vulnerability on the field, the cat and mouse game compensates for that. The more confident and crafty the mouse, the better the results I enjoy that critical thinking.

[quote=“Lucithrow-1531, post:47, topic:803796”]my toddler could figure this out.

This is a pretty good example of part 3

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Current Mercy before and after nerfs isn’t healthy to the game. I don’t like her on my team or on enemy.

When she pockets me on S76/Pharah is just unfair to the other team…

We need full rework, battle Mercy. Take that caduceus and make it shoot something. And by it brings magic to the world of OW.

Clearly I’m being exaggerated, but I just want them to make her another hero…

Hitscans are overtuned and Pharah is a broken design that should have been reworked years ago.

Mercy isnt to blame for either, and neither is dmg boost numerically overpowered considering it deals less that any support’s personal damage. It only makes design and balance problem heroes more apparent, and thats about it.

The only thing that Mercy is ‘‘unfair’’ with is making apparent how poor their ability to pick the correct hero and lack of game awareness of many current lower rank support players have. Mercy dedicates herself fully to healing while the enemy Ana misses 75% of her shots against a Rein wall while her team is all below 50%.

if an enemy Mercy is having a strong impact in a game its because of two factors: the enemy team picked an overpowered DPS hero, or your supports are thumbing their noses while you are picking encounters.

actually she hasn’t.

OG Mercy was fine.
in fact she was least picked support back then.

Only reason ppl started hating her was Mass rez absue becasue the devs gave her god mode during it (the ult never needed the buff as it was perfect example of a high risk high reward chocie ultimate) which made it broken.

all she needed was revert of that buff.

the rework was not needed and casued more issues than mass rez ever did.

GA 2.0 (ow2’s) was not needed as nobody wanted it and OW1’s was fine. (nobody qq’d about it)

(almsot) every problematic change is a result of DPS/Tanks who hate her (not dislike kit but straight up hate her and just want her trash tier)

DMG Amp is easy to fix problem devs refuse to actually do.

How to fix amp (all forms not just mercy’s) is modernize the mechanic itself.

  • Make 1 & 2 shot heroes (basically the 70+ dmg per shot dps) unable to receive amp’s effect.
    this fixes dmg breakpoint on all current and future heroes while also not harming the majority of dps who arent issue with amp.
  • Disable double dipping of damage amp & crit modifier.
    Shouldn’t get both. only take the highest dmg modifier.

Congrats! Amp in all forms is now fair and not broken & devs can stop wasting time changing Mercy who isnt the problem its the outdated mechanic not being updated for the current OW.

They could just replace that buff with Valkyrie.

For a while Mercy players asked for some form of independent mobility. Unfortunately, Blizzard decided to do full rework instead.

It will sound like a conspiracy theory, but it’s almost seems like developers intentionally introduce broken elements to justify nerfing something else.

You did see the Moira changes, right?

I’m not sure whoever balances the game bases it on that lol

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They were literally hellbent on making her easier to play leading up to the change to OW2. That does not sound like any dev ‘realised’ they’d made an ‘incredibly braindead’ hero.

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They made her easier to survive, but not to play.

It’s like constant misconception of developers - they mess with survivability of Mercy, while not paying attention to things, that would require that survivability. You know, stuff support supposed to be doing, so they are HVT.

Are we just going to ignore the constant nerfs after her rework? Specifically, the January 30th 2018 patch that was so heavily detested by Mercy players that it kick started not one but two movements calling for Reverting and then Reworking Mercy?

The previous two feedback threads were on the old forums, and were pages of people asking for a revert. Did we get a revert? No, we got more nerfs.

What “constant nerfs”? She hasn’t been touched for years.
The funniest thing is that she became meta after the recent pistol buff of all things.

Because she’s been balanced :woozy_face:

The only time they’ve touched her since OW2’s release is to nerf her. Your point is moot and exposes your bias against mercy players, which we all know which is why you get hard ratio’d whenever you decide to give your opinion on here.

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Well not anymore.

You’re easily baffled. Maybe baffled people shouldn’t be called on for solutions.